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[ Events ] Additional Events?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-21 23:20:28Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Dear Ninjas,

We have received some feedback concerning this week’s events. to try to meet a more abroad number of players' requests on getting more rewards and Ninjas, we decided to grab all of your feedback and bring one additional event, Easter Shop.

This just shows you dont listen to your players at all, we are frustrated about all the events being pay to win this week and you think adding another pay to win event is what we wanted. You at oasis need a reality check or need to learn to read english. Or you know stop being so greedy.
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On 2017-04-21 23:22:43Show this Author Only
Nice whining
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On 2017-04-21 23:45:38Show this Author Only
Umm the eastern shop itself is good enough. It's like the secure option for people like me who planning to buy sakura. If I can't get myself a 30% discounted (2k8) sakura in treasure of the asge I'll buy her in eastern shop for 20% discounted. (3k2).
How about stop whining about something not worth the try at all? Like really? Nothing big deal here, it's not like they added more recharge events as additional event like what they did last time. This is actually a good event.
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On 2017-04-22 00:29:39Show this Author Only
  • Oshiri On 2017-04-21 23:45:38
  • Umm the eastern shop itself is good enough. It's like the secure option for people like me who planning to buy sakura. If I can't get myself a 30% discounted (2k8) sakura in treasure of the asge I'll buy her in eastern shop for 20% discounted. (3k2).
    How about stop whining about something not worth the try at all? Like really? Nothing big deal here, it's not like they added more recharge events as additional event like what they did last time. This is actually a good event.
Its easter shop
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On 2017-04-22 01:54:07Show this Author Only
This just shows you dont listen to me at all, I am frustrated about all the events being pay to win this week and you think adding another pay to win event is what I wanted. You at oasis need a reality check or need to learn to read english. Or you know stop being so greedy.
Fixed that for you OP
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On 2017-04-22 02:04:40Show this Author Only
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2017-04-22 01:54:07
  • This just shows you dont listen to me at all, I am frustrated about all the events being pay to win this week and you think adding another pay to win event is what I wanted. You at oasis need a reality check or need to learn to read english. Or you know stop being so greedy.
    Fixed that for you OP
What is the single MOST discussed issue on the forum right now?
And what does most people seem to want, potentially through a ptw only mean, but wanting to get SOMEHOW?

They released a shop, which does include ptw only items.
What would one expect them to have in the shop if they ACTUALLY listened to us?
Is it there?
So, from that, do you think they are listening to us?

For me, the answer to those questions are obvious enough that they are almost rhetorical, so I'm not going to fill in the answers. I think most people would come to the same conclusion if they follow the train of thought. But in any case, give it a try.

Frankly, I think they relased an event because they felt like releasing an event, it might very well be planned weeks ahead (in fact, I rather doubt that it was NOT included as part of this week's maint, I'm not entirely sure if they are capable of adding event w/o maint. That said, I'm not sure if there weren't one, no one seems to be mentioning it if there was. But I'm not here 24 hours so.. whoever knows)

It's not about the event itself, it's about the lies that they told with it.
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On 2017-04-22 02:42:41Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-04-22 02:04:40
  • What is the single MOST discussed issue on the forum right now?
    And what does most people seem to want, potentially through a ptw only mean, but wanting to get SOMEHOW?

    They released a shop, which does include ptw only items.
    What would one expect them to have in the shop if they ACTUALLY listened to us?
    Is it there?
    So, from that, do you think they are listening to us?

    For me, the answer to those questions are obvious enough that they are almost rhetorical, so I'm not going to fill in the answers. I think most people would come to the same conclusion if they follow the train of thought. But in any case, give it a try.

    Frankly, I think they relased an event because they felt like releasing an event, it might very well be planned weeks ahead (in fact, I rather doubt that it was NOT included as part of this week's maint, I'm not entirely sure if they are capable of adding event w/o maint. That said, I'm not sure if there weren't one, no one seems to be mentioning it if there was. But I'm not here 24 hours so.. whoever knows)

    It's not about the event itself, it's about the lies that they told with it.
I agree that the most discussed topic on the forum right now is about the 4 Tendo shop. In fact, I am the first one who mentioned that topic even before the event thread was up.
I agree that the thing player expects the most is for Tendo frag to appear in an extra event.
But I DON'T agree that "Oasis doesn't listen to us".

You see, the problem with Tendo frag is not so simple that just because so many people are discussing over it they would just throw him into an extra event. First, giving out those 4 frags for everyone would result in a massive sh*tstorm on the forum because it breaks the GNW. Even now people in China and Taiwan are abusing the hell out of him, when we haven't even got those future ninja to combat it. Secondly, this process is same as Germany, China, Taiwan and other version, and Tencent want to keep things synchronized. Tendo was not meant to be an event ninja, so to allow player to buy frag of him now would require the Oasis team to have meeting with Tencent and get their approvement. And for the last, releasing him for spender only would create even more sh*tstorm. It's not about them, but the community shouldn't have expected Tendo to be in that extra event in the first place.

Now, why did they release that event? They didn't just "feel like it", but it's actually because people have been asking for another way to get LGBT Magatama. You can find people asking about it in the Event Thread, Ultimate Training thread, discord, etc. Furthermore (I feel like Dias every time I use that word now lmao), people who need that shop the most is the spenders, because they need to be able to raise their battle power more to prepare for the upcoming tournament next week. So yes, they did release that event because they listened to the player.
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On 2017-04-22 02:55:22Show this Author Only
new account lol, dont afraid for make a trhead with true account;P but i agre with u:victory:
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On 2017-04-22 03:04:08Show this Author Only
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2017-04-22 02:42:41
  • I agree that the most discussed topic on the forum right now is about the 4 Tendo shop. In fact, I am the first one who mentioned that topic even before the event thread was up.
    I agree that the thing player expects the most is for Tendo frag to appear in an extra event.
    But I DON'T agree that "Oasis doesn't listen to us".

    You see, the problem with Tendo frag is not so simple that just because so many people are discussing over it they would just throw him into an extra event. First, giving out those 4 frags for everyone would result in a massive sh*tstorm on the forum because it breaks the GNW. Even now people in China and Taiwan are abusing the hell out of him, when we haven't even got those future ninja to combat it. Secondly, this process is same as Germany, China, Taiwan and other version, and Tencent want to keep things synchronized. Tendo was not meant to be an event ninja, so to allow player to buy frag of him now would require the Oasis team to have meeting with Tencent and get their approvement. And for the last, releasing him for spender only would create even more sh*tstorm. It's not about them, but the community shouldn't have expected Tendo to be in that extra event in the first place.

    Now, why did they release that event? They didn't just "feel like it", but it's actually because people have been asking for another way to get LGBT Magatama. You can find people asking about it in the Event Thread, Ultimate Training thread, discord, etc. Furthermore (I feel like Dias every time I use that word now lmao), people who need that shop the most is the spenders, because they need to be able to raise their battle power more to prepare for the upcoming tournament next week. So yes, they did release that event because they listened to the player.
Oh, by no means do I expect tendo to be accessible to everyone, that's ridiculous.
As you can see, I specifically mentioned that part of the shop is ptw only. What I EXPECTED is them to release tendo frag at say 1k INGOT per frag or something around that. I EXPECTED them to make the 76 frags to be useful to SOME people in the very least, as opposed to being useless to all except maybe 10 people who happens to have 4+ frags sitting around.

Whether the price is fair doesn't matter, they can say, and we would probably accept, that this is a temporary measure that they placed in the game because of player request and they need longer to consider a more proper way of dispensing the frags. (and if they think 1k is too low, maybe make it 5k each, the important part is that they TRY as opposed to simply ignoring it)

As far as free player goes, I don't expect tendo to be easy to get at all. I'd consider it fair, for example, to be exchanged for 3400 pts per frag in monthly event, (btw, 3420 is the max you can get w/o buying ranked in week 1 for the full month) making it a multi month effort that you have to give up MANY things to get (114 medium refine per month, so 450+ total, if nothing else, is quite useful. I'd say medium thread but even some ftp is reaching critical mass there) That is how hard I expect tendo frag is to get, at a minimal, for free players.

And again, I question their ability to insert event into the game w/o a maint. Frankly, it can only be ever proven if they insert an exact player requested event in the game, even if it's something trivial like the fishing one, just to prove the they CAN do it. Thus far? nope, looks very planned to me.

P.S. did you know survival/TI drop card flip does NOTHING and the reward is determined(thou randomly) BEFORE the actual flip? yeah, they are not the most honest bunch. This post was last edited by PraiseLuka at 2017-4-21 11:05
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