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[ Events ] unlucky sage naruto


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-06 03:08:29Show All Posts
  • Evillustrator On 2017-04-06 02:09:39
  • So can you get dupes before getting all three rares form Naruto Sage Trasure or are you sure to get all of them with 180 seals or less?
Vast majority of player, myself included, are on the "no dupe until all" camp. There are a few, very very few(like 2?), people who says they got 2x something else before getting sage naruto.

There are no official word on the matter, but there is also no(or very little) mention of dupes in general for the first 3 rares in ANY treasure (sage only have 3, thus the full set thing, but even summon, you only see people complaining of dupe after their 4th or 5th one usually)

Note that Ao is also in kage, so it's possible that you get a "dupe Ao", but that's not really dupe rare in sage.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 29
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On 2017-04-06 03:12:15Show All Posts
  • seiyao On 2017-04-06 00:49:38
  • I think u cant even understand simple english dumb boy, obviously he has to use other class and fight my mb. Lookin at yur pic, u muz real blur and delusional.
I for one can understand simple English, but have trouble reading your posts. The post you made before this one is especially difficult, I can only understand most of it by re-reading it twice.

You might want to brush up on your English before pointing fingers at people's reading skills, not everyone have the patience to decipher your gibberish and they certainly shouldn't have to.
Quicky Post

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