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[ Fanfiction ] (T) Midnight Blaze Prologue -Team 10 (Fire Main x Lightning Main)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-10 06:59:42Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Yeah, hehe... Sorry in advance! This fic is awful, the characters are OOC, it sounds choppy, and you can clearly see that this is my first time trying to use 'Plot and Character Development...' Anything I miss? Please tell me in the comments!

Okay, so I guess this takes place in a kind of AU after team 7 parts ways and Kakashi takes on a new genin group (But they're pretty separate from all the stuff goin' on with Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, so it's like they never meet). Anyways, I just wanted to contribute to the tiny, tiny fandom... And I know you're not dumb enought to have clicked on this without realising that this isn't a straight ship, so I'm not gonna bother with the dumb warning.

Prologue: The 10 Teams
“Kuso,” Iruka muttered under his breath, eyes glued to the clipboard he was clutching. How had it turned out like this??
“Kakashi! Please get over here!” he hissed to the visiting jounin, who was sitting nonchalantly at one of the desks rereading another one of his Icha Icha books for what must’ve been the hundredth time. He hopped up and trotted over to the instructor.
“What’s up?”
“We have a BIG problem here.”
“And… what would that be?”
“…What have we done in the past when the number of students wasn’t perfectly divisible by three? There’s no way every class has always been that way, right!?”
“Uh…” If he was being totally honest, Kakashi couldn’t remember a time when the class wasn’t split into perfect groups of three, unlikely as it sounded. Then again, he hadn’t been paying a lot of attention to the classes before he got students.
“Well… I imagine some of the groups had to merge… How many kids are there? Who’s left?” Wait, please don’t tell me it’s those-
“There are 32 this class, and all of them have been put into groups… except Midnight Blade and Scarlet Blaze.”
Kakashi groaned, shutting his eyes and pressing two fingers to his temple. The antisocial prodigy and the impertinent but still highly skilled goof. No wonder that it had to be those two. He’d had bad experiences with both in the past, one event giving him two broken arms and the other ending in all of his precious Icha Icha books being burnt to flakes of ash and his house nearly destroyed. What was worse was that the two had happened at the same time. Not to mention the ‘incident.’ Kakashi shuddered. He had the worst luck. Especially when it came to those two.
“Gimme the clipboard,” he sighed. His eyes scanned the parchment, finally coming to rest on a group of three names. Hm… the names rang a bell… He recalled a time when Iruka had praised them as being three of the brightest students. They could handle the problem kids, right?
“In the past, the two appear to have worked well with Crimson Fist, Breeze Dancer, and Azure Fang… for the most part,” Iruka helpfully supplied.“Great!” Kakashi threw the clipboard back at the surprised teacher and quickly made his way out the door before someone else could ask him to help with something, “Put them all in a group then!” For the most part? Hmm… No doubt that their different type specialties would make for a good, well balanced team, but with the clash of personalities, I wonder if it’ll really be okay… Well, whatever. It’s not my problem anymore...
Kakashi had no idea how wrong he was... In fact, the universe were laughing at him...
“Huh… Our team,” Crimson observed, “is kinda big compared to the others… isn’t it?”
“The more the merrier, right? (^u^)” Azure chirped giddily. She loved people.
“Hmm. I guess I don’t mind… Though I’d rather we had more girls,” Breeze frowned.
“What’s up, everybody!?” Scarlet exclaimed, happy that he wasn’t going to have to be in a two person group with that snooty, brooding *, “Where is the *, actually?”
A low voice reached them as Iruka, Midnight trailing him, walked to their group to make sure everything was in order.
“Sensei, with all due respect, it seems as though our group is perhaps a little too large, and I work better alone anyway, so-”
“Ohohhh, no you don’t!” Iruka replied, not even looking up from the papers he was riffling through on his clipboard, “In fact, Midnight-kun, I think you’re the one with the most to gain from the formation of teams. Since you’re already adept at working alone, then perhaps you should try practicing working with others, hm? If that’s all, it looks like your group is ready for you to join them.”
The two finally came to a halt, the instructor looking pointedly from Midnight to the group. Scarlet snickered, earning him a death glare from the prodigy. Iruka sighed inwardly. The two made a powerful duo, when they weren’t at each other's’ throats… Which was most of the time. Needless to say, the boys didn’t like each other very much. He wondered why, sometimes. It wasn’t like their chakra natures clashed, but he supposed that was fairly insignificant in comparison to personality types.
Scarlet was outgoing and boisterous where Midnight was silent and stayed away from the crowd, but there had been times in class when Iruka had glanced up to see the two, mirror images of each other. Gazing out the window, chins on their palms, lecture going in one ear and out the other. Iruka had to laugh whenever someone came into the room. Every time, their heads swiveled to the door in unison. The same thing happened when someone dropped anything, too. It was really amazing that they could tune out their sensei’s voice so well but nothing else seemed to escape their attention.
Despite that, while they were never able to answer questions he asked them in class without a repeat, they both somehow still got excellent grades, so Iruka never saw a reason to reprimand them. It’s not as though it would have accomplished anything, anyway. The boys were really a lot more alike than they thought. Of course, that wasn’t the only similarity they shared,but seeing as they were always fighting on the rare occasions when they even interacted, it would be difficult for anyone to see that, much less themselves.
Midnight cautiously stepped to the edge of the group, staying a good yard away from the rest of them.
“And here I thought we’d grown on you,” Breeze murmured sarcastically.
“‘People’ generally don’t,” he replied just as *hingly. Iruka raised an eyebrow. ‘Well, he’s a little nicer to these four… er, three, than he is to anyone else… I think it’ll be okay.’
“Think of it this way,” their sensei spoke genially, finishing his report and flipping the paper back to the first page, “Your group has specialties in all the types, and you all also passed the graduation exams with high marks. You’ll be one of the strongest groups! Other teams aren’t half as lucky, so play nice,” he began to turn around, before appearing to remember something.
“Oh! One more thing. Your teacher asked me to pass this message on to his new students: Don’t eat breakfast tomorrow.” He gave a satisfied nod, and strode away, leaving the new team silent for a moment.
“...Wait. Why didn’t they split us into two groups of four, instead of one group of five?” Midnight inquired stiffly. The other four shrugged in unison.
It was official. The new genin teams had been formed, and team 10 was stuck with five members.

Bonus! “This *s!” Chibi Midnight pouted. “You think you have it bad!? Think about us, ne!? We’re the ones who’re stuck with you!” Chibi Scarlet squeaked. “C-come on. Calm down, guys…” Chibi Crimson attempted to smile, beads of sweat running down his face.
So, what'd you think? ...Hello? Oh, there's nobody there.
My imaginary friend, you may use this link for the first chapter:

This post was last edited by Goat_Kiddie911 at 2017-4-20 05:05 This post was last edited by Goat_Kiddie911 at 2017-4-20 05:18
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-10 07:03:13Show this Author Only
awesome love it great
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-10 09:38:41Show this Author Only
I imagine...romance
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On 2017-04-10 19:24:56Show this Author Only

This is amazing! Especially the part how Iruka mentioned that both Scarlet and Midnight are similar in how they act during class. :D

Interestingly enough, Scarlet and Midnight both have the blood type AB and in Japan people believe that your blood type can predict your personality (not very true tho. :P).

In this case, those two share the intelligence and critical parts of their personality type lol. :lol :lol
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On 2017-04-11 13:42:23Show this Author Only
  • Umi_Kumo On 2017-04-10 19:24:56
  • Awe~

    This is amazing! Especially the part how Iruka mentioned that both Scarlet and Midnight are similar in how they act during class. :D

    Interestingly enough, Scarlet and Midnight both have the blood type AB and in Japan people believe that your blood type can predict your personality (not very true tho. :P).

    In this case, those two share the intelligence and critical parts of their personality type lol. :lol :lol
;P I didn't even realize they had the same blood type, lol! What a coinky-dink, eh? :P Maybe we're not the only ones who ship it... JK. Thank you for the awesome comment! I really thought this fanfic would get buried!
I'll try to get the issue of it not going through resolved soon!
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On 2017-04-11 13:45:41Show this Author Only
  • Yuriko-Hime On 2017-04-10 09:38:41
  • I imagine...romance
Hehehe... romance... :D Ehehe... Ahaha.. AHAHAHA!!!! *type type type*
I'm trying to take it slow this time since in other my fanfics on other sites they're always already in love... Or one of them is * to the point of insanity (read: murdering others on accident), but I guess that's part of his charm...
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-12 02:14:51Show this Author Only
  • No Way Jose On 2017-04-11 13:45:41
  • Hehehe... romance... :D Ehehe... Ahaha.. AHAHAHA!!!! *type type type*
    I'm trying to take it slow this time since in other my fanfics on other sites they're always already in love... Or one of them is * to the point of insanity (read: murdering others on accident), but I guess that's part of his charm...
Haha...I know what you mean.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-12 04:50:22Show this Author Only
  • No Way Jose On 2017-04-11 13:45:41
  • Hehehe... romance... :D Ehehe... Ahaha.. AHAHAHA!!!! *type type type*
    I'm trying to take it slow this time since in other my fanfics on other sites they're always already in love... Or one of them is * to the point of insanity (read: murdering others on accident), but I guess that's part of his charm...
Already in love? *searches for more fanfiction*
And murdering others on accident... sounds fun :lol
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-12 06:45:55Show this Author Only
  • MisakiFuuji On 2017-04-12 04:50:22
  • Already in love? *searches for more fanfiction*
    And murdering others on accident... sounds fun :lol
Ohoho, not this ship, different ships, unfortunately! And this is my first fanfic on this site. Though if you're looking for the truest Midnight Blaze fanfiction this stuff:*s*Scarlet%20Blaze/works by HSNA_venn is really, REALLY good. :$ :D <:3_46:> <:3_45:> <:3_59:>
Like, 10x that many emojis good. Oops, make sure to copy paste the whole link or else it'll just take you to... a place where there is one more link than the Midnight Blaze fanfics. Ahaha <:3_47:>
This post was last edited by Goat_Kiddie911 at 2017-4-12 06:48
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-12 08:30:27Show this Author Only
  • No Way Jose On 2017-04-12 06:45:55
  • Ohoho, not this ship, different ships, unfortunately! And this is my first fanfic on this site. Though if you're looking for the truest Midnight Blaze fanfiction this stuff:*s*Scarlet%20Blaze/works by HSNA_venn is really, REALLY good. :$ :D <:3_46:> <:3_45:> <:3_59:>
    Like, 10x that many emojis good. Oops, make sure to copy paste the whole link or else it'll just take you to... a place where there is one more link than the Midnight Blaze fanfics. Ahaha <:3_47:>
    This post was last edited by Goat_Kiddie911 at 2017-4-12 06:48
Venn has a fanfiction that she's posted on here as well ^^ you should go check it out!
Quicky Post

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