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[ Events ] Events - 6th April


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On 2017-04-05 23:08:34Show All Posts
  • Lenowa On 2017-04-05 22:16:46
  • Seriously, lucky board needs updated. Sage jiraiya is out dated as hell.
There are way more ninjs in the events (not this week but overall) that are way more useless/out of date that Sage Jiraya. SJ is still pretty fine ninja imo and some people still dont have him.

I think events this week are pretty good overall but the only thing for me is... why cultivation runes and dangos are still a thing in any events...? Most of the people (over 70% probably) could already max lvl all their ninjas, cultivate and set up mood for them.
This post was last edited by thedevu at 2017-4-5 15:15
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On 2017-04-06 03:22:04Show All Posts
  • Attac an Respec On 2017-04-06 01:56:39
  • yeah like event only ninjas like hanzo sailor sakura etc.
We had Sailor Sakura and DPH this week and Hanzo was in events one week ago if im not misstaken so its obvious they won't be here this week. And im pretty sure there will be Konan, P0rn book Shikamaru and one more event only ninja in the daily special.

I think overall this week events are pretty ok for f2p and casual spenders (not for p2w tho) so I think you people are either * p2w are you are rly overreacting.
Yeah, there are Mei and Chojiro in the LB reeemable but who did you expected? Most of good events only ninjas was there in last 2 weeks so it was obvious that they won't be back this week. Did you expecter Susanoo Itachi or Super Rares in the LB? I doubt it. I think Mei is pretty nice and usefull ninja so you could even 5* if you have her. Ok, Chojiro isn't that great but who could they put here? Danzo for the 5th time? KK Gaara for 3rd or 4th? If you dont want those ninjas and you dont want to 5* them... focus on power or stack your coupons/ingots for the next month. Mby there will be DPH or other good ninja next time.

PS. No, Im not OG team member.
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On 2017-04-06 03:29:14Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-06 02:56:33
  • Overall the events are much better than the last couple weeks, and I'm sure we all appreciate that none of them are going to get cut short this time. There's a decent balance between F2P and P2W events this time, though the P2W events are still pretty blatantly expensive like the last few weeks. I've gotta say though, I'm surprised they already lowered the price for Hokage Tsunade from $1000 to $800, it's still really * expensive but I remember how people were saying that $1000 was the best price we were ever going to get.

    Overall though the events are good and reward F2P players who invest time in the game daily. For the P2W events though, I feel like it needs either a Recharge Event or Shuriken Balloons event in order to give some really solid synergy between them, since currently only extreme P2W players will get the most * for their buck while low and mid-spenders will hardly get anything extra for spending ingots. You guys brought Daily Special back early, so why not Recharge or Shurikens? It would really help to incentivise all tiers of spenders to dip into the events this week. This post was last edited by rob*** at 2017-4-6 02:58
Last time Tsunade was in recharge and this time its spending so it was still better the last time imo.
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On 2017-04-06 03:59:27Show All Posts
  • PervySage On 2017-04-06 03:49:12
  • Your opinion makes no sense
Well... If you recharge you still have your ingots and if you spend just for the sake of getting Tsunade because there isnt any good deal for the things you need... Well... recharging 1k$ looks better than spending 800$ to me.
But ofc you could think differently.
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On 2017-04-06 05:27:16Show All Posts
  • stynchi On 2017-04-06 05:11:36
  • yeah, and the good events are where ? the compensantion for the bugged wheel is where ? :/ yeah nothing changed...only giving info with one day before WOAW where is the nearest admin of me so i can kiss his toes for this omg omg !!
Lucky Board, Limitet Refinement and Lucky Bag are pretty good to me and some people even likes the Daily Special one. I think that Hidden Eggs could also be a pretty nice event and different that al the others so that 5 of 7 events that people like. I'd call it a pretty good event week but mby it's just me.
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On 2017-04-06 14:51:11Show All Posts
  • Acer1 On 2017-04-06 14:21:07
  • Hi guys,

    we have included all the details for Daily Special Sale (7 days) in the event details,
    now you guys can proper plan your budgets and enjoy the events more.

    Enjoy Naruto Online~!

    Thank you!
That helps a lot. Thank you.
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On 2017-04-06 18:58:12Show All Posts
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-06 18:26:29
  • Hey! Could this be clarified! That 2nd poster claims otherwise.

    Regards to opening Lucky Bags
Its like he said. If you wont claim it every day you will lose those items.
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On 2017-04-06 20:06:37Show All Posts
  • hakuoru On 2017-04-06 19:16:56
  • what ninja can get from lucky bags this time? ( the bags u get once u pass lucky board starting line This post was last edited by 113***@google at 2017-4-6 19:18
Kakuzu, Hidan, GNW Shino and Hashirama.
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On 2017-04-07 16:01:52Show All Posts
  • xetech On 2017-04-07 10:56:24
  • Daily specials have inbuilt 10% discount already and vouchers are a further discount. If u get 30% voucher, its roughly equiv to a 40% sage treasure discount and lets be honest, when was the last time u saw 40% in sage on something that was actually useful. So a 20% discount voucher is alrdy pretty decent imo. Having said that though, this weeks rng looks pretty bad for vouchers, just like the prev one using mission mobilisation box...

    They should stop with the rng vouchers and give guaranteed ways to get them (like the prev spend 3k ingots and get 30% voucher). They can keep 50% at rng if they must, cos honestly 50% really is way too good.
This 'inbuilt 10% discount' + 20% voucher makes the price like it was some time ago (before OG rised prices of items and ninjas in shop) so I have to disagree here.
Kinda same deal with Sage. If you get 30% discount you have the price from few months ago.
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On 2017-04-07 18:35:57Show All Posts
  • xetech On 2017-04-07 17:38:58
  • Im pretty sure shop prices have never changed e.g. magatamas / runes... so buy those at a discount

    Only ninja fragment prices can vary so avoid those if u think they are expensive. But fyi if prices for ninjas r heading up, buying now is going to be cheaper than buying later :)
And Im pretty sure that at least some of them were cheaper (like Mood Scrolls, Refine Runes and I think protection rune was 18 not 19).
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On 2017-04-07 18:36:57Show All Posts
  • Belerephon On 2017-04-07 17:55:11
  • You guys are obsessed with orochimaru konoha traitor why is he in every daily special event? Would it hurt you to put something good in this event? Also why the hell is Mei costing so much more than chojuro in lucky board? They are both kage treasure ninja of same rarity. Why don't they cost the same? This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-4-7 18:01 This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2017-4-7 18:01
Probably because Mei is better and fits for more teams. This post was last edited by thedevu at 2017-4-7 10:38
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On 2017-04-07 21:13:52Show All Posts
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-04-07 20:48:11
  • none of the base prices in the item shop have changed, the base prices they sell for in events has changed but not the shop costs. protection runes have been 19 since they were released, mood scrolls have always been 15. no item in the shop has had its cost to buy changed.

    some events have had the base cost of the item be higher then the shop cost, that happened with mood scrolls a couple months back in a sage treasure event and the 20% off just brought it back to shop price, but again shop prices havent changed
Mby you are just not playing long enough or havent noticed.


Ok, nvm. I just checked it and I was wrong. It just feels for me like it all was cheaper.
This post was last edited by thedevu at 2017-4-7 13:49
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On 2017-04-08 01:39:58Show All Posts
  • Xerios87 On 2017-04-08 01:35:20
  • Hello everyone,

    Any idea on the price of Kimono's frags during the last daily special ?
90-100 coupons/ingots per frag is my bet.
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On 2017-04-08 20:09:15Show All Posts
  • xetech On 2017-04-08 19:39:54
  • summoning scrolls are 63 in the shop. where are u getting 70 from?

    why do people keep posting FALSE information and plaguing the forums with crap?

    man this is part of the reason oasis gets so much crap from randoms who dont do their own thinking/research. they just read crap from others and then believe it as true and spread that crap further and further.

OG gets crap because of their own doing and not because of the things ppl are typing here. Ppl's typing haven't delayed Konan in shop for at least 4-5 months neither it made events rigged and other * that made other ppl give OG crap.
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On 2017-04-10 14:29:28Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-10 07:03:29
  • I hope the price of the Kimono will be good, something like 50 coupons per piece. The last event I saw it in was selling the kimono for 88 coupons per piece which is just a ridiculous price.
Im 99% sure it wont be cheaper than 80 per frag (with voucher).
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On 2017-04-11 00:29:23Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-10 22:59:55
  • ... people paid for that wild west outfit??? Even the top spender on my server didn't buy it. I'm assuming he didn't think it was worth it. He has Cursed Hidan, Sailor Sakura, Konan and GNW tenten. meanwhile the strongest power on my server bought the kimono from the previous event but also didn't buy the wild west outfit. If people actually buy that touche I had no idea, no wonder the prices are like that... I'll say no more now, I'm honestly just so shocked.
So he didnt got Wild West for about 75 coupons/ingots per frag (I think there was one event where u could get it for that price) but he got Kimono that was more expensive every time it was here to buy it? Mby he's top spender on ur server but not very smart one imo.

And about Wild West... I got it for like 83 coupons per frag if im not misstaken and Im glad I did since I dont think it will be back (at least not for such a low price) and the outfits' stats stack.

Oh... but we were talking about Kimono... right... well... Considering the original price will be 100 and my math isnt wrong... sooo.. if you'll get 10% voucher it should be about 81-85 coupons per frag (considering that the price in the Daily Special will be lowered to 90-95). Soooo... call me crazy but I think it's pretty good deal... but if you won't get the voucher... I'd wait.
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On 2017-04-11 13:24:46Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-11 07:42:21
  • Nah thedevu my server hasn't gotten an event for the wild west outfit (probably cuz its relatively new) so for us the price has always been 100 for that. My server started at about december last year. This post was last edited by tri*** at 2017-4-11 07:43
In that case you know why ppl were buying it then.
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On 2017-04-12 02:34:46Show All Posts
  • On 2017-04-12 02:29:17
  • so will be 81 with 10% discount?

I hope I helped.
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On 2017-04-12 12:50:57Show All Posts
With Wild West the second chance to get it had the lowest price (I think) and it was only 3 times in events... If the same thing will be with Kimono... well... do the math ;)
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On 2017-04-12 19:04:12Show All Posts
  • Jori. On 2017-04-12 18:29:05
  • can someone post German's lucky board to see the rewards from spinning??
It was posted somewhere in this topic.
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