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[ Help ] Where should you use Tool Essence


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-25 21:13:25Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2017-04-25 20:55:59
  • they still do, just that the chance to get them are very very low (as they are in akatsuki, for example).
Unfortunately even they do, the stats are *. (This is based on TI Brothers Hard) Those Rare essence almost gives better stats at the moment now.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-26 04:25:30Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-04-26 02:33:39
  • Given how rare red gourd is, this isn't strictly true.
    I've been collecting the highest crit/atk/nin since 2.0 came out, and I only ever had 4 of them above 75, 2 of which I gave up so I c*e the atk/nin on it instead(I really dont like how you can only pick one...) So if nothing else, the 75 crit essence(which have a bug....) is fairly good.
    I do have 10 >=60 nin, but I am also a bit short on atk, only 7 of those.

    So while it IS below the maximal stat you can get on gold tools and more so compared to red gourd, they aren't *, sub-optimal but not *.
The * was referring to the current Red Gourds since last Thurs, it wasn't referring to the newly released Rare essence.

And I think you agree about the current Red Gourd being pretty bad based on your post here.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-26 04:54:04Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-04-26 04:31:54
  • Ah yes, the current tool stat are indeed *, I've yet to see an attack value over 50... I plan to compile some data to disprove some notions too.... this will be "fun"
Even the "gold" stats on these new Red Gourds are so bad. :funk:
Quicky Post

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