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[ Events ] Events - 6th April


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On 2017-04-05 22:06:40Show All Posts
Still waiting for the Lucky Board Cursed Hidan Package! :Q
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On 2017-04-05 22:09:44Show All Posts
  • LawZeffByron On 2017-04-05 22:08:17
  • same lol definitely wasn't gonna spend on that last one wayyyyyyyyy too expensive, by far the highest priced
Yeah. 23k in the last event! Helllll no... Guess its another month of coupon saving then. 1st week May we shall see.
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On 2017-04-05 22:46:37Show All Posts
  • nom On 2017-04-05 22:40:51
  • Did I not call it or what!!?
I know right... Exactly like what you mentioned in the other thread! The only way now is to pray that Cursed Hidan don't appear in the weeks leading up to the next Lucky Board!
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On 2017-04-05 23:43:35Show All Posts
  • nom On 2017-04-05 23:22:57
  • Are you upset or something? You get more rewards and kage Tsunade the more you spend during these events, that's pretty good deal... Tons of free stuff plus kage Tsunade...
I think its not about him being upset, but rather from a financial viewpoint for the company, if they combine a Recharge Event with a Spending Event it will be optimal.

Now you have a Spending Event, people wanna spend, but don't want to Recharge unless there's a Recharge event. When there's a Recharge Event, there's nothing to spend on. So the devs think they get double the recharge, but most probably, its actually the other way around.

Oasis mindset: Recharge event, players will recharge. Spending event, players will recharge again if they don't have enough ingots to spend.
Player mindset: Recharge event, time to recharge. Spending event, I'll spend whatever I recharged previously, if I have nothing, I won't recharge till the next Recharge event.
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On 2017-04-05 23:44:42Show All Posts
  • nom On 2017-04-05 23:30:34
  • No, you can hold onto the pack all event you get the vouchers once you open the pack then they expire after 24 hours. Happened to me last time I opened them by mistake.
So as in collect all the packs daily, but only open if there's something worthwhile in the shops, just in case an RNG voucher appears! Never thought of that!
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On 2017-04-06 05:05:00Show All Posts
  • PervySage On 2017-04-06 04:03:06
  • Like you are going to keep those 50k forever? Also, 10k is a huge difference, that is 200e. And you can obviously see the events now, there is lucky board - agreed to be one of the best events in the game, if not the best. Also there is daily special...
I do agree with thedevu as well and see where he/she is coming from. Its like going to the mall and they tell you, if you spend $1000 now, I'll give you this Plasma TV free now. Whereas, the recharge situation is, if you put a credit of $800 now, which you can spend anytime you want later, I'll give you this Plasma TV free now. The 2nd is definitely better since you have more control over your money over time, as compared to an impulse buy in a spending event.
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On 2017-04-06 06:09:35Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-06 06:02:40

  • We had Sailor Sakura and DPH this week and Hanzo was in events one week ago if im not misstaken so its obvious they won't be here this week. And im pretty sure there will be Konan, P0rn book Shikamaru and one more event only ninja in the daily special.

    I think overall this week events are pretty ok for f2p and casual spenders (not for p2w tho) so I think you people are either * p2w are you are rly overreacting.
    Yeah, there are Mei and Chojiro in the LB reeemable but who did you expected? Most of good events only ninjas was there in last 2 weeks so it was obvious that they won't be back this week. Did you expecter Susanoo Itachi or Super Rares in the LB? I doubt it. I think Mei is pretty nice and usefull ninja so you could even 5* if you have her. Ok, Chojiro isn't that great but who could they put here? Danzo for the 5th time? KK Gaara for 3rd or 4th? If you dont want those ninjas and you dont want to 5* them... focus on power or stack your coupons/ingots for the next month. Mby there will be DPH or other good ninja next time.

    PS. No, Im not OG team member.

    I expected Cursed Hidan. I've been saving and waiting for 2 months! Does Oasis expects me to come back and play during the summer? My server is empty and most people are bored! Mei? Chojuro? Most f2p players have those. We wanted something new.

    With summer close at hand, noone will play this game anymore, and Oasis thinks that giving treasure ninja's in lucky board or "planning" to implemented new treasure in 2-3 months or maybe more will get the players excited!
You expected Cursed Hidan especially after he just appeared in this week's event?

I was hoping for a miracle for Cursed Hidan to appear in Lucky Board this week, but it was pure hope that even deep down, I knew it wasn't going to happen. We've just got to wait 1 month, and pray till that May Lucky Board, no Cursed Hidan appear in between.
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On 2017-04-06 06:26:41Show All Posts
  • FG3000 On 2017-04-06 06:14:08
  • Oasis...remove the cultivation runes/Dango from the god of Temari.

    Also isnt it about time to increase the qty of Magatama on the board? The german version gives out 5 per instead of just 1. We are level 90 guys.....
For the Magatama part, possibly increase proportionately. 1 is definitely too little, but going same as German board is probably asking too much considering they have 50 coupons per dice while us at 20.
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On 2017-04-06 18:26:29Show All Posts
  • nom On 2017-04-05 23:30:34
  • No, you can hold onto the pack all event you get the vouchers once you open the pack then they expire after 24 hours. Happened to me last time I opened them by mistake.
Hey! Could this be clarified! That 2nd poster claims otherwise.

Regards to opening Lucky Bags
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On 2017-04-06 20:51:55Show All Posts
  • 552*****uf16 On 2017-04-06 20:42:16
  • I have problems with Dice too...
    Spent a lot of stamina and 0 dice...
Remember to clear all your Daily Mission, those give Dices as well.

And they did lower the chances of getting Dices about 2-3 months back, so what players have noted is that instead of constantly doing your 5x or 3x sweeps in Plot and Elite Instances respectively, do single sweeps till you get your 2 Dices before going back to multiple sweeps. There's no research paper or articles or experiments to back that claim up, but it just seems to work, and I personally feel that it works too. So it is what it is. I've never had to spend a stamina potion on getting Dices before, since the game started till today.
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On 2017-04-06 21:34:21Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-04-06 21:30:18
  • i swept ningendo and got both my dice with my first 30 stamina, its just rng
I was just provided additional suggestions for people based on what others are doing. I don't have problems getting Dices myself, and I know its all just RNG.

But its just one of those things. Like professional athletes having a certain routine or touching the ground or listening to a certain music or maybe even brushing their hair in a certain direction. If pseudoscience works, then just give it a go. ;P
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On 2017-04-06 22:00:23Show All Posts
  • 552*****uf16 On 2017-04-06 21:57:40
  • Absolutely. I just wanted to say your suggestions tend to be not extremely interesting. Perhaps if you translate it to Chinese first and then back to English, it would be more interesting to read. :)


    I also wanted to say thank you for listing the discount items for the rest of the week. I know what I want to buy now.
Well well... Aren't you a feisty one. Adding a smiley at the end of flame doesn't make it any less insulting.
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On 2017-04-08 19:53:20Show All Posts
  • Clazsic On 2017-04-08 11:18:36
  • lemme give u an example. Summoning Scroll was not 70 coups four-five months ago. I dont wanna talk about others but if u have not been here long enough then u wont have a clue wht they have done.
Where are you getting this value of 70?

I see it as 63 in the Shop. On Day 3 Daily Special event, I see its original price of 630 for 10 (which still makes it 63 for 1, which is in line with the Shop pricing) and currently going at 550 for 10 without an discount vouchers applied.
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On 2017-04-10 15:12:02Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-10 15:09:37
  • i have 3.4k cupons i just hope real price 100/daily 80 and 72 with cupons i dont need less i have money.
    i hope no * high price.
Sounds fair enough actually. Wasn't the Kimono at about 100 coupons each the last event?
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On 2017-04-10 19:57:14Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-10 15:19:50
  • No, in the last Event which had the kimono it was priced at 88 coupons (I think I might have been a daily special like what we have now). Having the Kimono at such a high price isn't a 'fair' price. You just believe its a good price because most other things in the game atm have similarly inflated prices, like the wild west outfit which is 100 coupons per piece.
Then you choose when you want to get it then. From your tone, you make it sound like its your right that they have to place the price at the all time low all the time. If you don't agree with even the original prices, then you can look away and don't spend.

This sounds like a situation of entering the restaurant, demanding a meal, but at your price, and not their menu listed price.
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On 2017-04-10 22:20:27Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-10 21:53:42
  • Its just hard to stomach the original price of the kimono being 2 times as much as that of other regions (from what I've heard correct me if I'm wrong pls). If the price of the kimono is revealed to be as expensive as I expect yes I will not spend a single coupon on it. I think you need to do some simple maths and calculate how much the total cost of the clothing is. 100x50=5000 . Not sure what price scheme you go by but thats very expensive. I could get sailor sakura before I've even spent nearly as much for the kimono. There are better ways to spend my coupons. I just want the kimono have a cost more befitting of it value. And no I haven't even seen the price dip to this all time low of 50 coupons a piece as you want to call it, in fact if it was 50 coupons a piece I would have dumped every coupon I had on it. This post was last edited by tri*** at 2017-4-10 21:55
Who mentioned 50 coupons anywhere? But if your 50 coupons you're mentioning refers to the price of 100 that I felt was fair combined with the legendary 50% voucher. Though more likely than not it'll be a 10% voucher that day or no voucher attained. Heck, I wouldn't even be surprised if the programming was designed to not release any voucher more than 10% that day.

And comparing prices with regions, I don't know what pricing is for other regions, but regardless of that I think there is no point in comparing prices between regions. Its like we don't compare how much a load of bread cost in *stan as compared to US, and request the shop to adjust prices to the cheaper country.

And yes, that amount of coupons for that can possibly get you a Sailor Sakura with spare to spend. But like many posts in this forum have gone over the past few months constantly mentioning if you want to spend, spend on Power and not Ninjas. Power *s, but Ninja meta changes. If you feel that that Kimono requires a cost change befitting its value, that would also mean that the Wild West will need a cost change to be in line with the Kimono. But the fact is people paid that amount for the Wild West previously, Oasis will believe people will also pay that amount for the Kimono. Cause that's Oasis.
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