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[ Events ] Events - 20th April


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On 2017-04-20 00:03:50Show All Posts
Daily reminder:
4 hours maintenance just like last week
Better have something to do for the whole day lmao :lol:lol:lol
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On 2017-04-20 00:19:19Show All Posts
  • Chu90 On 2017-04-20 00:15:16
  • Super P2W events this week, but synergy between them is awesome.
    New system is cool, just power boost so should work fine (not like everything that is cross-server that doesnt work or is just *), lets see how much it cost to upgrade.

    how about cave keys on the Tree??? Moods scrolls back???
    Seems nothing changed at all.. ONLY u post events earlier (appreciated btw :D)
Best thing for both f2p and p2p is the Sage Treasure event. Remember that last time we got the Daily Special event there is only 10% discount voucher which make it total sh**. This is the best discount event that everyone has been waiting for so long (more than a month already I guess?). Personally, I already have over 10k coupon saved up and the others should have alot saved up too.
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On 2017-04-20 00:45:46Show All Posts
  • Belerephon On 2017-04-20 00:27:30
  • The real question is whether it will have anything worth spending on last time only thing I got over 20% discount of was common refInes . I'm sitting on 17k cause there is nothing worthwhile to buy maybe if they did jonin minato or shark mode kisame it would be worthy of spending on rather than seeing same old. This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-4-20 00:29
6 6 5
or are you telling me ur item is already full 665? ;P
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On 2017-04-20 12:48:19Show All Posts
>delayed maintenance by 2h

"Some server will miss Sage world"
Now check this haha
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On 2017-04-20 21:46:33Show All Posts
  • Jinsoyun On 2017-04-20 20:42:22
  • So that would gate free to play players from gaining more rainbow magatamas and finishing off Tendo, that is completely absurd.
Rescue the Jinchuriki activity will let you farm rainbow MAGA and Charm so don't worry. And it's a pve function too like world boss :)
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On 2017-04-20 21:48:46Show All Posts
  • Senkoo On 2017-04-20 21:47:49
  • is it worth to spend my coupons on charms or rainbow magatamas? I'm a f2p player btw :( so if anyone has some advice
wait for reb8
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On 2017-04-21 12:19:36Show All Posts
  • Belerephon On 2017-04-21 11:49:31
  • Like i was saying before i was rudely interrupted by a certain someone . There is only a limited amount of charms you can get from ultimate training and just like with cave runes we already had a whole lot of people go full * with the shop to buy more the gulf in power it creates every time we get a new so called " Feature" is beyond game breaking. ITs dissapointing that yet again Oasis are pushing updates for power and have completely wrecked any semblance of balanced pvp as result which created an enourmous power divide between free and small spending players and whales.
    This is a matter of record and calling it false information and deleting posts about itsnt going to change the fact that its truth and trying to suppress something you dont like just makes you look guilty af . Maybe its time for Oasis to stop cherry picking the updates they give and actually stop and think about game balance before they wreck the pvp even further before even more players quit in frustration. There are plenty of ways of monetising the game please stop making it focused around power it does NOT make a healthy game when you prioritize a tiny minority of your playerbase and screw everyone else in the process it puts small spenders of spending and f2p players of becoming spenders .

    This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-4-21 12:02
The limit for charm system is currently around 51k power
So for anyone who is over 51k power (which is very easy to obtain btw) it is a free 76 tendo frag, 73 charm for each respective item slot. Everyone got the same thing, how are you calling it "widening the gap"? Is it because pay player can top up and buy charm? For the free 365 charm you can get a 4-5k power up. Memo spent 2k$ into charm and get a 13k power up, so the value is 2k$ for 9k power. If a pay player is gonna cash in that much, he will rekt you anyway whether with the charm system or not. Oh and this is not the end fam, there will be tons of more power increasing feature like this: pet system, sage weapon system, mount byoku(?) system. This is a MMORPG game not LoL of Dota so there will always be whale. Stop whining.
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On 2017-04-21 12:25:37Show All Posts
Oh and one more thing, on the Chi**** version you can ONLY obtain 4th Hokage from the server opening top up event which makes him only 1 per server. You can spend a million more dollar and still won't have another chance. Here he appear in * Sage Treasure event which the price of only a super rare: 16k-20k (which is actually suitable for him considering how out of meta he is) and everyone can get him even if you are a completely free player. Now that is one thing Oasis have done really good. Props to you guys!
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On 2017-04-21 13:20:06Show All Posts
  • Zaik On 2017-04-21 13:04:03
  • You can get 4th hokage for 45 points on French lucky board event. But hey his frags are also on the lucky board, just like sage jiraiya is on our crappy lucky board. Surely Oas can find better ways of giving out 4th hokage rather than milk players dry and charging so much per frag.
Oasis run Fre*** and Ger*** version of the game too
The more you know *insert gay magatama flying*
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On 2017-04-21 13:40:00Show All Posts
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On 2017-04-22 02:19:19Show All Posts
  • Zaik On 2017-04-21 23:19:13
  • I meant better ways to give this Eng version the 4th hokage. I mean for a f2p that ninja is out of the equation. 20k+ coupons is crazy expensive, as a f2p it's crazy to save 20k coupons just for 1 ninja that ppl rarely use, when you have to buy tactic pages, charms, refine, threads, fashion, etc. Even for casual spenders is hard. I mean if we had Minato on lucky board for as long as we have had sage jiraiya I'm sure we could have farmed him better. Honestly I don't think he's worth the price, even less when china has jonin Minato which is better version and he'll come here in the near future. (I mean ofc If the game doesn't die 1st)They got creative milking Konan, I'm sure they could do the same with Minato.
    This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2017-4-22 00:40
Same thing can be said for any super rare ninja that people rarely use like tobirama, nagato, etc but you have to remember this:
- Pricing is controlled by Tencent, Oasis can't change the price without their approvement.
- Why are those Tencent people such ******* when it comes to pricing? (generic question asked by player on every version). Well in my theory, ninja pricing was not only based on the power, but also on the popularity of each ninja. I have one friend who is a full f2p but keep rolling for Tendo Treasure even after Kage was released, just so he could get Tendo because "Tendo is so COOL!". And Minato is even more so. Even if he is such *, some fanboi/girl still get wet at the mere sight of him, so why don't we just double or even triple the price of him to get more cash from those people?
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On 2017-04-22 12:03:47Show All Posts
  • Cosco On 2017-04-22 05:36:57
  • no they do event with jonin minato for everyone who the hell buy anymore normal minato in china....
The seeder who Tencent plants in every new server to steal hok minato from player in order to force them to recharge more?
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On 2017-04-22 15:07:58Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-22 14:03:12
  • why u guys talking about tencent. I thought only Oasis runs this version of the game and Tencent only runs the CN version?
Yes my #204 post above is off-topic, but to answer your question:
No, Tencent is still the master here, they decide the pricing, update and many many stuffs. They are the overlord and Oasis is just like the landlord. You want big change? you go talk to them. Oasis wanna change some price? Oasis go ask for their approvement. Tencent not only directly running their version but they oversee our version too.
That is why we are trying to pressure oasis into getting us that Tendo into the event. Tencent might be an a hole sometime but seeing how they did success to put 4th hok into the sage event, at least I have some hope :) This post was last edited by mdr*** at 2017-4-22 15:12
Quicky Post

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