Did you end Round 1 with less than 40 chakra?
How the chakra works is that in order to start Round 2 with more than 40 chakra, you need to end Round 1 with more than 40 chakra.
Scenario 1: End Round 1 with 60 Chakra. Starts Round 2 with 60 Chakra.Scenario 2: End Round 1 with 20 Chakra. Starts Round 2 with 40 Chakra.
Scenario 3: Used initial 20 Chakra from Round 1. But managed to get 20 more at the end of Round 1 to end the round with 20 Chakra. Still starts Round 2 with 40 Chakra.
So basically, Round 2 start is default at 40 Chakra unless you have more than 40 Chakra left over from Round 1. The same applies from Round 2 to Round 3. Round 3 starts with default 60 Chakra unless you have more than 60 Chakra left over from Round 2.