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[ Events ] The community needs to cut the bull*.


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On 2017-03-29 20:50:26Show All PostsDescending Order
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Ive been on the forums for scine Septemember of last year mostly just reading and watching. With that being said I want to adress what I have seen on here and now the whole Osasis gate 2017 thing happened its gone to a whole new level.

We are suppose to be taken seriously by this company right? Then how can we expect them to take us seriously when we cant even treat eachother like humans? People disagree with one thing or another and turn into children on the play ground, yet we some how have this dillusion that were going to be taken seriosuly as the adults when they do something we don't like.

What Ari did wasnt just a eye opener for us about Oasis but it should have been to us as a community. People making insane demands of "if I don't have Susano or x amount of coupons I quit" just completly cut our argument down to its not about what the community wants its about greed. The money grab made us all look like morons and made the people who want the game to get better and the community as a whole be stonger completely unheard.

Oasis has now seen the levels of outrage we have yet it means nothing because they know we will never be organized enough to do * anway because we cant even talk to eachother on here without being *s let lone talk to the mods or devs like adults.

We want our voice heard then we need to cut the bull* and learn to treat eachother with respect. Just because you dont agree with someone or they are misinformed on something give them the same respect you'd want if you were on the other side of it and help them see why they are misinformed. Then maybe we might have enough ground built to actually make a real change until then we are all throwing pebbles at giants.
This post was last edited by Encounterzero at 2017-3-29 23:59
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-29 22:12:39Show All Posts
I really don't have a ton of time set and edit everything cause I have two children. I find it sad that the one guy didn't even have a opinion other then try to troll on grammer and failed at that.
Trying to provoke a argument with me will be pointless so don't waste your time or mine. That was a ill attempt to distract form the topic at hand anyway.

You are right PoisonScrub the mods here could do more to try and pass on information but seeing as how they are not really employed by the company they can afford to decide what to send at there discretion.
I would think people consistently chewing you out would make you a whole lot less willing to fight for the people calling you a *.

Personally I think they should still be professional in their job role but being told your a * every 5 seconds would have to get old and fast not to mention being stuck in the middle of two sides of the arguments. Your *ed if you do *ed if you don't.

Ari pretty much kicking the door off the hinges really has given us a real opportunity to communicate with the devs. We as the community need to figure out exactly what is most important and focus on the issues in order they need to be addressed. Ari was that person and now that he is gone we need someone to fill that position and they are going to be extremely picky about who they let into the gates now.

The reason most of the posts haven't been taken down about how people feel toward the company is most likely they are doing some serious rethinking of peoples jobs and how things should be handled in the future.

We need to do the same as a community rethinking how we treat one another should be a priority in my opinion. Treating the mods and devs with a little more respect wouldn't kill anyone but on that same note if you feel your being mistreated by a mod stand your ground but do it in a constructive manner not childish insults. You are more likely to have something done by a friend then by the guy you called a * head for the last few months.
(I had a little more time to do things better.):lol
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On 2017-03-30 01:03:25Show All Posts
I'm no where near a mod or gl for that matter if that was directed towards me.

I'm a mid level spender my self I just enjoy the game and want the community to focus on how to fix things instead of ripping each other and the people who are suppose to help apart.

As for the events they do need some time to fix what they broke keep in mind they were blind sided by this just as much as we have been.

Changing things along with the what was already scheduled for release is going to take some time because its a ton of programming they have to redo and its not going to be a over night fix. The best we are going to get this early is band aids at best. Give them a month and if by then they haven't changed things I'd say to hell with it and fallow suit.

Being a big spender would you really want to feel you threw away all of your time into something that could improve in the next month?

I play in Taiwan and the game there is a total 180 from what we have but we have the early builds of what they had because of the translation and programming being put into it. We are more like beta testers right now.

I urge everyone to go check out the Taiwan or even the German servers to get a look into what we have to look forward too. The events and rewards are different but they are also on different builds and have a year or more on us.
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On 2017-03-30 02:30:36Show All Posts
How many have actually read this thread?

I made this post in hopes that we could learn to communicate with each other better and get some * unity towards the common goal of making the game better for everyone.
What do we get trolls only proving my point for me over and over.

Why does everything turn into childish insults and personal issues?
Are we just that far gone that we can't even have a conversation or debate without it turning into children on a playground level mentality?

To the people who have contributed to the discussion like adults, I thank you for doing so in that manner and putting forth a civil point of debate.

Now for the trolls what are you getting from trying to make a civil conversation and debate into what is akin to elementary school mentality and name calling?

It's sad that in 2 pages my point has been proven several times about how divided we truly are.

How can a game company take what we ask for seriously if we cant even take each other seriously?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-30 21:28:01Show All Posts
Everyone has valid points and Oasis has taken a step in the right direction with posting event early and to some degree being more transparent in what you are getting for your dollar.
I have spent close to $3000 into this game which for most people is a absurd amount but I did it because I truly enjoy the game. I fully understand every ones outrage about things being rigged.

Oasis could fix the rigged thing extremely easy by just clearly saying only one winner per day if it is capped. They would still make money from the people who either didn't see it was won that day or people aiming for other prizes on that wheel.

Which Oasis could just have a box showing who won the big prize that day and if people choose to keep spending which they will cause no one reads the boxs anyway they are 100% being clear that it is capped and anyone that spends after wards it is there own fault for not reading.

Now as for the Youtuber's making people do things I don't believe that for a second. They hold no power over what people do they can suggest things but not force them to do anything.

I'll tell you exactly why I have that opinion I have a pretty well known Youtuber in my group Dripsha and you can ask him your self and he will out right tell you if we think something is wrong we rip into him. I've been on a few of his podcasts I'am ZeroBane from them to be exact.

So you can go back and see how much I have laid into this company over events and * they have done wrong and you c*so see I had that knee * rage that everyone else did and I still do think they are going to have to do something to win us back.

With that being said I decided to put my anger to constructive use and bring the community together so if something bigger happens we can stand together and make a change in how things are done. We fund them and the amount of back charging they have seen in the last few days I'am more then sure woke them up.

We also need to give them time to fix things they cant simply do it over night like a lot of people seem to think. There are hours and days of codeing to do. They have started being more transparent with us by posting there plans and event much earlier this way it gives people time to plan ahead save scrolls or keys or what ever.

We need to give credit where it is due and in time we will build a much better relationship with the company and staff alike if we just give them respect.

I really would like to thank everyone for being civil in your posts it is nice to see we do have adults here that can act like one. This post was last edited by Encounterzero at 2017-3-30 22:02
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On 2017-04-01 01:02:55Show All Posts
  • On 2017-03-30 08:22:56
  • lol when the customer/ player relationship is broken it's obvious that people are gonna be mad for a'll cool down eventually. the thing is after all that's happened mods don't even stand up stright to us to tell us the actual thruth. they barely addressed any reasons relating why we were / are mad
They may be under gag order to not respond to any of it be cause they represent the company and anything they say be it truth or not can be held against the company.

They are playing things safe by trying to not dig a deeper hole then they are already in.

Clearly they know they got caught with there fingers in the cookie jar but they also know how this community responds to mods.

We tend to react harshly to anything we deem as a defense of the things we don't like.

I'am guilty of doing this a few times my self so I more then understand why it happens, when people feel strongly about a subject they tend to lose sight of their real goal.

This post was last edited by Encounterzero at 2017-4-1 04:37
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