2017-04-19 13:55:32
The thing is, different team require different min-max gear compo, this is more or less a result of the purify system.
For PvP team, init is what you want to sort gears by
For fox/coin trail team, you will want to go by crit, let your highest damage dealers deal even more.
For PvE team, a lot of time it's better to go by combo, so that you can more reliably proc combo w/o using mystery.
On the other hand, SA requires stability, it is possible that you DONT want your ninja to proc combo (this is a problem in Hanzo SA, I don't want my neji to proc his combo)
And depending on purpose, perhaps sometimes you want a mixture of them.
Switching ninja is easy, switching gear isn't. Right now, my SA team isn't optimized. My TI team technically isn't optimized but it's gotten to the point where it's too easy for me to care. I would probably re-optimize a team for group instance, but I don't have a slot for that.
If I were lazy, I won't even bother switching team between group summon and nine tail fox, they are similar, but they aren't the same. The problem is in the EXACT requirements of different task, and in order to min-max, it's more complicated than simply switching ninjas.
If you aren't aware of those fine details, then I have to say YOU are the lazy one.
I'm aware of them details but most of the ninja i swap for use the same gear of the ninja that I swapped for. for My SA group I only have to switch one ninja. for group instance, I use the same team as pve. for nine tails same as group summon. it all depends if u already have the right gear on ur ninjas in my opinion.so that's two slots only used then I can have a third team for pvp I don't really see what the problem is here'? as in If u need to switch tank just swap tank for tank lmao. the only time u should have to swap gear is when it's a tai user for a nin user and vice-versa