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[ Bugs ] Ti/Sa Compensation without screenshots.


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On 2017-03-29 09:53:43Show this Author Only
My general point is - the posts are all vague enough that it's completely understandable why someone would assume they don't need a screenshot. The 3/15 post didn't ask for one and it was still soon enough to take one. Requiring that as validation is a little strange anyway. I can see why people would think a screen shot isnt required. :)
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On 2017-03-29 09:54:40Show this Author Only
the second post for it didn't even ask for TI/SA screenshot so.... I get why you would want screenshot and stuff for proof, but most people wouldn't lie about this.
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On 2017-03-29 09:56:12Show this Author Only
And I would agree with that.
I'm merely pointing out Oasis's logic for requiring one and their tendency to blame the player for not filing a proper report (among other things) when something goes wrong and the basis they will use for this blame.
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On 2017-03-29 10:00:59Show this Author Only
Yeah. although I would still argue the screenshot isn't needed to be valid since the form they told everyone to fill out on the second post is:
Server ID:

UID: (Can be found by clicking recharge, Top right number)

Server Time Zone:

In-game Name:

Nothing about screenshot in this one. Besides the one with the screenshot one was the first one. They fixed some people's TI/SA between the first and second TI/SA reports. If they just go with the screenshots people who got their TI/SA reset during the week, from the first TI/SA thread, would still get compensation.
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On 2017-03-29 10:01:45Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-03-29 09:33:18
  • Neither post mentioned anything about compensation, both claims to be attempt of resolve. The only mention of compensation was raised by the 100 coupon etc stuff for a different bug. I'm fairly sure that talk of compensation for the TI bug was not raised until it was too late (i.e. after Thursday 10am)

    I'm too lazy to go through every page but...
    The first thread contains 36 pages, made in a bit under 2 days
    The second thread only 23 pages
    And given the "valid" screenshot time frame, only 12-15 pages of the second thread is useful, as any post past that will likely contain a screenshot that is taken too late, even if they asked for screenshot (unless they already have one and only posted later)

    In any case, if done right, log data should be able to be used to find who was active but haven't done any TI/SA that week. Thou this does have some problems, it is far better than depending on screenshots. It should have been theoretically easy to compile a complete (or almost complete) list of all affected players before Thursday 10am in that week, just a set of queries that look for those with 0 remaining TI chance should have done it. This is certainly a value that is stored in some sort of database, so it should be able to be pulled up. Granted, this might require help from the actual dev of the game and not something Oasis could do. But bit over 3 days should have been more than enough to get whatever help they need.
honestly if they have a database then all the info they would have needed should have been available within 5 min of the bug coming to light thanks to a single query grabbing the data for a report. and that's without having any input from us customers.

this was a data bug on their end, not a ui bug because of our browser settings, they shouldn't have needed anything from us to find and fix the problem. and when it looked like they might not fix it in time they should have gotten a record of all the people who had been effected to plan to compensate them. That at least is what a responsible company would do.
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On 2017-03-29 10:02:42Show this Author Only
Aw, I guess I won't get any compensation then lol. Too bad. I only filled out the 2nd forum with the UID, server, etc. I didn't know there was one before that since it wasn't mentioned, and I didn't go searching for it since that thread was the first one I saw. Is it my fault or theirs? Who knows. Just gotta move on, unless they decide to be generous.
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On 2017-03-29 10:22:23Show this Author Only
They really won't give us any compensation I guess. I only took a picture of my TI/SA at 0 attempts and didn't include the date and time cause it wasn't specified and because I didn't want people to see my whole email.
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On 2017-03-29 10:31:45Show this Author Only
  • Fxoe On 2017-03-29 10:02:42
  • Aw, I guess I won't get any compensation then lol. Too bad. I only filled out the 2nd forum with the UID, server, etc. I didn't know there was one before that since it wasn't mentioned, and I didn't go searching for it since that thread was the first one I saw. Is it my fault or theirs? Who knows. Just gotta move on, unless they decide to be generous.
its not "if they decide to be generous" its "if they decide to stop being stingy" they stopped us from getting the rewards in the first place, if they didn't break it and take so long to fix it this wouldn't be an issue.
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On 2017-03-29 10:33:12Show this Author Only
this is the post i submitted but i guess they won't even take this one XD my computer names the files the date and time it was taken.
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On 2017-03-30 00:10:58Show this Author Only
Bump - please review :)
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On 2017-03-30 01:17:16Show this Author Only
i have sent my screenshots to the specified email too; still nothing. what do we do?
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On 2017-03-30 11:35:33Show this Author Only
I'll try to clear up the situation a little.

The second thread was an extension of the first one.
On the first thread, we asked players for information regarding the TI/SA. However mid-week, we fixed it for many but some were still affected. The second thread was made in return as a follow-up for those players who were affected.

Unfortunately, I'll require the screenshot. From 3-13 - 3-17, if you've posted on that thread with adequate information, You'll receive the proper compensation.

If you do have the correct information, Feel free to message me it (Including the screenshot).
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On 2017-03-30 12:05:54Show this Author Only
Well if u need proof then might as well post it again

Monday the 13th 0 TI's available. I didnt get the SA screen shot but this should still be enough proof :)
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On 2017-03-30 12:34:28Show this Author Only
  • YesImKazuma On 2017-03-30 12:05:54
  • Well if u need proof then might as well post it again

    Monday the 13th 0 TI's available. I didnt get the SA screen shot but this should still be enough proof :)
Message it to me.
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On 2017-03-30 14:31:19Show this Author Only
Just messaged you @Tobei.
Quicky Post

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