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[ Events ] Events - 20th April


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On 2017-04-19 22:42:06Show All Posts
  • Fareastern On 2017-04-19 22:14:14
  • so... basically 3 seal scrolls for 100 coupons? yes!
I saw that part too! I hope that free 20 keys is daily and not the duration of the event. ;P
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On 2017-04-20 13:36:24Show All Posts
  • [Hiitachi] On 2017-04-20 13:24:16
  • Still no events? Or my server got the bugs? :/
The maintenance haven't even started for some regions. What are you talking about?

The events appear after maintenance, not at the stroke of midnight. This point have been brought up across the forums for about 8 months now.
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On 2017-04-20 13:48:24Show All Posts
  • [Hiitachi] On 2017-04-20 13:43:36
  • HK server-32
It says Maintenance to end at 2pm HK time, its not even 2pm HK time yet.

On top of that, there's a new post in the News section by Acer1, that the maintenance is delayed an additional 2 hours on top of the previously posted schedule. Just go do your work and come back just before dinner or something. Do something else more important, and even if this game is life and you throw money at it, still do something important like work which earns you money to throw more money at this game. Basically, I'm just saying to wait it out. Its not a bug.
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On 2017-04-20 16:44:43Show All Posts
  • IgorOh On 2017-04-20 16:19:07
  • MY hope was to have ppl come up with itachi line ups as oasis did not post them as they should have done. as for pulls I have videos where out of 440 seals in 1 go I get ay on 280's seal and sasuke on 320's seal ALSO it is not true that you get 3-4 frags of itachi per 60 pulls as matter of fact I get a lot of itachi frags from pulls in between the rare ninja. ALso I honestly do not know how or why but few days ago when I was pulling 80 seals to try get mei and chojuro to 4* I got double of Ay. as for that last remark I cannot testify as I was not saving or recording video as for others I am too lazy but if needed I can try to upload it to show you.
For the line-ups, they are not oasis's posting, they are the work of Achroma who shares his work to help the community. Please give credit where due. At the same time do not say stuff like "did not post them as they should have done.", there is no should have here.
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On 2017-04-20 23:41:49Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-20 22:55:06
  • How many frags of Tendo Pain can you get from the event? I've heard 76 is the max. Is this true? If so, it's not an achievement.
Yeah, unfortunately, its true.
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On 2017-04-20 23:55:06Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2017-04-20 23:51:55
  • Wow... To think I have been farming for the past 3+ hours to get tendo today. Huge letdown, and I had 0 tendo frags to start with.
The Tendo here is the equivalent of Tiffany from the *. *y to look at, c*most get it, but just a tease at the end of the day. ;P
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On 2017-04-21 03:43:41Show All Posts
  • Kurusuki On 2017-04-21 03:02:53
  • Imagine if everyone could bring tiffany home though?

    It's the same in every region. Understandable too. Imagine flocks of Tendo's running around this early on.
    lmao. If I remember correctly, This function didn't come out this early in the game cycle(CN), and by then Tendo treasure was already obsolete. And yet, they still gave 76 Tendo Fragments, with over 1/2 years of longevity. When Tendo does pop up in events with minimum fragments, it'll be worth grabbing 5 of them for that propose.

    OG not giving a * about player base could also be a reason of people not talking. Why complain over and over about the same thing if its not changing?

    Why are you even posting?
    It's not constructive criticism at this point. And judging from your posting history, that seems to be the common thread.
    You're legitimate not helping anybody, arguably the reason why there's no conversation as well.

    These posts won't do anything besides get you banned.
I'm with you in that 76 fragments and not whole Ninja for sure. Some group mates want Tendo whole, but I told him I'd rather they not do that actually or Tendo will be running around everywhere.

Tiffany is for looking and enjoying, but not to keep. Time to go home... Mei is Bae!
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On 2017-04-21 04:00:38Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-21 03:57:18
  • Anyone what happens tomorrow if we finish Ultimate Training? Can we sweep it or is it the end of it?
According to Achroma in the other thread, how I understand it is that the Challenge the Limit part is a 1 time thing, it doesn't reset. However the 3 Kages one will reset with a daily cap on the number of times it can be done.

I'm a little worried to be honest as I don't see a Sweep function, so it seems like it might be a daily endless grind, but we'll find out tomorrow when the server refreshes at 5am.
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On 2017-04-21 04:44:25Show All Posts
  • max666 On 2017-04-21 03:42:49
  • anyone knows the price in coupon for minato and is he worth that much? no one in my server has sailor sakura, 5th hokage tsu, or cursed hidan. :D
Not sure if anyone posted it yet, Minato is 210 cp/ingot per frag, with 30% discountPost #128 on Page 13 of this thread. :)
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On 2017-04-21 14:07:44Show All Posts
  • Zaik On 2017-04-21 13:04:03
  • You can get 4th hokage for 45 points on French lucky board event. But hey his frags are also on the lucky board, just like sage jiraiya is on our crappy lucky board. Surely Oas can find better ways of giving out 4th hokage rather than milk players dry and charging so much per frag.
The French and Germany servers are also run by Oasis btw, so you might want to rephrase your sentence with regards to "Oas can find better ways".
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On 2017-04-22 16:18:00Show All Posts
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2017-04-22 15:07:58
  • Yes my #204 post above is off-topic, but to answer your question:
    No, Tencent is still the master here, they decide the pricing, update and many many stuffs. They are the overlord and Oasis is just like the landlord. You want big change? you go talk to them. Oasis wanna change some price? Oasis go ask for their approvement. Tencent not only directly running their version but they oversee our version too.
    That is why we are trying to pressure oasis into getting us that Tendo into the event. Tencent might be an a hole sometime but seeing how they did success to put 4th hok into the sage event, at least I have some hope :) This post was last edited by mdr*** at 2017-4-22 15:12
Bandai is the master... Tencent and Oasis are the underlings. Let's get that part right at least.
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On 2017-04-23 19:04:41Show All Posts
  • BigMike On 2017-04-23 07:14:28
  • anyone know what event this fishing buddy npc is apart of cause ive never seen him before?
He's a new NPC, but at the moment, the events aren't implemented. So I'm guessing within the new few weekly updates.

Which I'm hoping Lucky Board will be this coming week, but it'll probably be the following week instead.
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On 2017-04-26 16:55:18Show All Posts
  • thedevu On 2017-04-26 16:35:14
  • It's the last day of those events, so that's what I think of it:

    1. Charms system
    Charms are great tbh but if Ultimate Training (that seems won't be refreshing) and buying them are the only ways to obtain it... well... we'd be better without it... It's a littla hard to rate it at this point so...
    If UT is not refreshing and buying is the only other way to obtain them: 3/10
    If UT is refreshing/there will be some other way than buying it soon: 7/10

    2. Ultimate Training
    It's rly great fun and way better than this Space Time Battle *. The only thing is... if it's one time deal and we can't either sweep it or do it again (monthly would be best) it's a missed opurtinity and... why is it event there? To give people free Tendos? As I said I rly like it but... yeah... Gotta use fee rating here also...
    If it won't ever reset: 5/10
    If it resets monthly: 9/10 (this Minato's part is a pain because it's so long)
    If it resets more often than once a month: 7/10

    3. Tactic system
    Ugh... another *ty (imo) pages ;/ First ones aren't great but the new ones are so freaking bad (imo)... ;/ If you want to add some new pages... check out the teams people are using and think of a tactics for that... not some random bs.

    4. Treasure of the sage
    Well...the event improved a lot this time because there are better discounts and NEW NINJAS (finally not freaking akatsuki bs again)! It's still not that easy to get the discount we need for a item/ninja we want but that's also good because it's not to easy. If you could drop some rainbow magatamas or charms here next time with some nice discouts... well that would be great.
    9/10 for this week Treasure of the sage

    5. Mystery Fruits
    Is someone event buying it anymore? Deals are pretty bad here and items aren't that good either. You should rly change it or drop it imo.

    6. Crazy Slot Machine
    Feels rigged because rng. Haven't tried it so can't rly confirm or deny and can't rate either.

    7. Group Purchase
    Ingots only and the rebate aren't that super good either. Yeah, it's some discount if you wanna buy seals with ingots (who tf would waste ingots on low-lvl refines? lol) but that's it. The extra things we get if more people buys it aren't that great either (ok... they aren't bad but... could be a bit better imo).
    5/10 for me here

    8. Total Spending Rebate
    Don't rly know what to think about it tbh. Since there's new permanent function added and some people probably spend for the charms and rainbow magatamas it's nice to have some Nine-Tails Chakra Naruto frags and some extra rainbow magatamas. I think it's like 8/10 since items here are nice and people would spend anyways.

    9. Great Plates
    It was bad and since it's even worse since it's ingots only now (I think there was posibility to buy keys with coupons last time... if I'm wrong here... nvm me). F2p can't even get the first reward, lol. Is it some kind of a joke? Yeah, the rewards for spins are way better this time but changing it to ingot only event makes me sick... The greed is real... 1/10

    10. Rune Stone Rebate
    Rly nice event and I rly like it. The event is a perfect 10 for me.

    11. Battle Armor Panic Buy
    Not a fan because ingots only ;/ Can't rly rate this because if someone wanna buy threads with ingots - it's great... but if you wanna spend coupons... 'fu dude' ;/

    12. Ninja's Character Plates
    Nice f2p event. Kinda rng hell sometimes but it's decent. 7/10

    13. Time-Limited Shop
    Ugh... Cloths? Rly? It's a 'no' for me.

    14. Time-Limited Shop
    Pretty decent this time because of rainbow magatamas. 5/10

    15. Last but not least... GOLDEN NINJA TOOLS HIDDEN NEFR
    OMFG... I get it... You gave us some stones to use but if you are nerfing something mention it at least! The stones aren't that great either since you can get them from UT only. The only good ninja tools went to * and rip fixing additional stats in the ninja tools...
    1/10 (I'd gave it 3/10 if you'd at least warned us about it so we wouldn't use all of our ninja tools to upgrade the ones we are using...

    And that's it for me here. Devu's out.
The Great Plates was an improvement from the last one. The last time, this even only lasted 3 days, so that's only 60 keys, at least this time around they decided to keep it a week long to get 140 keys. The items are definitely better, and with 140 free spins. I think this event deserves more than a 1/10.

And it has always been Ingots only for the keys.
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On 2017-04-26 21:18:39Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-26 21:13:56
  • *starting from tomorrow (27 of April)?
Tomorrow, after the server maintenance is complete according to your servers:
Server Maintenance Updates

However, do just anticipate or assume there will be delays, as its has happened as such for 2 weeks straight.
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On 2017-04-26 21:37:38Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-26 21:34:26
  • Yeah, I know that there will be new events tomorrow (27 of April) and that the server will be down. However,I am curious to know what events (new and not) will start from tomorrow (27 of April)?
Ah right, as in when they will start the thread on tomorrow's events. Well... that would probably happen in about an hour or so I'm guessing. :shutup:
Quicky Post

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