Use 120 Great Keys and get: Seal Scroll*3
Use 420 Great Keys and get: Hidan *10
Use 920 Great Keys and get: Hidan *20
Use 2350 Great Keys and get: Hidan *50
SO 3 days = 60 keys , yes i understand has a p2w point of view people need to get stuff others would take longer however has a p2w point of view who have a job and cant afford to spend 2290 keys (already removing the 60 free keys u get) so if we make each key x10 coupons or ingots it would cost around 22900 coupons or ingots , coupons wise that is like 1 full year without spending i guess, ingots wise that is around 500 euros that is 1 month full salary atleast were i live , this is just my opinion but if u made it like in taiwan version where things are cheaper and players actually get rewarded would be way best , sometimes less is more , making things cheaper means more people will be willing to spend their money on this game instead of just the really rich ones , its preferable to have 50 people who can spend 50 bucks each and are compensated than 1 or 2 people who can spend 500 , well this is just my opinion, in this current state instead of keeping them you will lose them since for what i see only people who can earn around 1500-2500 monthly can even spend here (and believe me removing 500 euros from salary just for a game that is crazy), but oh well that is just a point of view of some1 who likes to give opinions