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[ Events ] Jonin Medal


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-25 19:32:23Show All Posts
  • DarkDremora On 2017-04-25 13:15:36
  • Well, my friend's not any farther than I am in Ultimate Training. I'm also maxed out in Group Skills and they are not. My Bond Points is also way higher as well, and tht's a little extra power. So I just don't get how their power could've increased so much, so fast, after having been gone for 2 months then. :\
If you are further in ultimate training than her, it's easier for her to get power out of ultimate training. Same story with group skills; if you're maxed with group skills but she isn't, she's still getting power out of it and you don't (20-30 power a day if you can buy it everyday). Same story with bond points; if she's lower than you, it's easier for her to get power out of it.
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