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Group Spies?!


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 9
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On 2017-04-02 09:04:23Show All Posts
honestly.. what is it a spy is supposed to gain?.. if they arent promoted members they cant see the battlefields, and if strategy arent discussed in guild chat i dont see it, which shouldnt be discussed 10min before gnw starts, but set in place before that time.. i dont see what they are supposed to spy on.. besides being able to see how many people are online?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 9
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On 2017-04-03 02:28:57Show All Posts
  • Gutsy Shinobi On 2017-04-02 23:22:47
  • ok, As a senior of group she is in I can tell you this. I've been monitoring this problem for a month or so I've been doing weekly growth statistics power/BA lvl +rank upg, donation, I found out more than 5 ppl were alts. We kicked them out, they keep coming back under different names.

    To gnw: What can they do? As Noobity*ity said, if I put 6 men team in one field and alt is in the 4th slot, they could guess what stategy would we run.

    One more thing our s280 is special, cuz only our side does SS convoys nowadays and alts of some ppl from their group (moreover bcuz they use autoclickers so its almost impossible to plunder them). Members of the other group dont do that since the other group officials banned them to that... So pretty much want us to have good gaming experience.. Its f**ked up, but what can we do? evel up new characters? no, thank you.
that kindda sums up what i tried to imply.. they can guess.. no more no less and even if they were not there the other guild would still try to guess ur line up.. besides being 4th or so in one field does not give away the full strategy only limits the possible strategies.. i dont see how this would be bad.. they are donating and fighting for u etc.. the only thing the spy accomplishes is furthering the enemies guild.
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