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[ Player Guide ] How to make a QQ ID (Updated April 2017)


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-06 17:13:24Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey everyone!

I thought i'd post this really quickly as I spent the last few hours sorting out how to make a QQ ID myself.

So, I searched the forums for an answer to my own question on getting this to work, and I found nothing, so a lot of what I did was trial and error, but I can safely impart information here now as I have sorted it out myself.

First off, what you are going to want to do is create a Textfree number at this link:

Should look something like this ↓

Once you've got an account created, follow the prompts and verify your email, eventually you'll get to a point where it will allow you to choose your own phone number, this will be useful in regards for later (Note: The reason that I used Textfree myself even though I had a mobile number is that QQ Registration can be a little tricky, and your mobile provider may not work. I can verify that Textfree worked well for me, thus why I used it.)

Your next step should be registering a QQ Account:

The page should look like this ↓

Fill out all of the information - If you intend to use a QQ ID for games that require it (Call of Duty Online, Monster Hunter Online, etc) you may want to be aware that unless you are over 18, a lot of games will be heavily restricted (don't ask me why, I don't really understand it myself.)

Once you get to the second screen in which you must use a mobile phone number to verify the account, type in the phone number you made with Textfree and you should get a text message with a 6 digit pin. (A rather common issue that pops up can be your IP being blocked for 24 hours, for those of you with a Static IP Address this can be an issue, you'll likely have to try a VPN if this becomes the case for you.

Once you've gotten your account verified with the 6-digit pin, you should see a page asking you to verify your email address, go to the email you used on the registration page, and it should be in your Inbox (Mine took 10 minutes to show up, so be patient and regularly check your junk-mail box.)

Once you've clicked this link, your account will be verified by email, and you should now see your email address that you registered with, and your QQ ID underneath, make sure you save all of this information otherwise if you lose it, you won't be able to recover it.

Additional links For Those Interested:
QQ International Messenger: (This is the last translated version of QQ I could find, this is a lot easier to install and you run no risk of installing the additional programs that install with the latest version of QQ that isn't translated.)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-07-05 13:11:20Show this Author Only

Did you have some acount for free,because i can't made it

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-07-05 13:11:53Show this Author Only

Did you have some acount for free,because i can't made it

  • Registered: 2017-11-19
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On 2020-10-26 08:01:01Show this Author Only

Comment nous nous enregistrons sur le serveur japonais

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