2017-04-22 04:31:22
That's pretty lame, considering no curse mark ninja can do that. RIP dreams of a useful Jugo team. It really should be made a prompt.
You could Jirobo, Jugo, Earth main, Ukon&Sakon.
The first 3 are all earth attribute, so between the cursed mark buff and Jirobo earth barrier, they'd get quite a big bonus.
And then earth main uses his 2x normal attack mystery, so they all hit hard and frequent.
Or alternatively, Yamato instead of Jirobo.
I mean, you have to use some main, so could very well pick one that works with Ukon&Sakon.
I do think that Earth main jutsu cost chakra thou, so does barrier, so unfortunate you can't use both on round 1.... not sure how that would work out really...