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[ Events ] What is the point of this board


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 16
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On 2017-03-30 03:32:16Show All Posts
im pretty sure ur looking at this event entirely wrong. its likely u dont need 420 for 10 then 920 for 20 then 2350 keys for 50 frags but just 2350 keys for all 80 frags, meaning the cost per frag drops considerably for each higher reward level roughly 293 coupons per frag at the highest level.

also i dont think we get 20 free keys and then 20 more for tasks, just 20 from tasks each day for a total of 60 free during the event.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 16
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On 2017-03-30 05:15:37Show All Posts
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-03-30 04:16:24
  • Let's take it as 2350 keys to get 80 frags.

    If its 5 coupons/ingots per key, that's 11,750. That's probably one of the cheapest C. Hidan.
    If its 10 coupons/ingots per key, that's 23,500. That's the most expensive C. Hidan till date. (Considering Lucky board and the recent Ninja recruitment was cheaper).
yup, now watch its going to end up being 20 coupons per key
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