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[ Ninja Exam ] Ninja exam 120 for Azure fang (no rares/super rares)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-15 01:19:02Show All PostsDescending Order
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I tried for a while to beat this exam since, at least for me, the guides posted in the relative section didn't work as intended.
So i want to share how i beat it. My power was 38150 at level 81, my ninjas were Hinata 5 star and Ao 3 star both fully awakened/cultivated, Itachi blue +3 awakenening/fully cultivated
Ao - Azure Fang - Hinata
x - x - x
Itachi - x - x
Talents/summon: 23322 - dog
To get this one to work will take some tries and a good quantity of luck, but once you get it work as intended you win relatively easily. Put all your best control runes/inner gates on Ao and secondarily on Azure fang.
Round 1: look at who 2nd hokage blinds, if blinds AF retreat. The perfect situation is that blinds the two clones or Itachi and a clone, but as far as he doesn't blind AF it works fine.
Let hinata and AF land their standard attacks, if AF succeeds in apply acupunture immediately use Ao mystery to Jiraya to acupuncture him too, if you fail to control both of them retreat.
At this point let Jiraya kill one of Ao clone and use Hinata's mystery immediately after.
Itachi will keep 1st hokage under sleeping effect as far as you don't use his mystery.
Round 2: Use shark bomb on 2nd hokage and look at the fact if he gets acupunctured (the combo here applies acupuncture twice so if you see one 'control failed' it's ok, if you see two retreat). Obviously the more enemies you chaos the better, but you want to chaos at least one between Jiraya and CF, if not to survive the following round will be impossible at 38k power.
Round 3: there's nothing to do this round if not praying that your AF don't die. Hinata can die. At the end of this round two of your enemies should be pretty close to death.
Round 4: Use shark bomb on Jiraya and immediately after Ao's mystery on 2nd hokage (hoping that he gets acupunctured again). At the end of this round at most should be alive 2nd hokage with very low hp and 1st hokage.
Round 5+: Your main and Ao's standard attacks should be able to kill 2nd hokage, maybe your main will die but doesn't matter as far as Ao and Itachi survive. Just look at Hashirama die in his dreams.

This post was last edited by 988***@uf16 at 2017-4-17 02:12
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-29 23:47:21Show All Posts
i'm glad it helped both of you :)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-03 20:29:16Show All Posts
  • Azazael On 2017-07-02 15:43:33
  • helped me out alot too got it first go thanks soooo much, youre a legend!
I'm glad it helped you.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-12-27 05:14:28Show All Posts
  • ChamoniX02 On 2017-12-26 23:58:11
  • Thanks, it took me couple of tries but it work without anybody being defeated.

i'm happy it helped you :-)

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