2017-04-22 08:15:54
So if I were to hand you a valid check for 50,000 dollars that expires in 2 year, locked in a safe that will explode violently if you don't enter the correct password but will unlock automatically 2 years later.
And I'm willing to sell you the password to the safe for 60,000 dollars.
It's still awesome that you got a check for $50k right? None of the rest of that detail matters, all that matters is that I gave you a $50k check, right?
The fact that they gave us 76 frag, which is the "majority" is irrelevant, what is relevant is how difficult and/or how much it would cost to complete the puzzle. That's all that is relevant.
No, you didn't say tendo is EQUAL to 400 scroll, but you strongly implies that he makes up the majority of the value (and that's what you have now, I have seen a number of people who... let's say imply it in a stronger fashion. The fact that your post was edited means I can't know if you rephrased it)
To address the edit, it's because I wanted to add quotations around the "76" in the thread title.
Secondly, you're trying to use my words in your favor to prove your point and make me seem wrong. Words are always up to different interpretations, but what I wrote is exactly what I meant. I didn't mean that Tendo took up the majority value of those 400 scrolls, and it's definitely not "strong implied."
Thirdly, you're comparing this simple argument to some scenario with a check, a password, a safe that will explode, like what? That's just out of the water similarities.
Fourthly, again, when was the last time you've seen Tendo in an event? People just got 76 free tendo frags, which otherwise would probably cost a hefty amount of dollars. That's relevant. How much they would cost and when will they arrive, that's an on-going question that isn't dependent on an event like this. Two months ago I could ask "When are we going to get tendo frags in events and how much would they cost?" and it wouldn't be tied to this event, it would just be general. These free tendo frags from my knowledge (all 76 and only 76 of them) are from this function, I haven't heard of any other function that gave free tendo frags like this. If there is, please enlighten me.