Step 1) Maximize the refine runes you get, use group points and ranked points ONLY for Low Level and Medium Level refine runes.
step 2) Save your runes for a refine event. To use a refine event well, you really need a good stack. Somewhere around 200-400 of the type of rune you need (e.g., med or low level). refining 60 runes during a refine event wont get you anything unless you get really lucky (or unless we're talking about low level refine).
Step 3) while saving, use your purification runes wisely. Purify is the most underrated part of getting good init and I think most people don't do it wisely.
The goal: You want to have purple/gold initiative on five different types of items so you can put it on your main character. Also remember that purple is not all the same, sometimes you can have high 70s purple or low 60s purple.
Keep purifying the worst purified items you have when you have purifies. In general, you want to have a good stack of purifies, or coupons as backup if you want to purify.
How do we purify wisely? IMO, I value initit about 2x the value of crit, 5x the value of everything else. Control, Combo, Injury have their uses but dont protect them. Your goal is to get best initiative possible, then best crit possible, and if you can get good stats there, great. If you get an orange control and you keep trying to protect it, you'll run out of coupons.
So If I get a white init, I don't care what the other stats are. I will purify again.
Step 4) once you get the best purifies, refine that equipment with the stack of med refine runes you have. If you don't have a good stack, the best event to get them right now is Lucky Board.
Step 5) Hopefully you might even have enough adv runes to get it up to 315. Again, you want to try and get your main init as high as possible. A secondary goal is to get your team init as high as possible. Team initiative (the combined initiative of your team) determines whose barrier will stay on from the kage ninjas. Also, it can occasionally decide a fight if your 3rd or 4th pos goes before your opponent.
A second and third things to do are work on your BA (and level during a BA event) and save your cave keys for a cave key rebate. If you can't do SA difficult on both hidan and hanzo, you're missing out on a good stack of med thread. Also, you want to use your monthly points on Med Thread (also you can be using lucky board for this too).
You really want to do at least 100 cave keys during the rebate (200 or 500 are better obviously). Finally, you also want to try and get a quick rune from eight gates.
This post was last edited by rpa*** at 2017-4-3 17:54 This post was last edited by rpa*** at 2017-4-3 17:55