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[ Events ] Events - 6th April


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-06 01:49:23Show All Posts
  • Chu90 On 2017-04-06 00:04:09
  • Germany lucky board, is it better than ours or not? what u think...
    PS: Their dices cost 50 coupons/ingots
    This post was last edited by Chu90 at 2017-4-5 11:06
first the german version has tsunade basically for free if she rotates often, you can save for her for 1 month and each month get like say 30 frags of her, she is yours before the new treasures hit the game, second from what I see I think it costs 50 coupons because its got stack rewards like 5 lvl2 magatamas or 10 mood scrolls etc, it even has advanced thread and tactics scrolls too! as long as the rates are ok I think german is better for high level players who have most rares anyway, also the medium and advanced refines are overpriced. in global medium refine is 7 points I think atleast in one of the lucky board it was. So basically if you aren't prepared the german lucky board can fvck you over pretty bad.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-06 01:54:47Show All Posts
  • Tenseigan-1 On 2017-04-06 01:05:58
  • So Chojuro and Mei in lucky board = lol. Every player 75+ have these ninjas most f2p and all p2w. I am a p2w player waiting for a good ninja more than 3 weeks and what I get nothing I have been stucking coupons and ingots for something good but no. I am 90lvl top player in my dying server there isn't any endgame we barely have sage and GNW every weeks events are at least disapppoiting. So let me ask you something dear oasis what would you do in my place continue spending and playing the game or quit? Do you feel proud of how a beatiful game is dying or you just don't care?
yeah dude I am f2p, well semi f2p only recharged twice and according to oasis I think that is considered f2p because they even care about players who spend 500$ per month, so yeah I can even do you one better and say that I have onoki danzo sage jiraiya 4 pains killer bee iruka paradise shikamaru ALL the commons in the game so far and some other rares that I dont remeber and I have only been playing for 3 months and even skip arena and most events like matsuri.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-06 01:56:39Show All Posts
  • Belerephon On 2017-04-06 01:08:09
  • The trend of *ty event continues i see im sitting on 17k coupons so far i havent felt like anything has been worthwhile spending them nm recharging on anything other than monthly coupons especially since you keep increases prices for event ninja over and over. Just give us events with 35-200 coupons per fragment for exclusive ninja not these ripp off 20k + ninja.
yeah like event only ninjas like hanzo sailor sakura etc.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-07 03:37:55Show All Posts
  • veelocity On 2017-04-06 04:40:17
  • To be honest. I have to agree with thedevu. His/her statement made sense. In this event you're forced to spend 800 bucks if you want all her frags in a weeks time. A 200 dollar difference isn't that bad for the flexibility you have to spend your ingots on future events. Id much rather have that 50k sitting nice for a BA rebate or Sage treasure event or another spending event with a rebate. That's just spending wisely and with 50k you probably wouldn't have to top up again for a while. Its not so much about having the 50k forever as it is the freedom of spending when you want to. That's just me though.
    This post was last edited by veelocity at 2017-4-6 04:42
yeah this way you can get like 2 super rares, e.g you can get tsunade for just recharge and then tobirama or minato by spending the ingots in the rebate event.
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