2017-03-30 14:49:29
I would like everyone to remember that Hebihime is someone you had to pay to get. She may not be of any use to you but we are getting a ninja you have to pay for, for free. Also we have already had a lucky board this month. So please just wait until it comes around to use your coupons if you do that.
It's a different thing at stake here, the way Oasis listens to us.
We are complaining that the free players are falling behind, leaving, servers getting empty, and they could've addressed this issue with the monthly free ninja, a ninja that could improve the odds a little bit (ex GNW Sakura as in Germany last month).
But no, we get Hebihime. I don't have anything against this ninja, but unless you want to fill the pokedex it isn't giving you anything of value.