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[ Events ] Events - 20th April


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-26 20:22:19Show All Posts
It's the last day of those events, so that's what I think of it:

1. Charms system - 7/10
New systems are always nice but it needs a way to freely get charms each day

2. Ultimate Training - 4/10
Finished day one, kinda boring. grindy with no challenge i beat it all on auto

3. Tactic system - 3/10
I only use one tactic since they cost too much to lvl and there is no good way to free farm them.

4. Treasure of the sage - 5/10
Seeing minato is a good thing, but there realy wasnt anything for me to buy in here this time since i only go for power not ninjas.

5. Mystery Fruits - 1/10
please change this to add something good for a nice discount

6. Crazy Slot Machine - 8/10
got 5 itachi frags and tsunade so im happy, plus all the other thins were nice too, good synergy with other events and new system

7. Group Purchase - 1/10
not worth buying any of it

8. Total Spending Rebate - 7/10
because of this and the slot machine i spent $800 of ingots on charms, and its nice having that naruto

9. Great Plates - 8/10
i wish i could get keys with coupons, but the normal spin rewards are nice, free tobirama frags and advanced refines are always welcome, out of 120 spins i got 2 frags, about 15 refines, 30 coins drops, some seal frags, and lots of purification and protection runes so its definely better than the last time. if it removed coins for mood scrolls or mags and had keys for coupons it would be 10/10

10. Rune Stone Rebate - 6/10
I would give it a higher score but the only ways to get keys are events and spending coupons/ingots so it isnt as good as it could be

11. Battle Armor Panic Buy - 1/10
Only need advanced thread but even at 40% off its not worth $500 for 1 BA level especialy not for ingots

12. Ninja's Character Plates - 5/10
RNG hates me, so i always have too few of one plate, but its free stuff thats easy to farm and since its a 60sweep week that means i got more plates anyway. rewards are kinda meh tho only care about keys and protection runes

13. Time-Limited Shop - 1/10
lol, just lol

14. Easter Shop - 3/10
not worth it since i bought so many charms i need to save up not buy mags

P.S. TY for posting events early still, its apreciated.
This post was last edited by Shadoblaze at 2017-4-26 20:55
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