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[ Events ] Events - 6th April


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On 2017-04-06 02:53:15Show this Author Only
Just wondering how much that Mei will be...
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On 2017-04-06 02:56:33Show this Author Only
Overall the events are much better than the last couple weeks, and I'm sure we all appreciate that none of them are going to get cut short this time. There's a decent balance between F2P and P2W events this time, though the P2W events are still pretty blatantly expensive like the last few weeks. I've gotta say though, I'm surprised they already lowered the price for Hokage Tsunade from $1000 to $800, it's still really * expensive but I remember how people were saying that $1000 was the best price we were ever going to get.

Overall though the events are good and reward F2P players who invest time in the game daily. For the P2W events though, I feel like it needs either a Recharge Event or Shuriken Balloons event in order to give some really solid synergy between them, since currently only extreme P2W players will get the most * for their buck while low and mid-spenders will hardly get anything extra for spending ingots. You guys brought Daily Special back early, so why not Recharge or Shurikens? It would really help to incentivise all tiers of spenders to dip into the events this week. This post was last edited by rob*** at 2017-4-6 02:58
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On 2017-04-06 03:17:53Show this Author Only
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On 2017-04-06 03:22:04Show this Author Only
  • Attac an Respec On 2017-04-06 01:56:39
  • yeah like event only ninjas like hanzo sailor sakura etc.
We had Sailor Sakura and DPH this week and Hanzo was in events one week ago if im not misstaken so its obvious they won't be here this week. And im pretty sure there will be Konan, P0rn book Shikamaru and one more event only ninja in the daily special.

I think overall this week events are pretty ok for f2p and casual spenders (not for p2w tho) so I think you people are either * p2w are you are rly overreacting.
Yeah, there are Mei and Chojiro in the LB reeemable but who did you expected? Most of good events only ninjas was there in last 2 weeks so it was obvious that they won't be back this week. Did you expecter Susanoo Itachi or Super Rares in the LB? I doubt it. I think Mei is pretty nice and usefull ninja so you could even 5* if you have her. Ok, Chojiro isn't that great but who could they put here? Danzo for the 5th time? KK Gaara for 3rd or 4th? If you dont want those ninjas and you dont want to 5* them... focus on power or stack your coupons/ingots for the next month. Mby there will be DPH or other good ninja next time.

PS. No, Im not OG team member.
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On 2017-04-06 03:29:14Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-04-06 02:56:33
  • Overall the events are much better than the last couple weeks, and I'm sure we all appreciate that none of them are going to get cut short this time. There's a decent balance between F2P and P2W events this time, though the P2W events are still pretty blatantly expensive like the last few weeks. I've gotta say though, I'm surprised they already lowered the price for Hokage Tsunade from $1000 to $800, it's still really * expensive but I remember how people were saying that $1000 was the best price we were ever going to get.

    Overall though the events are good and reward F2P players who invest time in the game daily. For the P2W events though, I feel like it needs either a Recharge Event or Shuriken Balloons event in order to give some really solid synergy between them, since currently only extreme P2W players will get the most * for their buck while low and mid-spenders will hardly get anything extra for spending ingots. You guys brought Daily Special back early, so why not Recharge or Shurikens? It would really help to incentivise all tiers of spenders to dip into the events this week. This post was last edited by rob*** at 2017-4-6 02:58
Last time Tsunade was in recharge and this time its spending so it was still better the last time imo.
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On 2017-04-06 03:49:12Show this Author Only
  • thedevu On 2017-04-06 03:29:14
  • Last time Tsunade was in recharge and this time its spending so it was still better the last time imo.
Your opinion makes no sense
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On 2017-04-06 03:59:27Show this Author Only
  • PervySage On 2017-04-06 03:49:12
  • Your opinion makes no sense
Well... If you recharge you still have your ingots and if you spend just for the sake of getting Tsunade because there isnt any good deal for the things you need... Well... recharging 1k$ looks better than spending 800$ to me.
But ofc you could think differently.
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On 2017-04-06 04:03:06Show this Author Only
  • thedevu On 2017-04-06 03:59:27
  • Well... If you recharge you still have your ingots and if you spend just for the sake of getting Tsunade because there isnt any good deal for the things you need... Well... recharging 1k$ looks better than spending 800$ to me.
    But ofc you could think differently.
Like you are going to keep those 50k forever? Also, 10k is a huge difference, that is 200e. And you can obviously see the events now, there is lucky board - agreed to be one of the best events in the game, if not the best. Also there is daily special...
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On 2017-04-06 04:40:17Show this Author Only
  • PervySage On 2017-04-06 04:03:06
  • Like you are going to keep those 50k forever? Also, 10k is a huge difference, that is 200e. And you can obviously see the events now, there is lucky board - agreed to be one of the best events in the game, if not the best. Also there is daily special...
To be honest. I have to agree with thedevu. His/her statement made sense. In this event you're forced to spend 800 bucks if you want all her frags in a weeks time. A 200 dollar difference isn't that bad for the flexibility you have to spend your ingots on future events. Id much rather have that 50k sitting nice for a BA rebate or Sage treasure event or another spending event with a rebate. That's just spending wisely and with 50k you probably wouldn't have to top up again for a while. Its not so much about having the 50k forever as it is the freedom of spending when you want to. That's just me though.
This post was last edited by veelocity at 2017-4-6 04:42
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On 2017-04-06 04:48:55Show this Author Only
Well, they didn't deliver a single point that they wanted to change. So yeah, whatever.

Edit: I stand corrected. You are posting events early. T*s up for that.
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On 2017-04-06 05:05:00Show this Author Only
  • PervySage On 2017-04-06 04:03:06
  • Like you are going to keep those 50k forever? Also, 10k is a huge difference, that is 200e. And you can obviously see the events now, there is lucky board - agreed to be one of the best events in the game, if not the best. Also there is daily special...
I do agree with thedevu as well and see where he/she is coming from. Its like going to the mall and they tell you, if you spend $1000 now, I'll give you this Plasma TV free now. Whereas, the recharge situation is, if you put a credit of $800 now, which you can spend anytime you want later, I'll give you this Plasma TV free now. The 2nd is definitely better since you have more control over your money over time, as compared to an impulse buy in a spending event.
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On 2017-04-06 05:10:09Show this Author Only
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-05 23:43:35
  • I think its not about him being upset, but rather from a financial viewpoint for the company, if they combine a Recharge Event with a Spending Event it will be optimal.

    Now you have a Spending Event, people wanna spend, but don't want to Recharge unless there's a Recharge event. When there's a Recharge Event, there's nothing to spend on. So the devs think they get double the recharge, but most probably, its actually the other way around.

    Oasis mindset: Recharge event, players will recharge. Spending event, players will recharge again if they don't have enough ingots to spend.
    Player mindset: Recharge event, time to recharge. Spending event, I'll spend whatever I recharged previously, if I have nothing, I won't recharge till the next Recharge event.
"Oasis mindset: Recharge event, players will recharge. Spending event, players will recharge again if they don't have enough ingots to spend.
Player mindset: Recharge event, time to recharge. Spending event, I'll spend whatever I recharged previously, if I have nothing, I won't recharge till the next Recharge event."

Very spot on. And pls ignore that troll account made by the admins.
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On 2017-04-06 05:11:36Show this Author Only
yeah, and the good events are where ? the compensantion for the bugged wheel is where ? :/ yeah nothing changed...only giving info with one day before WOAW where is the nearest admin of me so i can kiss his toes for this omg omg !!
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On 2017-04-06 05:27:16Show this Author Only
  • stynchi On 2017-04-06 05:11:36
  • yeah, and the good events are where ? the compensantion for the bugged wheel is where ? :/ yeah nothing changed...only giving info with one day before WOAW where is the nearest admin of me so i can kiss his toes for this omg omg !!
Lucky Board, Limitet Refinement and Lucky Bag are pretty good to me and some people even likes the Daily Special one. I think that Hidden Eggs could also be a pretty nice event and different that al the others so that 5 of 7 events that people like. I'd call it a pretty good event week but mby it's just me.
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On 2017-04-06 05:33:06Show this Author Only
Can't wait for the Hidden Eggs event! ^-^
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On 2017-04-06 05:47:47Show this Author Only
  • Yuriko-Hime On 2017-04-06 05:33:06
  • Can't wait for the Hidden Eggs event! ^-^
The restricted time frame is mildly annoying, I'm fine with it but obviously it isn't for many players. I don't know why they would have an event with such a super restricted time frame, as if players who happens to not have access around that time isn't already disadvantaged enough due to likely missing some fox/sage/GNW frequently. Of the rotating scheduled event, only masuri have any flexibility.

And it also clashes with our group summoning schedule, hopefully it doesn't take too long to do...
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On 2017-04-06 05:59:17Show this Author Only
bunch of ingot * and still no new treasure
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On 2017-04-06 06:02:40Show this Author Only

We had Sailor Sakura and DPH this week and Hanzo was in events one week ago if im not misstaken so its obvious they won't be here this week. And im pretty sure there will be Konan, P0rn book Shikamaru and one more event only ninja in the daily special.

I think overall this week events are pretty ok for f2p and casual spenders (not for p2w tho) so I think you people are either * p2w are you are rly overreacting.
Yeah, there are Mei and Chojiro in the LB reeemable but who did you expected? Most of good events only ninjas was there in last 2 weeks so it was obvious that they won't be back this week. Did you expecter Susanoo Itachi or Super Rares in the LB? I doubt it. I think Mei is pretty nice and usefull ninja so you could even 5* if you have her. Ok, Chojiro isn't that great but who could they put here? Danzo for the 5th time? KK Gaara for 3rd or 4th? If you dont want those ninjas and you dont want to 5* them... focus on power or stack your coupons/ingots for the next month. Mby there will be DPH or other good ninja next time.

PS. No, Im not OG team member.

I expected Cursed Hidan. I've been saving and waiting for 2 months! Does Oasis expects me to come back and play during the summer? My server is empty and most people are bored! Mei? Chojuro? Most f2p players have those. We wanted something new.

With summer close at hand, noone will play this game anymore, and Oasis thinks that giving treasure ninja's in lucky board or "planning" to implemented new treasure in 2-3 months or maybe more will get the players excited!
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On 2017-04-06 06:09:35Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-04-06 06:02:40

  • We had Sailor Sakura and DPH this week and Hanzo was in events one week ago if im not misstaken so its obvious they won't be here this week. And im pretty sure there will be Konan, P0rn book Shikamaru and one more event only ninja in the daily special.

    I think overall this week events are pretty ok for f2p and casual spenders (not for p2w tho) so I think you people are either * p2w are you are rly overreacting.
    Yeah, there are Mei and Chojiro in the LB reeemable but who did you expected? Most of good events only ninjas was there in last 2 weeks so it was obvious that they won't be back this week. Did you expecter Susanoo Itachi or Super Rares in the LB? I doubt it. I think Mei is pretty nice and usefull ninja so you could even 5* if you have her. Ok, Chojiro isn't that great but who could they put here? Danzo for the 5th time? KK Gaara for 3rd or 4th? If you dont want those ninjas and you dont want to 5* them... focus on power or stack your coupons/ingots for the next month. Mby there will be DPH or other good ninja next time.

    PS. No, Im not OG team member.

    I expected Cursed Hidan. I've been saving and waiting for 2 months! Does Oasis expects me to come back and play during the summer? My server is empty and most people are bored! Mei? Chojuro? Most f2p players have those. We wanted something new.

    With summer close at hand, noone will play this game anymore, and Oasis thinks that giving treasure ninja's in lucky board or "planning" to implemented new treasure in 2-3 months or maybe more will get the players excited!
You expected Cursed Hidan especially after he just appeared in this week's event?

I was hoping for a miracle for Cursed Hidan to appear in Lucky Board this week, but it was pure hope that even deep down, I knew it wasn't going to happen. We've just got to wait 1 month, and pray till that May Lucky Board, no Cursed Hidan appear in between.
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On 2017-04-06 06:14:08Show this Author Only
Oasis...remove the cultivation runes/Dango from the god of Temari.

Also isnt it about time to increase the qty of Magatama on the board? The german version gives out 5 per instead of just 1. We are level 90 guys.....
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