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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-18 02:48:45Show All Posts
  • JuliaGames On 2017-04-18 00:07:32
  • i have fought pretty decently close players in matsuri from power to 38k-50k while me being at 41k. - those times from random level 90 with 70k powers lol. but havent had matsuri where have't been able to go for that 5 wins in the end.
    But if you wanna rage at something rage at Space time battles and how fcking rng are most wins and looses there between players of close power lol. Does my iruka in 2 spot use his mystery to stop their spot 3 ninja etc.
    But matsuri is cool since its not annoying auto rng *
What are you smoking?
Sure, there is some degree of randomness, but it's not much more than controlled PvP. Mystery targeting in there is actually pretty deterministic and you can predict whom they will be cast upon (if not on first fight, then certainly on the second. It's a bit confusing how it resolve "ties") and you can influence it to and extend by arranging normal attack targets etc.
Sub optimal? Sure, but that's true for both sides. Random? No, not really, at least not any more than normal fights (I mean when normal attack special procs, when it crits, who gets hit by a random mystery/chase etc, those were random and still are random, but it's not any MORE random than normal)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-18 04:21:00Show All Posts
  • JuliaGames On 2017-04-18 03:58:39
  • umm all my matches has been pretty much random where my sealing mysteries are going.
    Iruka spot 2 opponents main at spot 3 and started using his mystery. What does my iruka do? uses his mystery on ninja who is 4th spot with full hp and that sealed victory for my opponent since my opponent got his 3rd spot mains mystery off on my full team and was able to to kill my ninja. so not smoking just annoyed how my ninjas doest seal anything or interupt. Same thing is i use ao with my water team he just seals that random person even thought you can clearly see opponent is activating his mystery .
    And side note i use this same team in pve in auto mode and every time sealing ninjas have targeted those ninjas who are going to activate their mysterys.

    And dont give that crap " but if opponents activtes 2 mysterys" No in these cases in only 1mystery per side. my iruka spot 2 vs mb on spot 3
    This post was last edited by Cyonion at 2017-4-18 04:02
Personally I don't use Ao or Iruka, because they have a tendency of wasting their mystery on round 1 when my opponent aren't casting anything important. There are ways to get around that, I haven't found any that works well on auto yet.
By the same token, I don't really cast on turn 1 so enemy Ao (yet to see an irkua) fizzles against my team on turn 1 usually.
That does, however, sounds rather odd. Still, it may or may not be random, I'd either need a video or a play-by-play to figure out if there is some kind of logic behind it.

That said, it is my belief that the auto mechanic follows a deterministic model, it's possible that some conditions aren't wired up properly so some rules gets fudged and become inactive(such as smart-interrupt system), but there isn't any good reason to suddenly include RNG in the system as that would actually require extra coding, since none existed before, as opposed to port/copy existing code into the new feature as compared to existing auto mechanic.

Devs are liable to f*** up, they are liable to overlook things, but it's rather unlikely that they spend extra effort to purposely make things worse.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-18 04:27:40Show All Posts
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-18 04:16:42
  • Your left overs are Sage Naruto and Mei? That's like my Main team. :Q
Err... you do realize all those chat message are by the opponent right? If he said that, it would have said "you" rather than the actual name of the player. So he first faced an opponent with leftovers, then he faced another opponent who, upon seeing mei and sage ruto, accuses him of ptw.
tbh mei and sage naruto are some of the most commonly used rares by ftps, like half of all 85+ ftp have them... I won't consider someone ptw unless they have a star to prove it or have exclusive ninja like possessed hidan, a hokage, sussanos or something like that or have 60k+ power (56-60k is questionable but not guranteed, I know ftp can be 56k). These days, even sailor sakura and playboy sasukes aren't signs of ptw anymore. (to be fair, the "ptw" ninjas I listed is also POSSIBLE for ftp to get, it would just be highly unlikely at this point in time)

On a side note, you CAN get sage naruto and mei as left over, if you were on your last team w/ no revive left (either out of pot or chance) and the OTHER ninja gets killed. This post was last edited by PraiseLuka at 2017-4-17 12:38
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