Server Region: UK Server ID: S262 Demon Flute Character Name: MisakiMomoi UID: 200000094509883 Bug Description: Space-time/Arena not working Refreshing the game (Did it help?): no VPN? (Did it help?): no
This post was last edited by misakomomo at 2017-4-20 15:06
Server REgion: HKID: S370 The Third Raikage Character's Name: TALowKY UID: 200000099281332 Bug Location: Arena How did it happen: Everytime i tried to participate in arena Bug description: Arena just says request timed out after about 10 seconds.
Refreshing the game (Did it help?):noVPN? (Did it help?):no This post was last edited by TALowKY at 2017-4-20 19:11 This post was last edited by TALowKY at 2017-4-20 19:11
Server Region: UK Server ID: S 433 Clones And Rasengan Character Name:Florentino UID: Bug Description:Space Time battle doesn't work Screenshot: Refreshing the game (Did it help?):noVPN? (Did it help?):no
Server Region:US West NY Server ID: S1 Naruto Character Name: NarukamiYuu UID: 200000043718522 Bug Description: Timeout after 10 secs in Arena. Nothing shows up in Space-Time. Screenshot: Looks exactly like everyone elses Refreshing the game (Did it help?): No VPN? (Did it help?): No This post was last edited by NarukamiYuu at 2017-4-20 12:05
So will we get our space time credits and points? Why are there no words from the mods?? I don't want any other means of compensation, just give me what I was suppose to get, thank you!