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[ Events ] Nagato Pricing


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-14 00:11:53Show All PostsDescending Order
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Wow... Nagato is only 13.6k Coupons/Ingots without including the free 7 days worth of points. If you include those 7 days of points of 1050 points, Nagato is only 11.5k Coupons/Ingots.

Really? He's that cheap?! Hmmmmmm... Tempting.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-14 01:33:48Show All Posts
I definitely decided not to get him. Probably won't have other Edo Tensei in future to pair with him. Store on more Power! ;P
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-14 02:21:08Show All Posts
  • Wuup On 2017-04-14 00:31:46
  • also what people are forgetting/overlooking, yes he cancels debuffs, but thats to ALL EDO TENSEI UNITs (this is what's known as REANIMATED UNITs). and until we get that treasure, he'll just be debuffing himself. which makes him kind of an expensive ninja. how bout as a community, we not get him just yet, force them to bring out the reanimated treasure sooner, then spend on him, and maybe he might even be cheaper. just my thoughts though.
Wonder if his mystery works on Hashirama and Tobirama Edo Tensei from Oro Traitor...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-14 12:43:32Show All Posts
  • Shinwoo On 2017-04-14 06:49:02
  • You can buy a full game for £40-£50, and you think buying 1 ninja for £200 plus is cheap? What has the world come to, its daylight robbery. These sort of publishers should be ashamed of themselves.
You chose to sit in this fine dining priced michellin starred restaurant (this dining restaurant being Naruto Online US/UK/HK). The food may not be up to the standards or worthy of being fine dining or michellin starred, but the restaurant markets it as such and you still choose it.

Now you decide to complain that the prices are robbery and compare it to a normal restaurant. Which again a reminder, you chose this restaurant, the restaurant didn't magically drag you in (aka it didn't magically create an account for you, or on behalf of you against your will and force you to login everyday). A Wolf* Puck Steak cost 4x more than a normal cooked Steak at your standard restaurant. Are they from the same cow? Possibly. What's the difference then? Different chef, different restaurant, price is decided by the restaurant.

So if you come into this game, and start comparing with other games, then just go play the other game, or live with the decision of overpriced items here and stop making comparisons. We can compare how a house in the US can possibly get an entire village in India or China. Go live in India or China then.

Bottomline: Your decision to play. Your choice to play. Prices is insane. But don't go crying foul on your own decision.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-14 21:37:21Show All Posts
  • Luminai On 2017-04-14 19:18:48
  • Nagato is great himself - but to be honest, I'm more disappointed with the fact that Oasis has the content that Nagato is in normally. They are just refusing to give us new treasures and are essentially holding back content updates in order to try and squeeze more money out of us.

    Which is "smart" on their part, since they only care about money, but community wise, it is a huge setback.
I'd like to take the positive and think that Reanimated Treasures are round the corner, maybe next week or by early May. Using Nagato as a cheeky start.

Like how Cursed Hidan first came out, 1 week later, 2.0 update with the post 2.0 Cursed Hidan skills.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-15 04:51:24Show All Posts
  • NoobityBoobity On 2017-04-15 03:43:22
  • Oh man my math was off then. This is what I got

    85 points x 80 frags = 6,800 points for nagato
    150 free pts x 7 days = 1,050 free pts
    6,800 needed pts - 1,050 free pts = 5,750 pts needed via purchase
    5,750 pts / 10 pts per box = 575 boxes
    575 boxes x 20 coupons = 11,500 coupons (or ingots)
That's cheap by Oasis standards. Its like appetiser pricing on their dinner menu, instead of the main course Cursed Hidan, or luxury V.Day meal special for 2 Ay/Hokage Tsunade.
Quicky Post

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