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[ Bugs ] Great ninja war bug


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 4
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On 2017-04-06 10:53:28Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello there, i'm the leader of the most powerfull clan in the server 429 clan hopes and our group couldn't join the battlefield of the great ninja war.We signed the group to join on monday so there is no reason for us to not join it since we have 250% power of the 2nd strongest clan in this server and we basically just autowin every great ninja war.
I don't think that my clan should lose they group contribution, group coins and most important the seal scroll packs from this week GNW just because we couldn't join the battefield when we had a lot of people waiting on there.

Please dosomething about this, thanks.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-06 14:00:05Show All Posts
Hey there, unfortunately i delete my messages daily when i have nothing to do to avoid spam sorry, but here i have a image of our group having 560k power and the other clan (there are only two clans that participate on the gnw since the server isn't really an active server we don't have SWB since last month also) but you can see that the other group doesn't even have half our power so there is no reason for us to not join it and get first place easily like we do everyweek.. We have more than double they power and members so we haven't lost a single fight in every GNW.

I'm sorry but i can't provide you what you are asking me but i hope this helps..

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-06 14:06:37Show All Posts
I tried contacting customer support but they aswner didn't make any sense and they didn't read my question because they aswner was "only groups with more than 200 activity rate in the last 3 days can join the GNW "

When that wasn't the problem and our clan has four times the activity rate needed in this last 3 days so the forum is my hope.
If you need any more info i will be around here
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-07 08:08:09Show All Posts
Clan members are asking what is gonna happen this week, so what's gonna happen, we just miss this week GNW? There are only two guilds that play on my server why can't i get help on this so the server "Great" ninja war has atleast 1 rival.
Quicky Post

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