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[ Events ] Events - 30th March


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On 2017-03-29 23:30:37Show this Author Only
People are STILL complaining.

This is the 1st time they reveal the next day's evening almost 12 hours in advance. They tried to communicate better by telling us about Konan anticipation into shops.

I think credit should be due where needed, the team DID try to make some changes, no drastic, but I think Aris taking 1 for the team did knock some sense into them.
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On 2017-03-29 23:34:02Show this Author Only
  • Aniszougari On 2017-03-29 23:03:05
  • Cursed Hidan price going up. That's something new. Next event Cursed Hidan will cost 40k ingots or more if this continues to scale like this.

    I don't find significant improvements from last week to this week. GNW Sai is actually a better sign up reward than Hebihime.
    The only difference is that this week there aren't rigged events going on.

    I expected much more to be honest. You didn't try very hard to make something better, did you ?
    I rate this 3.5 / 10

    P.S. The only reason you dont get a 2 / 10 again is because of Bonds event.

    This post was last edited by Aniszougari at 2017-3-29 16:12
Aggree. Why Cursed Hidan is getting more expensive as the time passes by? Free to play players can't even collect fragments anymore for the future...

Lucky board would be better than any of these events. I wonder when you will make an event better than lucky board... Or at least as good. Week after week the events change but never improve. Or they get worse or they are the same.
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On 2017-03-29 23:37:31Show this Author Only
Glad to see they posted the events early despite the rewards being terrible but whatever, free stuff. Also, removing the lucky board is probably the biggest mistake OASIS will ever make, literally nearly every player saves up a month worth of coupons for that invent...also, glad they added a new function, will be interesting to see what that's like especially since you get free coupons, frags and stamina. Next, will probably never use the monthly sign in ninja but nevertheless, new ninja for the collection and free easy coupons. Finally, the events aren't bad but they're not insanely good either, been saving up thread and cloth for a while so can finally use them. plates seem to be a full P2P but there's always at least one heavy P2P event.

Overall, at least OASIS have took a step in the right direction with telling us the events early to help us prepare, however, the plates event is only 3 days so it wouldn't surprise me if the tried pulling a fast one and released the lucky board as soon as that event finishes so unless you don't have Cursed Hidan and want him, go for it, if not, I'd wait until this one has ended in 3 days.
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On 2017-03-29 23:44:05Show this Author Only
  • Aniszougari On 2017-03-29 23:03:05
  • Cursed Hidan price going up. That's something new. Next event Cursed Hidan will cost 40k ingots or more if this continues to scale like this.

    I don't find significant improvements from last week to this week. GNW Sai is actually a better sign up reward than Hebihime.
    The only difference is that this week there aren't rigged events going on.

    I expected much more to be honest. You didn't try very hard to make something better, did you ?
    I rate this 3.5 / 10

    P.S. The only reason you dont get a 2 / 10 again is because of Bonds event.

    This post was last edited by Aniszougari at 2017-3-29 16:12
Prices went up because of the insane amount of spending this week.

Although I'm pretty sure they will drop soon since so many players will stop spending / spend much less than before.
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On 2017-03-29 23:47:06Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-03-29 23:44:05
  • Prices went up because of the insane amount of spending this week.

    Although I'm pretty sure they will drop soon since so many players will stop spending / spend much less than before.
The prices should have dropped in the first place because players were already stop spending since the whole situation came up. Players already started quitting.
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On 2017-03-29 23:48:38Show this Author Only
Rip.. my 5* konan won't be rare anymore :(

But now at least others can get her more easily.
This post was last edited by IamAscrub at 2017-3-29 23:49
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-29 23:49:34Show this Author Only
I`dd like to give my feedback on the events. Firstly, the fact that u posted them earlier and gave more info th*ual about them, is a much needed improvement and thanks for doing that.

1. Bond feature - new permanent feature by the looks of it, always welcomed. Now just have to wait and see if there are any bugs or not relating to this.
2.Gift packs special offer - nothing really good in them so no thx.
3.Great plates - nice to have a new event but lasts only 3 days so u can`t even get 1st reward without spending and some plates still include useless rewards like BBQ and very low amount of coins - overall bad event imo, so no thx.
4.Time Limited Recruitment - nothing new, have to wait and see the redeem shop and see the prices of the rewards before judging how good or bad is it.
5.Daily spending rebate - as always, preety bad rebate rewards, so no thx.
6.Battle Armor Rebate - always liked this one , sadly used my mats already q.q, but preety nice anyway.
7.Ninja puzzle - free coupons from one of em is always good, so much appreciated.
8. Limited recruitment - have to wait to check redeem shop first and see how good or bad is it
9. Purchase limit shop - nothing too great but not the worst, at least some items get discounted that way
10. Monthly sign-in - not great but whatever , new ninja for collection purposes for the very least. Could`ve been alot of other more useful ninjas but at least it ain`t sanin war jiraya.

At the very least, posting about events earlier, bringing some news about updates and giving more information regarding the events and updates is a step in the right direction so grats for that. Just hope u continue in that direction from now onwards.
This post was last edited by 642*** at 2017-3-29 23:52 This post was last edited by 642*** at 2017-3-30 00:40
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On 2017-03-29 23:50:11Show this Author Only
add lucky board too ://
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On 2017-03-29 23:52:30Show this Author Only
  • dlp2323 On 2017-03-29 23:47:06
  • The prices should have dropped in the first place because players were already stop spending since the whole situation came up. Players already started quitting.
Many players stopped spending, yes. but many others did spend on consumption wheel event and most likely they made more profit than previous events which lead them to increase prices.
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On 2017-03-29 23:58:20Show this Author Only
1. Bond - New features are always nice, but where are my cave keys for wishing tree?

2. Gift Packs - I will edit this later after i see some offers, but normaly its not worth the ingotsEDIT: Day 1, packs aren't worth it, big suprise

3. Great Plates - 20 a day means 60 for free. 2350 - 60 = 2290 needed to get hidan, if they cost 10 coupons each thats 22,900 coupons for him, during the last lucky board with him he was about 16k coupons. I doubt the rng will make this event worth the additional 6k price tag because lucky board gave us about the same reward value as spins here will, if keys only cost 5 each then its a good value regardless of the wheel and i might get hidan, but 10+ each and i wont spend at all.
EDIT: Keys do cost 10 coupons each, most people seem to be lucky if they break even with 10 spins, so not worth trying for, lucky board was easier to break even on dice cost and had a lower entry point to hidan frags.

4. Time Limited - Will Edit after i see prices as this event is good or bad depending on prices

5. Daily spending - There is no ingot only event as far as i can see so im not going to use this since i have 5k coupons to * through first and nothing worth using it on.

6. Battle Armor rebate - It's just as good now as it was when i first used it, but since i can't get advanced threads outside the shop I can't use this without $500 of ingots which isn't worth 1 lvl to me.

7. Ninja Puzzle - One of the best F2P events but i think the easy rewards are worthless, try changing the food to a lvl 1 mag pack or something.
EDIT: German version also has this every weekend, why can't we do the same thing?

8. Limited Recruitment - This event isn't as good as the newer treasure specific version.

9. Limited Shop - I don't buy seal scrolls, I've saved 330 for free since December. Cloth is worthless to everyone since SA gives so much of it. Thread is too expensive, if it was cheaper I would get some advanced thread for lvl 7 BA.

10. I bought Amber because it says she is an event only ninja, and now your giving her away as the sign-in??? If you told me she would be a sign-in reward I wouldn't have spent the 800 coupons for her. You couldn't have been honest with me? I would have been patient and waited if you told me she would also be a sign-in reward. I don't want her stars i just wanted her for collection.

11. Considering what happened this weekend, you really shouldn't have had that first sentence.

12. That's nice, will I finally have another ninja in the survival shop to 5* and waste some of these 180k coins? I had Deidara at 5* before you moved him.

EDIT: TY for posting events early, it is something that is always appreciated. I hope it will keep up in the fututre, since the last 2 times it stopped after the second week of early posting.

This post was last edited by Shadoblaze at 2017-3-30 00:18
This post was last edited by Shadoblaze at 2017-3-30 22:14
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On 2017-03-30 00:00:19Show this Author Only
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-03-29 23:30:37
  • People are STILL complaining.

    This is the 1st time they reveal the next day's evening almost 12 hours in advance. They tried to communicate better by telling us about Konan anticipation into shops.

    I think credit should be due where needed, the team DID try to make some changes, no drastic, but I think Aris taking 1 for the team did knock some sense into them.
Most definitely not the 1st time, but has been a while since they've done so the day before.

The complaining at this point is inevitable.
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On 2017-03-30 00:00:26Show this Author Only
1) New permanent content just like we were asking, very nice.
2) Depends on the contents of the packs, could be very good or very bad.
3) Terrible if going by 10 coupons per key, I don't think the contents of the packs could save this event from the utter failure of Cursed Hidan costing 23k. Also 3 days for the event so that free to play players cannot get the seals? Not cool.
4) Rebates are always welcome.
5) Depending on the pricings of the ninjas and the other redeemables it could be amazing or terrible. I hope Cursed Hidan is in there.
6) Can't complain about rebates.
7) Always nice seeing this event around.
8) Nice.
9) Decent I guess depending on quantities.
10) Better be April fools joke fam.

In conclusion, event #3 is a total joke if the keys aren't 5 coupons per and the way that the event run time is 3 days, not enabling f2p to get the seals is also very, very *my. Decent week, can be great depending on various pricings.
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On 2017-03-30 00:02:06Show this Author Only
I wonder your "estimated date" of cross server SWB. Are you working on that direction? 3 dead servers merged and 30 ppl in SWB? Brainless spender 20 winning streaking lmfao each time? Best playing experience for other players?
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On 2017-03-30 00:02:14Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-03-29 23:52:30
  • Many players stopped spending, yes. but many others did spend on consumption wheel event and most likely they made more profit than previous events which lead them to increase prices.
there was only that trap with baruto and that girl name on eu server ppl did nt rly spend in well anymore after what happend
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On 2017-03-30 00:02:33Show this Author Only
It would be nice if you guys can maintain posting the events ahead of time not just for the succeeding weeks but permanently lel. I was actually surprised to see it this early ;P Well done, i guess. :D
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-30 00:06:16Show this Author Only
+1 for actually telling us events a full day beforehand. Would still prefer a little more time in advance though, especially considering half the events we get now seem to only last a few days. Help the players budget better and you'll see more income in the long run.

Moving on...Events this week are average, at best. Nothing amazing, nothing terrible. My biggest complaints align with what others are already saying. Why is, arguably, the best event in the rotation only up for 3 days? If so the keys better be 5 coupons at the most otherwise it's just another rip off. We can earn 60 keys in those 3 days, the first reward (3 seals) totals a value of 375x. At 10x per key we would literally spend almost twice that value just to get to that first reward, and knowing the chance of getting those packs on that board no way would we make up the value difference. Also at 10x per key this would be the most expensive Hidan yet.

Truthfully, I gladly paid for the release of him on Lucky Board because the value there was all around amazing. Not only was he cheaper than he is now but I also got the bonuses from all those rolls. Now tell me why the hell a player would take these crap rolls over something that like and still spend more to get the same thing months later? Now this is all speculated off the idea that keys will be 10x per key but if you simply cut that in half, or already have and we just don't know, then all is fair and well.

Outside of that other events are all average but acceptable:
Bond system is a new permanent feature with freebies. Always good. Thanks for pushing that out.
Rebates are always fine, seal/summon/key/BA/spending etc, they will always be accepted because of the nature of the system.
Puzzles are annoying but hey, totally free.
Gift packs are similar to rebates. You do get a slight discount and a chance for decent extra reward so why not?
Time Limited Recruitment...This one is dicey. The event itself isn't too bad because nobody expects to get a full ninja or anything amazing flat out. It's just known as a decent way to get some threads/refines or fragments. That being said its value is based entirely off the rewards. With small changes it could be improved tremendously and made into a really great event. Just make sure the consumables are actually relevant (no low level refines, coins, food or dango TY) and add in or two ninja alongside the newer ones. Choose ones that are a bit older but still harder to get (Choza, B.S Kakashi or pains, other than Chiku*to) at a slightly lower cost. Helps out everyone as free players can farm or finish them with frags from who knows how long ago and others can push them to 4/5* if they choose.
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On 2017-03-30 00:07:19Show this Author Only
  • Jinsoyun On 2017-03-30 00:00:26
  • 1) New permanent content just like we were asking, very nice.
    2) Depends on the contents of the packs, could be very good or very bad.
    3) Terrible if going by 10 coupons per key, I don't think the contents of the packs could save this event from the utter failure of Cursed Hidan costing 23k. Also 3 days for the event so that free to play players cannot get the seals? Not cool.
    4) Rebates are always welcome.
    5) Depending on the pricings of the ninjas and the other redeemables it could be amazing or terrible. I hope Cursed Hidan is in there.
    6) Can't complain about rebates.
    7) Always nice seeing this event around.
    8) Nice.
    9) Decent I guess depending on quantities.
    10) Better be April fools joke fam.

    In conclusion, event #3 is a total joke if the keys aren't 5 coupons per and the way that the event run time is 3 days, not enabling f2p to get the seals is also very, very *my. Decent week, can be great depending on various pricings.
hidan 23k make no sense the event is much worst than lucky dice and 10k more,and for 3 days aswell like what the hell is that :shutup:
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On 2017-03-30 00:09:40Show this Author Only
Yay all spending events this week, well aside from the amazing Ninja Puzzle. You even replaced that terrible lucky board event. Way to go Oasis. This is sarcasm for those that can't tell.
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On 2017-03-30 00:10:35Show this Author Only
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-03-29 23:58:20
  • 1. Bond - New features are always nice, but where are my cave keys for wishing tree?

    2. Gift Packs - I will edit this later after i see some offers, but normaly its not worth the ingotsEDIT: Day 1, packs aren't worth it, big suprise

    3. Great Plates - 20 a day means 60 for free. 2350 - 60 = 2290 needed to get hidan, if they cost 10 coupons each thats 22,900 coupons for him, during the last lucky board with him he was about 16k coupons. I doubt the rng will make this event worth the additional 6k price tag because lucky board gave us about the same reward value as spins here will, if keys only cost 5 each then its a good value regardless of the wheel and i might get hidan, but 10+ each and i wont spend at all.
    EDIT: Keys do cost 10 coupons each, most people seem to be lucky if they break even with 10 spins, so not worth trying for, lucky board was easier to break even on dice cost and had a lower entry point to hidan frags.

    4. Time Limited - Will Edit after i see prices as this event is good or bad depending on prices

    5. Daily spending - There is no ingot only event as far as i can see so im not going to use this since i have 5k coupons to * through first and nothing worth using it on.

    6. Battle Armor rebate - It's just as good now as it was when i first used it, but since i can't get advanced threads outside the shop I can't use this without $500 of ingots which isn't worth 1 lvl to me.

    7. Ninja Puzzle - One of the best F2P events but i think the easy rewards are worthless, try changing the food to a lvl 1 mag pack or something.
    EDIT: German version also has this every weekend, why can't we do the same thing?

    8. Limited Recruitment - This event isn't as good as the newer treasure specific version.

    9. Limited Shop - I don't buy seal scrolls, I've saved 330 for free since December. Cloth is worthless to everyone since SA gives so much of it. Thread is too expensive, if it was cheaper I would get some advanced thread for lvl 7 BA.

    10. I bought Amber because it says she is an event only ninja, and now your giving her away as the sign-in??? If you told me she would be a sign-in reward I wouldn't have spent the 800 coupons for her. You couldn't have been honest with me? I would have been patient and waited if you told me she would also be a sign-in reward. I don't want her stars i just wanted her for collection.

    11. Considering what happened this weekend, you really shouldn't have had that first sentence.

    12. That's nice, will I finally have another ninja in the survival shop to 5* and waste some of these 180k coins? I had Deidara at 5* before you moved him.

    EDIT: TY for posting events early, it is something that is always appreciated. I hope it will keep up in the fututre, since the last 2 times it stopped after the second week of early posting.

    This post was last edited by Shadoblaze at 2017-3-30 00:18
    This post was last edited by Shadoblaze at 2017-3-30 22:14
Great plates is only 3 days event, so only 60 free. :(
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On 2017-03-30 00:19:57Show this Author Only
New things are always welcome. Personally i'm not that interested in this week's hot events, but i'll wait to see the full rewards before saying more (Adv threads and refines are always good to see, since they were always quite lacking in previous events and i have almost no use of the medium ones).

What i would like to see next week (and i'm always a bit disappointed about that) is the lackness of our ginger guy, Tendo in events. After getting hashirama in events like 3 times... i truly would like to have the ability to get him / 4 star'ing him.
Quicky Post

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