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[ Lineup ] [Recommended Line-Up] Azure Fang


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-07 22:21:43Show All Posts
You need a bit more ninjas for nice line ups. I guess you play less than a week, ne?

So you will have Kakashi soon - he's good at chasing and it's nice for low level line ups.

Personally I prefer Hinata as a tank over Gaara.
Gaara's mystery is slow - needs 20+60 chakra points.He buff up wind ninjas so it's good to have at least one other wind shinobi in your team. He's immune to
low float, hight floar, repulse and kd + his shield regenerates every turn.
Hinata on the other hand is very good at chasing + got passive acupuncture (and your enemy can't use chakra skill for 3 turn).

You should collect some more ninjas and summons (when you reach 50 lvl).

For now I can suggest that:
You skills should be: 2-2-2-2-1 (not sure at wich lvl what skill you unlock, so you may improvise a bit)

Haku is not a bad option since he'll buff you up:Skills are still 2-2-2-2-1

When you get Kakashi may try:
(skills 2-2-3-2-1)

Hope I was helpfull, even just a bit<:3_60:>
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 1
  • Posts: 76
On 2017-04-08 16:19:06Show All Posts
Well to be a healer first you have to get some good damage making ninjas. That time will come <:3_48:>

And do not underestimate Azure Fangs ability to crit and cause chaos - sure it don't do that much damage as other classes, but you can totally mess up the opponent team. Using standard healing skill (not mystery one) is more that enough more of the time (well not always - one must adapt xD )
Quicky Post

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