2017-04-05 03:33:55
we needed red awakening materials to upgrade our gold ninjas and red strengthening materials to strengthen our gold equipment, this is no different then those, the fact that it needs a red kage stone proves that it is stronger then other gold tools but doesnt make it a red tool
as for using the gourd without natures or using a different one with natures, if u dont perfect ur natures u only get 20 stats(5 from 4 nature combinations) the increases base stats as well as the stat bonuses it gives from lvls make the red gourd better, with perfect natures the amber bottle can be better but i doubt any1 it at a point where they have all perfect natures and this is an issue right now
Which is why I brought up the reforge progress bit. With perfect reforging, the inherent difference between amber bottle and red gourd is just the 20 base stat, even if you consider the elemental matching pairs that the OTHER tools provide, it's just 24(on average that is, given 11 potential matching pair over 5 stat, roughly 2 each. Perfection would be 5 atk/5 nin/3 life or something like that but that's WAY harder. FYI, I have 10 matching atm, so it's not hard to get a lot of matching, just hard to get perfect ones)
This is more than the 20 that a non-matching elemental would provide, but given that there is roughly 1/3 chance that at least one of the element match, which brings it up to 31.2, one matching amber might be better, if its secondary stat is no worse than the red gourd. Now, generally speaking, the secondary stat will be worse than red gourd, but there is always RNG, which might super high roll the amber bottle into 6 useful stat near their max(for amber bottle) while low rolling all red gourd so each contain some useless stat/missing stat and not a lot of peak. Alternatively, once again, there is reforge. A perfectly reforged amber bottle with just one matching element, which is easy, will be superior to red gourd.
So it differs depend on where a player is.
Thou I guess the short answer is, if you have to ask, probably red gourd. This post was last edited by PraiseLuka at 2017-4-4 12:12