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[ Events ] Events - 20th April


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-20 01:28:17Show All Posts
  • Belerephon On 2017-04-20 00:27:30
  • The real question is whether it will have anything worth spending on last time only thing I got over 20% discount of was common refInes . I'm sitting on 17k cause there is nothing worthwhile to buy maybe if they did jonin minato or shark mode kisame it would be worthy of spending on rather than seeing same old. This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-4-20 00:29
Sits on 17k coupons, buys COMMON refine runes.

Yeaaaaah, I really do not think the reason behind you sitting on that much is what you think it is.

"Are you sure it's 100 coupons and not 100 ingots?"

Last time this event was on,plate keys could be bought with coupons and ignots. This post was last edited by TakafumiNaito at 2017-4-20 01:29
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-20 17:51:48Show All Posts
  • IgorOh On 2017-04-20 17:42:08
  • THis was my first time pulling over 20 seals in 1 go I am not lieing. and tbh I do not care about you all SO WAT if I get ay or susano or w/e spending less seals than you that just makes my day better.
Come on mate. On this video, you already had every, single, ninja, you drew. Ay was the first ninja you pulled on your video that you didn't already have.

Considering that these ninjas can mostly be only obtained in pulls, this means you already used hundreds of scrolls before this video.

It does not matter if it is in a row or not. Every single pull you do is stored, it does not matter if the pull giving you Ay is year later, game does still keep your pull count.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-20 20:32:51Show All Posts
So, since the servers are back up, let's do the evaluation of this week :

1 & 2 - New systems - love it, love every single part of it. Nothing to add here.
3 - More tactics - That's amazing too, the ones we had until now were quite limiting.
4 - Sage Treasure - One of my definitely favorite events in the game. Great for f2p and p2w players. Sailor sakura and Minato in there are also very, very nice.

8 - Total spending event - For the first time, since I have started playing this game, I have to say that spending event is actually something that heavy casher might be interested in - Great job!
9 - Great plates - Amazing! These rewards are simply awesome, thank you for increasing the coin amount too. (+ Tobirama for heavy spenders... I really think new treasure is gonna be hitting us soon)
10 - Rune Stone Rebate - Always good to have it on, especially considering it's synergy to last weeks events.
11 - Battle armor panic buy - Well this one is a little bit on the meh side.
12 - Ninja character Plates - Actually fdidn't take a look and what can be redeemed yet, but this is a great event to have always. Especially for f2p.
13 - Time limited shop - Nobody buys Cloths, really.

Over all, very very very solid week. Definitely dedicated to heavy spenders, but I very good non the less. Though seeing this super ninja bargain sale going on there, I really think you guys are just about to release a new treasure. (Which is also good)

So yeah, myself very happy with this week. That's very solid one, though a little bit more for F2P and low spenders would be good. But it's definitely a huge step in the right direction.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-21 03:32:02Show All Posts
I do have to agree with Kurusuki that giving 76 Tendo fragments is better. Than just giving him for free to every player around 40k power.

4 frags of tendo are very, very possible to obtain to any F2P player, and on the same time it doesn't suddenly give 70% of the playerbase a free tendo.
Quicky Post

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