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[ Lineup ] Mei's Passives


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-19 11:06:19Show All PostsDescending Order
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I just noticed that Mei has 4 debuffs, and also a buff where she can do 25% more dmg to male chars... Does anyone else find that a bit excessive? If anything, she should maybe just have 2 debuffs; and the buff should only do like 15% more dmg. Even then, she'd still be a very powerful ninja. But that's just my opinion. :P
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-20 08:02:04Show All Posts
I wasn't saying she should be nerfed. I just asked if anyone found 4 debuffs plus a buff for a single ninja a little excessive.

As for her relying on her barrier, the Poison is probs the least problematic debuff (imo) so she doesn't actually need the barrier to be deadly. Again, imo. And as for her Mystery costing 60 Chakra, most of the time she's in a team with a Chakra generator (usually Mabui) so she c*e her Mystery round 2. And her not being able to chase her own Mystery isn't a strong defense since you have 3 other ninjas (plus a possible Summon) for tht.

Again, I wasn't saying she needed to be nerfed. I had just noticed how many debuffs (plus a buff) she had and thought it was kind of excessive and wondered if anyone else thought the same. Isn't tht what the forums are for, to express your thoughts among other members for fun? :P
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-21 08:37:20Show All Posts
I have to disagree with the argument that her dmg is low. Maybe without buffs perhaps, but every team she's in usually has her buffed like crazy. So a lot of the time she can take away 25-50% of your team's HP. Her combo rate seems pretty high as well, since she gets a full combo 50-75% of the time, it seems.

And she's extremely deadly in both Arena and Ranked. Arena due to having 100 lv stats, and Ranked since you can't really counter her since it's auto.

Honestly, I just think it's ridiculous with how they set-up her talents. She is most certainly not balanced in terms of talents. No ninja that has more than 2 debuffs (plus a buff) is balanced, in my honest opinion. This post was last edited by DarkDremora at 2017-4-21 08:41
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-21 13:29:57Show All Posts
Oh my god! Doesn't matter if she can only really affect 1 ninja with her debuffs (which ignition affects up to 9, and poison 2), the point is she has 4 debuffs which is a bit excessive for a SINGLE ninja! THAT'S the "argument" I'm trying to make! Not how effective the debuffs are, but the fact she has 4 of them, while 2 affect multiple ninjas!

Apparently you haven't comprehended what my original post that started this * thread is about! So maybe YOU need to think before acting all * high and mighty!

And AGAIN! I'm not saying ANYTHING about her needing to be nerfed! I'm just sharing my thoughts on the matter which is what the forums are about! Jesus Christ... -_-'
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-21 14:21:56Show All Posts
I've already stated why I think having 4 debuffs for a single ninja is too many...Because a single ninja in a team of 4 having so many debuffs is unbalanced (though really, this game has balancing issues in general). Why do you think so many players, for a time, were AFs with Mabui-Mei-GNW Tenten? There are a lot of other rarer ninjas than Mei that don't even have 3 debuffs, and they're no more useful than her in terms of stats. Not really.

And no, I'm not gonna complain about Ten Puppet Chiyo having so many chases because her chases are weak in dmg, so that balances it out; and Tsunade being able to heal 12 units is only useful in ranked, GNW or TI, so that balances that out. As for the Hinata you mentioned, I'm sure she's gonna be a p2w ninja exclusive, so I'm sure she's gonna be BS in terms of her talents.
P.S. Look, we're obviously not gonna see eye-to-eye on this, so how about we drop it? I just posted a simple question and, of course, people blew it out of proportions and made it more than it needed to be. -_-'
This post was last edited by DarkDremora at 2017-4-21 14:26
This post was last edited by DarkDremora at 2017-4-21 14:27
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-22 13:09:38Show All Posts
Mm, I'd say about half my server uses Mei (usually an AF team, with the occasion SB), and the other half uses Kazekage Gaara (usually a BD team, with the occasional CF). :P This post was last edited by DarkDremora at 2017-4-22 13:10
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-22 13:18:38Show All Posts
  • zedunes On 2017-04-21 22:00:21
  • First, i wouldn't count them 4 because most of them are unceratin to happen.
    1-Acupuncutre, only if she starts combo.
    2-Poison, only if she wins the barrier.
    3-Immobile, only if she does chase .. and she does't even chase her mystery. Now, people will say it's no problem you c*e an other ninja to link in --> cc that ninja and it's over :D

    Second, 4 is just a number. Almost every ninjas has 3 passives/chases but some of em are useful and some of em are useless :D
That's why I said the poison is her least useful debuff. As for her Acupuncture, true she has to start the combo in order to use it, but she seems to have a pretty decent combo rate... At least all Meis I've faced have, starting a combo 50-75% of the time. And for her immobile debuff; a lot of players usually have 2 ninjas that can have Mei chase, so.

All-in-all, I just think it's unbalanced for a single ninja in a team of 4 to have 4 debuffs and 2 (was overlooking the boost to Water&Fire ninjas) buffs.
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