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[ PVP ] Arena is broken, but I have proof that it's broken


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-17 01:00:07Show All PostsDescending Order
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Well hello there. I am here to complain on how broken arena while also giving some proof on how broken it actually is. But before I start, right now I am a level 77 with 29.1K BP (IMO I'm not underpowered seeing how my equipment is lvl 70 and I don't have all of my tools +1, only the necklaces, robe and scroll), my Sage Naruto has 1727 initiative and my Onoki has 1444 initiative, while the others have a bit over 1100 and also I am completely F2P. My rank is Jonin right now, Jonin -10 because I had to prove that the arena is broken and to let other people know what's all about it, so they don't turn up like I do with -10.

All I did is fight in the arena, and ask the people what level they are, some of them said something, some actually said their level while most were completely silent, so I don't have THAT many screenshots of people with higher levels than me. I didn't do screenshots all the way from 74(from when I started taking screenshots) up until now, and for a while I didn't even bother with arena. In my cancerous journey of anger I've encountered: A level 80, a level 85, a level 84, a level 90(yeah, 13 levels difference), a level 89(while I was 75, 14 levels differnece), a level 83 and someone who was very *y and had higher initiative than me on every ninja so I guess they are over 80. I can safely say, that arena is broken. How does the game expect me to win with such a level disadvantage? Not only they are higher level, so they get initiative solely from higher level, but they also are higher level than 90% of my server, so they are from older servers, SO they had more time to get more refines than me. Okay, what's worse? I am -10, I will still get matched with people from Super Kage and it expect me to win games so I can get my rank back, yeah, like that's going to happen anytime soon.

What are my tips? Unless you are 90 and have high initiative/ an OP team(which trust me, 90% of the teams that you can think of aren't even OP) don't even bother. 50% of the time you will get matched with Mabui, GNW Tenten, Water Main and Mei(whoever has the higher initiative wins) or Kimimaro, Lightning Main, Iruka and Sasuke running root of the warrior(which again, will win whoever has higher initiative or who can clear the paralysis). Feel like under 90 but think you have a chance in arena? Go ahead, I am not stopping you, but you will hit a -10 wall sooner or later(sooner if you are under 80).

Edit: Check the chat to see what I ask them.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-17 06:27:53Show All Posts
Do you think that if I were to ask anyone their initiative they would actually know it of the top of their head? They barely told me their level, asking for their initiative would simply be a waste of time. Yeah, level matters because of time difference, my server doesn't even have a lvl 90, the max power is a lvl 86.

And on your side note, bravo to her, you put it in such a way that it seems like your are bragging but regardless, that's not the point. She is one of the fewer people who have that power at level 72. I am talking about the general crowd.

I can GUARANTEE you that those 80 lvl and above have higher power than me, power which also translates in refines. And also, if those level 80s+ were underpowered, they would not even be in Jonin+ ranks. If arena was actually balanced around power or anything in that matter, I would get matched with mid-high 70s and low 80s, but I am getting matched with mid 80s, so to me, the point that the arena is broken still stands. And it's not even balanced by ranks, because even if I am on -10, I barely get matched with Jonin ranks or lower, I keep getting matched with Kage and Super Kages, so still, my point still applies.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-17 16:11:28Show All Posts
  • The Almighty On 2017-04-17 09:54:08
  • why are you even using ino and shika if your team is not full control? you gotta have at least hashirama in there
Uhmmm.. do you think Hashirama grows in trees?(pun intended). Hashirama is impossible for me to get, a F2P player so yeah. I am using Make out Paradise Shikamaru, for the repulse to knockdown chase and knockdown to immobile which allows me to stop anyone who is slower than me(Having Main and Onoki 1st and 2nd allow me to stop a large amount of people) Why I use Ino? Do you know any healers who are either earth, wind and fire? Karin? Yeah sure, link her up with another knockdown to high float, while her not even being that good of a healer. Shizune? Same problem. Jigokudo? Do you think I can dig him up or something? Ino? Yeah, why not? She buffs Shikamaru, she heals 2 people, she gets buffed by Shikamaru, works with Onoki's barrier and whenever I am fighting squads with no root, their turn 2 is broken in some way or form. To interrupt someone I could also use GNW Neji, but I don't have him, Ao who doesn't work, Hinata who doesn't work..see, my options are limited. Plus, I wouldn't even get to Jonin if the team "was bad".
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