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[ Events ] Space-Time BUGs Hunting Contest


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On 2017-04-14 11:37:20Show this Author Only

Server ID: S232 - HK
Character's Name: Liezle
UID: 200000092882804
Bug Location: Time Space
How did it happen? During Kaizer stream
Bug Description: base on Kaizer's stream: The picture on time space is a lightning main but when you hover on the ninja is it actually a water main.

Screenshot from Kaizer's stream: (I do not own this content.) This post was last edited by lie*** at 2017-4-14 11:38
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On 2017-04-14 16:53:04Show this Author Only
Server ID:
Character's Name: S73- AO
Bug Location: Space time
Bug Description: No chat window (lower left corner) in fight.
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On 2017-04-14 18:42:06Show this Author Only
Server ID: S296: Armor Collection | HK
Character Name: xPeke
UID: 1847424508822471
Bug Location: Strong Approaching
How did it Happen: When Haku cast her skill
Bug Description: when she cast a skill my ninjas suddenly defeated and can't make a turn but its still there.. and i must reload to back to normal
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On 2017-04-14 23:53:46Show this Author Only
Server ID: S187
Character's Name: Buest
UID: 10207543959105243
Bug Location: Game freeze everytime i click space-time
How did it happen?
Bug Description: Since this morning I cant access space-time. Everytime I access (or click) space-time, my game will freeze and I have to reload. I use chrome. I cant send any prove about it because screenshot cant describe my game when my game is freezing. Any suggestion? or pls respond.
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On 2017-04-15 02:59:03Show this Author Only
  • lexsan On 2017-04-14 04:33:39
  • Can't lock a lineup for the whole system.
    Missing lineup *on, as soon as you enter kyuubi event, they can defeat your non-pvp team.
    Not to mention your pvp team is not necesarily best auto compat team so overall it's all dumb,
    Same when changing for any other purpose ( wanted, GI, TI, arena,...)
    Add the lineup *on, soon, for the love of Sage.
    Keep your seal scroll, and give us the proper function not some rushed out ( 9 hours delay though ) job.
    This post was last edited by lex*** at 2017-4-14 04:34
OMG this is so true, i worked hard to make it into 276th place on day one and because i changed my team while sweeping instances to get exp for other ninjas i dont use i was defeated and kicked back to 540th place.

not fair for this to happen because in the meantime a lot more, and stronger, opponents start to show up and create a wall almost impossible to pass. now it will take ages to get back even near that place even refreshing isnt helping because i'm getting people at least 5k stronger then me, just blocking the way
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On 2017-04-15 03:05:59Show this Author Only
Yea that happened to me too and some of my friends can u please fix this?
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On 2017-04-15 06:48:20Show this Author Only
Server ID: S302
Character's Name: Eplox
UID: 200000093558215
Bug Location: Rank 3 occupied by two players.
How did it happen?
Every time i hit the refresh *on, two players would alternate about being the active Rank 3 player to challenge. I counted at least 30 alternations between the two players (every 30sec), but forgot to take a screenshot. Name of the two bugged players was: S327 Yue and S333 Torkve

Edit: this was around 21:30 server time.
Edit2: Cleared cache and restarted the client to verify this was not a clientsided bug. This post was last edited by Eplox at 2017-4-15 06:54
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On 2017-04-15 14:39:35Show this Author Only
honestly i just wi* wasnt auto fights...the way you guys have the cpu set for auto fights is so dumb...least for me cpu never uses my fastest ini mystery 2nd round and i just end up losing...this space time is just basically a worse ranked...if anything plz redo how the cpu chooses what to do in battle or change it to not auto fights which i know wont happen
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On 2017-04-15 14:58:36Show this Author Only
  • BigMike On 2017-04-15 14:39:35
  • honestly i just wi* wasnt auto fights...the way you guys have the cpu set for auto fights is so dumb...least for me cpu never uses my fastest ini mystery 2nd round and i just end up losing...this space time is just basically a worse ranked...if anything plz redo how the cpu chooses what to do in battle or change it to not auto fights which i know wont happen
I don't know about that. For what It's supposed to be, I kind of like it. Ranked is pure auto so you have to figure out how your ninjas behave and adjust accordingly. GNW is full control and you see some insane strategies.
SpaceTime is Auto and again, you have to see how your Ninjas act. Arena would be a single team that you fully control. The only other difference is that BP doesn't matter in arena. (Except initiative)
I can understand the frustration, though, if you have a limited pool of ninjas and can't experiment fully. I, personally, like the system, however.
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On 2017-04-15 19:29:24Show this Author Only
  • Kikaoru On 2017-04-15 14:58:36
  • I don't know about that. For what It's supposed to be, I kind of like it. Ranked is pure auto so you have to figure out how your ninjas behave and adjust accordingly. GNW is full control and you see some insane strategies.
    SpaceTime is Auto and again, you have to see how your Ninjas act. Arena would be a single team that you fully control. The only other difference is that BP doesn't matter in arena. (Except initiative)
    I can understand the frustration, though, if you have a limited pool of ninjas and can't experiment fully. I, personally, like the system, however.
what becomes bothersome is, and this is a real exemple that happens with me, sage naruto is on move 1 and sasuke is on move 4, with sage jiraiya on move 3.
round 1 the game will put sasuke barrier up, im ok with that because there is nothing else for me to do.
round 2 it will cast sasuke's kirin first and wait for chakra to build up again before doing sage naruto's rasenshuriken, why not do it the other way around? and take advantage of the higher initiative on move 1 vs the lower initiative on move 4?, not only the moves are lower but move 4 is also where i have the lowest inititive.

a similar situation happens with water main healing mystery, and any other healing mystery for that matter, if any of your ninjas loose even 1 hp the auto function will use the mystery regardless instead of saving it for a better moment, and since its a 3 round CD its a wasted mystery.

another situation that happens a lot is lets say your about to cast an AoE mystery and one of the opponent ninjas has 10hp, that ninja would die from the AoE either way so better target a different ninja to make use of the full combo, right?
the auto will target the lowest HP ninja always which in turn may waste a full combo.

this small details make a huge difference in team strategy and kinda forces the players to use a team that has no way of overlaping mysteries, which in turn reduces the types of teams you c*e, and if you dont have that many ninjas there is not much you can do.

also for space-time it uses the team you have at the moment, which means that you are forced to stay with that team all day, or risk being defeated and loose a lot of places.

a couple of the ninjas that actually seem to use their mysteries on the right time are danzu and traitor orochimaru
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On 2017-04-15 21:41:47Show this Author Only
  • BigMike On 2017-04-15 14:39:35
  • honestly i just wi* wasnt auto fights...the way you guys have the cpu set for auto fights is so dumb...least for me cpu never uses my fastest ini mystery 2nd round and i just end up losing...this space time is just basically a worse ranked...if anything plz redo how the cpu chooses what to do in battle or change it to not auto fights which i know wont happen
But it has to be auto fights or it's an unfair advantage to the attacker. Because space time is setup so that both players do not have to be online to participate in the fight, unlike arena, if it was not forced auto the attacker would be able to choose when to use mysteries but the defender would not.
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On 2017-04-15 23:00:03Show this Author Only
  • Test Ninja On 2017-04-15 19:29:24
  • what becomes bothersome is, and this is a real exemple that happens with me, sage naruto is on move 1 and sasuke is on move 4, with sage jiraiya on move 3.
    round 1 the game will put sasuke barrier up, im ok with that because there is nothing else for me to do.
    round 2 it will cast sasuke's kirin first and wait for chakra to build up again before doing sage naruto's rasenshuriken, why not do it the other way around? and take advantage of the higher initiative on move 1 vs the lower initiative on move 4?, not only the moves are lower but move 4 is also where i have the lowest inititive.

    a similar situation happens with water main healing mystery, and any other healing mystery for that matter, if any of your ninjas loose even 1 hp the auto function will use the mystery regardless instead of saving it for a better moment, and since its a 3 round CD its a wasted mystery.

    another situation that happens a lot is lets say your about to cast an AoE mystery and one of the opponent ninjas has 10hp, that ninja would die from the AoE either way so better target a different ninja to make use of the full combo, right?
    the auto will target the lowest HP ninja always which in turn may waste a full combo.

    this small details make a huge difference in team strategy and kinda forces the players to use a team that has no way of overlaping mysteries, which in turn reduces the types of teams you c*e, and if you dont have that many ninjas there is not much you can do.

    also for space-time it uses the team you have at the moment, which means that you are forced to stay with that team all day, or risk being defeated and loose a lot of places.

    a couple of the ninjas that actually seem to use their mysteries on the right time are danzu and traitor orochimaru
round 2 it will cast sasuke's kirin first and wait for chakra to build up again before doing sage naruto's rasenshuriken, why not do it the other way around? and take advantage of the higher initiative on move 1 vs the lower initiative on move 4?, not only the moves are lower but move 4 is also where i have the lowest inititive.

You c*ter the order ninjas cast their attacks by wiggling them.
Last ninja wiggled is the first one to use a mystery. (with a few exceptions)

Try place them down in this order: Main, Sasuke, Jiraya, Sage Naruto
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On 2017-04-16 00:53:06Show this Author Only
  • Eplox On 2017-04-15 23:00:03
  • round 2 it will cast sasuke's kirin first and wait for chakra to build up again before doing sage naruto's rasenshuriken, why not do it the other way around? and take advantage of the higher initiative on move 1 vs the lower initiative on move 4?, not only the moves are lower but move 4 is also where i have the lowest inititive.

    You c*ter the order ninjas cast their attacks by wiggling them.
    Last ninja wiggled is the first one to use a mystery. (with a few exceptions)

    Try place them down in this order: Main, Sasuke, Jiraya, Sage Naruto
i will give that a try and see what happens

edit: it worked, doesnt make much sence that they attack in the reverse order they are placed, but its working, thanks for the info its a game changer for fights like that
This post was last edited by Glyrin at 2017-4-15 17:11 This post was last edited by Glyrin at 2017-4-15 17:18
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On 2017-04-16 02:38:48Show this Author Only
i understand it could be more of an advantage for the attacker but when my danzo is instantly using his mystery round 1 cause i dont have anyone else in my line up to cast one its gets real annoying...i just think the cpu for auto needs to be retuned cause it honestly makes the most horrible decisions...and still wi* would use my highest ini ninjas mystery round 2 instead of my ningendo in 4 pos just because the other team is also using a mystery.
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On 2017-04-16 16:37:24Show this Author Only
1. Seal Scroll*1

I found the bug, the reward for doing your job is pathetic. ;P
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On 2017-04-16 22:08:06Show this Author Only
Closed and solved.

This post was last edited by Antraks at 2017-4-18 11:39
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On 2017-04-16 22:38:51Show this Author Only
  • Antraks On 2017-04-16 22:08:06
  • Closed and solved.

    This post was last edited by Antraks at 2017-4-18 11:39
how do you know he kicked you from rank 8/9? it could be someone else and you fell down to say 46-47 and then maybe that guy attacked you, won and you dropped down to his rank ie 52 ?
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On 2017-04-16 22:46:59Show this Author Only
  • Lvl14RuneStone On 2017-04-16 22:38:51
  • how do you know he kicked you from rank 8/9? it could be someone else and you fell down to say 46-47 and then maybe that guy attacked you, won and you dropped down to his rank ie 52 ?
Closed and solved. This post was last edited by Antraks at 2017-4-18 11:39
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On 2017-04-16 23:00:27Show this Author Only
  • Antraks On 2017-04-16 22:08:06
  • Closed and solved.

    This post was last edited by Antraks at 2017-4-18 11:39
Closed and solved. This post was last edited by Antraks at 2017-4-18 11:38
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On 2017-04-16 23:01:09Show this Author Only
  • Lvl14RuneStone On 2017-04-16 22:38:51
  • how do you know he kicked you from rank 8/9? it could be someone else and you fell down to say 46-47 and then maybe that guy attacked you, won and you dropped down to his rank ie 52 ?
Closed and solved. This post was last edited by Antraks at 2017-4-18 11:38
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