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[ Events ] Events - 6th April


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-10 07:03:29Show All Posts
I hope the price of the Kimono will be good, something like 50 coupons per piece. The last event I saw it in was selling the kimono for 88 coupons per piece which is just a ridiculous price.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-10 15:19:50Show All Posts
No, in the last Event which had the kimono it was priced at 88 coupons (I think I might have been a daily special like what we have now). Having the Kimono at such a high price isn't a 'fair' price. You just believe its a good price because most other things in the game atm have similarly inflated prices, like the wild west outfit which is 100 coupons per piece.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-10 21:53:42Show All Posts
Its just hard to stomach the original price of the kimono being 2 times as much as that of other regions (from what I've heard correct me if I'm wrong pls). If the price of the kimono is revealed to be as expensive as I expect yes I will not spend a single coupon on it. I think you need to do some simple maths and calculate how much the total cost of the clothing is. 100x50=5000 . Not sure what price scheme you go by but thats very expensive. I could get sailor sakura before I've even spent nearly as much for the kimono. There are better ways to spend my coupons. I just want the kimono have a cost more befitting of it value. And no I haven't even seen the price dip to this all time low of 50 coupons a piece as you want to call it, in fact if it was 50 coupons a piece I would have dumped every coupon I had on it. This post was last edited by tri*** at 2017-4-10 21:55
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-10 22:12:55Show All Posts
Well, I agree that the other forms of getting power are more expensive but who buys those outright? those are not that hard to get in game as it is. the kimono is a different story and can only be obtained in events. Thats why I'm not happy with the price. So you have to buy the kimono if you wish to get it. unlike refines. as for cave keys buying them is useful to an extent by its diminishing returns so it shouldn't be up for this debate (kimono power gain is fixed). This post was last edited by tri*** at 2017-4-10 22:14 This post was last edited by tri*** at 2017-4-10 22:15
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-10 22:59:55Show All Posts
... people paid for that wild west outfit??? Even the top spender on my server didn't buy it. I'm assuming he didn't think it was worth it. He has Cursed Hidan, Sailor Sakura, Konan and GNW tenten. meanwhile the strongest power on my server bought the kimono from the previous event but also didn't buy the wild west outfit. If people actually buy that touche I had no idea, no wonder the prices are like that... I'll say no more now, I'm honestly just so shocked.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-11 07:42:21Show All Posts
Nah thedevu my server hasn't gotten an event for the wild west outfit (probably cuz its relatively new) so for us the price has always been 100 for that. My server started at about december last year. This post was last edited by tri*** at 2017-4-11 07:43
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-12 08:21:41Show All Posts
The Kimono is just as overpriced as I expected... Time to save for the next event... (btw I checked since I have a 10% discount voucher and its 80 coupons with the voucher per piece) btw should I spend on the lucky board instead before its over? This post was last edited by tri*** at 2017-4-12 08:26
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-12 19:28:39Show All Posts
They have Minato.... :O I want Minato so much T-T
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