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[ Fanart ] Konoha High - Mains Character Design Sketches [MB Update] [In progress]


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On 2018-03-11 03:22:00Show All PostsDescending Order
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Now that I come back to this, I want to finish the character designs now....

If anyone has actually bothered to save my files/drawings from the past (since it's all gone now, that would be much appreciated if you could give it to me Q H Q )

^ That is so I could go back to my old drawing style... pls.



The problem for me was her hair, I don't even know how it works.

so I'd thought I'd be giving her a different hairstyle that is still mature and fitting on her image.

It's a big leap from 3 pointy thing to a curled ponytail and I tried to soften her hair instead of it being tightly fit.

also, It's HS not Sunagakure so It's not gonna be a must to have.

Breeze Dancer


There a quite a small change I made to this design. I loosened up her hair the same way I did to Breeze and somewhat made her ponytail to the right and puffy than the usual.

This would show her petit and adorableness with a much rounder eyes to show her childish outlook.

And to show a bit of * appeal, I made her skirt a bit more skimpy just to even it a bit.

Azure Fang


So this is cheery little badboy fricking adorable little turd Scarlet,

but the fire can still waver so I added non-smiling expressions to give more seriousness

his hair was more fixed and properly straight but regarding my outlook of him, A more rough and messier style was better fit for him
also long hair but not too much exaggeration cause his "manliness" will fly away. (definetly n-not g-guilty for making him too feminine in past posts... *cough* i'm so sorry i'm gonna treat you better this time )
Scarlet Blaze


I HAVE FORGOTTEN HOW TO DRAW MIDNIGHT BLADE!!! I have to redo this, I'll just put this up as temporary, since I'm not happy on how I drew him... I can't believe myself for forgetting how to draw my husbando...

but for this design, I have made his hair... tamed, I can't handle his hair flying so I had to make it go down especially since he is a part of the disciplinary committee or the student council and in addition, this reminded me on the guy in katekyo hitman reborn, so I HAD to give him a baton

Midnight Blade


I can't draw crimson fist since I can't go bara, BUT I will do my best!!

This post was last edited by Nekotani Alice on 2018-03-11 03:22:00.
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On 2017-04-18 23:26:42Show All Posts
  • Naked Snake On 2017-04-18 23:23:17
  • My...JASHIN! This is beautiful! Breeze! What happened to you! You looked a lot more beauitful! This post was last edited by Zephyr of Troviator at 2017-4-20 16:55
hehe, Thank you :$
I was a bit skeptical about her design but I'm glad you like it. :loveliness:
just leave a suggestion if you think there should be changes ^^
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On 2017-04-18 23:34:24Show All Posts
  • Foxxi On 2017-04-18 23:30:47
  • Woah, that's really well drawn! I really like it! Will you be posting the other MCs too?
Thank you so much,It's just gonna be sketches so I'm glad you like it
Yes, I'll be updating this very same post whenever I finish another one. :loveliness:
I believe another one will come around tomorrow (maaaybe....) :victory:
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On 2017-04-19 06:11:56Show All Posts
  • MisakiFuuji On 2017-04-19 05:12:01
  • Yes, Breeze looks much better (sorry Breeze)! She looks a lot more passive now~ ;P
hehe, I only drew as how I'd thought for her to look as in a normal school. :loveliness:
and passive?
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On 2017-04-19 06:38:18Show All Posts
  • YinYoru On 2017-04-19 06:27:34
  • hhh i love this design
    it certainly fits the hs mood and it represents her description of 'breeze dancer'
    can't wait to see the other main charas <:3_46:>
Thank you so much~ I'm glad you like it :$
Azure Fang is currently on progress and hopefully It'll be finished in the past 12 more hours or so but within 24 hours at least since I wanna make this a daily update so I can then work on the Dōjinshi project after reading everyone's opinion and responses.
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On 2017-04-19 08:03:43Show All Posts
  • Kfactor5953 On 2017-04-19 07:29:05
  • I'm always impressed by your uncanny ability to create artwork that is strikingly similar to the in-game artwork (makes me suspious tbh >_>). I do also like that you've put thought into not only the quality of artwork, but reasons why you've made the artistic choices that you did. Not a lot of people are extremely forthcoming about what they create; you don't seem to mind. Hopefully you will continue to be yourself when you finish up the rest of the main characters. I'll end this with a question. Do you have plans to create a safe for your artwork? :P
Thanks~! hehehe, I am nowhere su*ious *sweats* wha-what are y-you talking about... :shutup: *ahem*
I've been thinking that whenever I draw my fanarts, They have to match the original style while also adding my own. I try my best to put quality and details but also just give up sometimes and dont deal with a cleaner line and just * with the sketches instead, The reason that I put up the details of the changes is so that the people whom i'm looking a feedback to would understand my point of view while I was drawing it. I will do my best to continue when I finish but that would really depend on the demand of those that look at my drawings :loveliness: . and to followup your question, what do you mean by a safe?
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On 2017-04-19 08:07:04Show All Posts
  • MisakiFuuji On 2017-04-19 07:19:26
  • Oh, I meant like... Breeze looks less flirty but more sweet :P
I guess that just affected my outlook of her, I kept on looking at her being the big sister type that it just hit me and I felt that the sweet her is the most normal one while drawing ;P but of course, the Dōjinshi would beg to differ since her flirtiness can be seen there along with the sweet one~ :loveliness:
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On 2017-04-19 08:36:54Show All Posts
  • MisakiFuuji On 2017-04-19 08:33:49
  • Big sister Breeze... hmm, I like it! ;P
    What kind of dojinshi is this one? (curious side awakening)
Giving out that information would be too much so I can't answer that question but you'll know it when you see it after I fini* :lol
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On 2017-04-19 19:15:05Show All Posts
  • TomatoKat On 2017-04-19 11:43:44
  • Wow, these sketches are amazing! I like what you did with Breeze's hair.

    I'm sorry you lost all your files. All your hard work just gone is depressing. :C
Thank you, I'm glad you like the changes I've done to Breeze :loveliness:
It's fine~ I'll be remaking it this time and I am now taking a chance to take some suggestions and if people are gonna be giving me the OKAY for these designs. :victory:
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On 2017-04-19 19:15:36Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-19 15:45:51
  • This is amazing, makes me feel some type of way. :loveliness:
Thank you so much :loveliness:
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On 2017-04-20 06:02:01Show All Posts
  • Hamadoshi On 2017-04-19 23:16:06
  • how sweet :3
Thanks~ :loveliness:
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On 2017-04-20 06:05:21Show All Posts
  • Altice On 2017-04-20 00:34:39
  • I remember breeze dancers have much bigger... well anyway, looking forward for MB and SB
The badonkadonks i see, I'll try fixing it next time if it suits it but when I drew it, I thought it was a given okay size. and Thank you, I'll try finishing it when I can.
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On 2017-04-20 06:06:09Show All Posts
  • Aisetra On 2017-04-20 04:07:02
  • Azure's design is too kawaii~! And Breeze looks wonderful too. I just love love love your artwork >.< looking forward to the rest :)
Thank you so much~ :loveliness:
I hope that the following designs will suit your tastes as well This post was last edited by Nekotani Alice at 2017-4-20 19:45
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On 2017-04-20 06:07:35Show All Posts
  • No Way Jose On 2017-04-20 04:52:28
  • Like everyone else says, they're REALLY SUPER PRETTY!!! <:3_50:> <:3_46:> <:3_50:> <:3_47:>

    Ah, I think my eye* may be melting at how beautiful they are... And I'm not being sarcastic here... <:3_46:>

    Dang! If only real people looked like your drawings! Then we wouldn't even have to worry about discrimination against ugly people.
That's a bit exaggerated but thank you so much, I'm very flattered :loveliness:
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On 2017-04-20 21:51:51Show All Posts
  • Naked Snake On 2017-04-20 16:55:55
  • First Breeze, and now is Azure....AAAAAAAHHHHHH! SHE IS BLOODY KAWAII!
Thank you so much!
If you have any suggestions to make it better, please do inform me. :loveliness:
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On 2017-04-21 06:00:35Show All Posts
  • Rie On 2017-04-20 22:37:04
  • This is awesome! You should make a manga strip out of these characters! The character designs are so good! :D:)
Thank you so much~ :$
Exactly as what the project / Dōjinshi / Manga is going to be
since I made quite changes to the characters, I want some approval of the community and to hear some opinions of what I should or shouldn't change.
I'm glad that you like it :loveliness:
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On 2017-04-21 21:05:14Show All Posts
  • Neji! On 2017-04-21 11:27:56
  • Awww...I love it :*especially looks soooo gooood
Thank you so much~ I'm glad you like it ^^
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On 2017-04-24 19:58:12Show All Posts
  • Yuriko-Hime On 2017-04-22 08:12:38
  • Can't wait for the other characters! :D
Thank you so much ^^
The other characters are already halfway there but
Im gonna be on a little hiatus so i hope you can be patient with me
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On 2017-06-20 01:20:35Show All Posts

Got home from my long break and I'm ready to take on and finish this... after some rest, :lol :sleepy:
my Art style has a bit changed during hiatus as you can see on SB's style but I hope it still fits on the other sketches

hoping for opinions and possible changes I could make on the designs :victory: :)
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On 2017-06-20 09:31:14Show All Posts
  • Tiami On 2017-06-20 01:51:20
  • Good to see you back!
    I really likes Scarlet's hair here, he's now so...kinda... so fluffy <:3_59:>
    Looking forward for other two cute buns
Thank you, :loveliness:
The hair was my most focused point so I'm glad you like it
The other 2 cutest buns are coming soon
Quicky Post

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