Source: Event gains
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~Mystery: Almighty Push: - Causes damage to the opponents entire team and causes 4 Combos, the selected unit will suffer from repulse. Moreover, will cancel all of the selected units shields and buffs. This skill is immune to interruption.
`Cooling time: 2 round
`Battlefield cooldown: None
`Chakra use: 60
`Additional status: 4 combos, repulse
~Standard: Soul Swallow: - Attacks the opponents front row and absorbs a maximum 40 chakra points, has a fixed chance of causing knockdown and chaos.`Additional status: knockdown, chaos
~Chase: Hell Cruch: - Triggered with at least 10 combos and attack 4 units from the opponents team.`Chase condition: 10 combos`Additional status: High combos
~Chase: Wrist Fire Arrow: - Chases and attacks a repulse unit, causes knockdown and ignition. Can be triggered twice each round.`Chase condition: repulse`Additonal status: knockdown, ignition
~Passive: Sealing Jutsu - Absorption: - Before the first action in a round, cancels all debuffs on Edo Tensei units in your lineup. Moreover, during this round, Nagato will be immune to all debuffs.`Additional status: None
``~My thoughts: He's my favorite ninja right now, pretty tanky, good cc control >/