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[ Player Guide ] Tobei's Official Tier List (6/8/2019) The Return of the Tier List


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On 2017-04-30 00:48:59Show All Posts
Nice list. :)I do however have some objections or statements to make. These are personal opinions and I may or may not be wrong.
They are based on my personal experience fighting, using or fighting the respective ninja.
(I played against people with 12k more BP and who won the barrier, so I have a relatively good fighting experience :P)

1. I wouldn't put Susano'o Sasuke in God Tier if it wasn't for Root but you did specifiy that so I'm ok with it I guess. He didn't seem as tanky as I would expect someone with immunity to ninjutsu and combo to be. And yea he does some damage when he crits but just about as much as a sage naruto who crits (or at least that's how it seemed to me, when fighting 2 distinct people with similar BP, one who had SN, and the other with sasuke, both having similar boosts from Iruka and barrier). He's only advantage over SN in the damage area is that he has a higher chance of critical hit. He is ofc better than sage naruto overall cause of all the other passives.
Also, I rarely see a Susano'o Sasuke team that uses killer intent. That passive makes Sasuke very powerful cause if he kills anything, even a clone, he c*e his mistery again and again. On paper and studying him alone, and not taking other things into consideration, I don't see him god tier. However because of root and killer intent, which make him very dangerous, I think he should be allowed to stay here for now. I'll think about it. :P

2. I think Tsunade would be better of maybe in S+ or even S. Idk how good she is for GNW, but in pvp she always seemed squishy. And from what I've tested with someone on my server, she really only works at her full potential in very specific teams, namely with sakura, water main and a damage dealer (The so called Immortal teams). However these teams aren't THAT hard to counter, just use a mei or someone with loads of crowd control like danzo and they won't be able to use their healing at a high enough rate and they'll die pretty quick unless the user of this team doesn't have signifficantly higher BP. A good example for a counter team that I used against them is chojuro, mifune and mei with MB (with light armor and light beam as standard). It worked against immortal teams with similar even higher BP than mine.
My point is, Tsunade definitely isn't god tier. S+ max.

3. Tendo and Tobirama and monsters when it comes to GNW and are ok when it comes to pvp. In GNW it's clear why they are both great, I would however give a plus to tendo since he can be cast round 1. As far as pvp is concerned, they both have their pros and cons, for example Tobirama is good for damage but kinda squishy, Tendo is pretty tanky does good damage and has cc but he is very picky when it comes to making teams for him. My point is maybe they should be in the same tier, wether you upgrade Tendo or downgrade Tobirama.

4. I think Hidan and Ay are slightly stronger and more useful than the other ninja in the S+ Tier. And also, call me a noob, but I think maybe Minato should be with them as well. From my own experience his tags (which allow me to do more damage to the enemy) and +40% resistance buff (which help you become much tankier) can help you win a match that would otherwise be lost. Also his evasion rate is very useful, though it's not as high as I would except. Even so, Minato is the type of ninja that can help you win a match against a more powerfull oponent that has higher initiative and wins the field (this is a fact).
Actually, maybe Hashirama is ok where he is, since if he does win his barrier, the cc and the buffs can be game changers.
It also depends on how you look at it, however. If you do take into account GNW, than ofc, hidan's, tobirama's, minato's and hashirama's value greatly increase. With 3 hidans you can whipe out a great portion of the battlefield in round 1. Tobirama, Minato and Hashirama give very useful buff for the entire field. And ofc Tobirama can take down a signifficant amount of the enemy HP, however, at this part Tendo is better since he can do it round 1.
Sage naruto? Idk...he's not really a game changer. And in my opinion if you aren't a game changer, than you definitely shouldn't be in this tier. Maybe S is better.
Sailor sakura? She's very good, but I see her more as an S than S+.
Iruka? Same as with SN. He ain't game changer, I don't think he can be here. Maybe S or even A.
My point is, here in S+ there should be Hidan, Ay, Minato, Tobirama and Tendo (only if you consider GNW), Hashirama and maybe Hokage Tsunade.

5. 6 Tails Naruto and Itachi are the only true god tier shinobi in this game at the moment. I have no objections regarding them whatsoever. They are good in every situation.

Sry for the extremely long post. xD

This post was last edited by SenjuMusashi at 2017-4-30 00:50
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-03 17:21:12Show All Posts
I will admit I was wrong after seeing the last matches in Space Time. Sakura and Tsunade deserve to be in their respective tiers.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-08 18:47:41Show All Posts
One small inconsistency.
In the table you have Hidan in S tier.
In the descriptions below, you have him in the S+ tier.
I won't say in which one he should be, however please fix the info in the table or the description section so they would match so people won't get confused. ;P
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-18 06:45:02Show All Posts
Still no earth for top tier? ;P
Quicky Post

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