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[ Other ] Why aren't the mods replying to your Threads!?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-29 03:45:34Show this Author Only
Well i guess we'll just have to wait and see, will it be another bs or will they really fix the game
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On 2017-03-29 04:04:51Show this Author Only
  • LEEEEROY On 2017-03-28 23:16:49
  • Another Oasis' * up fanboy
For pointing out the truth. ? Ok That makes sense. But thank you for your time
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On 2017-03-29 04:09:57Show this Author Only
I'm with you the on the bug compensation. I was a moron and tossed out my screenshot (it wasn't even a full on screenshot because I just took it to show my friends and I was under the impression that OASIS monitored their game and players closely enough to know who gets affected by what bug at which time. Silly me I thought the company cared) and someone showed me there is an ENTIRE thread that Tobei closed with people of a similar problem. A thread 23 pages long. I asked Tobei if I could get the compensation since I was affected by it and said something when a thread first opened about it and all I get is "sorry without a screenshot my hands are tied." I have asked to be the GL for my combined servers. Response was, "Sorry we aren't doing that for your servers." REALLY? OASIS THIS is why your customers hate you. I am a game developer, I KNOW what it takes to create, program, test, debug, manage, and add content into a multi-server based online game. Do you know what the easiest part of the entire process is? LISTENING TO YOUR PLAYERS!!!!! You created the GL position with the purpose of being a DIRECT link to your player base, and good on you for that, but then you don't utilize that position? I'm sorry but that is just idiotic management. This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2017-3-29 04:11
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On 2017-03-29 04:11:13Show this Author Only
  • iPhilosophy On 2017-03-28 17:21:44
  • Do you actually know what they meant by that? NO. Only they do. Your making an assumption sir. Thank you for your time
dude dont, just dont...stop slapping yourself.
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On 2017-03-29 04:13:45Show this Author Only
Give them time. This situation requires time and great consideration. They are most likely getting together and are discussing what to do next. We need one voice for comfort and clarity, not all the mods together that might contradict or not words things correctly. This situation isn't something that can be fixed in a couple days. Especially since people are filing against them for * and/ or getting a refund.
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On 2017-03-29 04:18:03Show this Author Only
It's basic. I cannot sympathize. These guys are worse than EA. I have dealt with fallout and losing player confidence. It's easy to make a mistake like a bug but it's just as easy to make a proper apology with compensation. This attitude they are cultivating is horrific. For a Bandai authorized they are making Bandai look bad.
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On 2017-03-29 04:19:26Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2017-03-29 04:11:13
  • dude dont, just dont...stop slapping yourself.
The Truth sets everyone free. Stop reacting and listening to word of mouth from the everyone who is overreacting and actually think about the things said throughout the last couple of days for yourself. Being calm and thinking instead of just reacting is the best way to go sir. Ari Didn't say anything that we didn't already know from first starting the game. You guys are overreacting. Even in other version RNG is the way of the game. Goodbye Thank you for your time sir.
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On 2017-03-29 04:25:40Show this Author Only
  • iPhilosophy On 2017-03-29 04:19:26
  • The Truth sets everyone free. Stop reacting and listening to word of mouth from the everyone who is overreacting and actually think about the things said throughout the last couple of days for yourself. Being calm and thinking instead of just reacting is the best way to go sir. Ari Didn't say anything that we didn't already know from first starting the game. You guys are overreacting. Even in other version RNG is the way of the game. Goodbye Thank you for your time sir.
Yes indeed. And being a fanboy that doesnt want to see what's in front of you is kinda sad too. In case you dont know, search a bit. they say they are implementing gift packs for level 80 and 90, chinese versions dont have those, they have. simple and precise. you dont want or cant see that? maybe buy glasses or stop being a moron with your eyes closed. And this is jsutone of the obvious lies. oh yeah they dont lie im sorry. Goodbye Thank you for your time sir. This post was last edited by 113***@google at 2017-3-29 04:31
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On 2017-03-29 04:30:06Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-03-29 04:25:40
  • Yes indeed. And being a fanboy that doesnt want to see what's in front of you is kinda sad too. In case you dont know, search a bit. they say they are implementing gift packs for level 80 and 90, chinese versions dont have those, they have. simple and precise. you dont want or cant see that? maybe buy glasses or stop being a moron with your eyes closed. And this is jsutone of the obvious lies. oh yeah they dont lie im sorry. Goodbye Thank you for your time sir. This post was last edited by 113***@google at 2017-3-29 04:31
I like the ending, It's pretty elegant but Honestly like i said to the other person. You are making an assumption. Unless oasis puts out a picture of the "gift packs" they are talking about we don't know unless we work there as a developer. I understand the assumption its a pretty good one but its not confirmed sir. But Im off this thread For good sir. But thank you for your time. I have enjoyed talking of this matter with you guys.
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On 2017-03-29 04:33:59Show this Author Only
  • iPhilosophy On 2017-03-29 04:30:06
  • I like the ending, It's pretty elegant but Honestly like i said to the other person. You are making an assumption. Unless oasis puts out a picture of the "gift packs" they are talking about we don't know unless we work there as a developer. I understand the assumption its a pretty good one but its not confirmed sir. But Im off this thread For good sir. But thank you for your time. I have enjoyed talking of this matter with you guys.
Yes assumptions, like all the other assumptions that came to light and made all this happen right? I would say i enjoyed talking to you but.... i would be lying sorry.
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On 2017-03-29 06:09:46Show this Author Only
To be fair assumptions based off past facts is usually ok in most things. Hell, as humans you have to make small fast assumptions every minute. "I think that car might cut me off he/she seems like they will" based off fact of how they're swerving or moving etc.

Oasis has a history of saying nothing to a bug, and thats its not a bug, or compensating with fake items that are only worth 100coupons at most. They 100% not mention that their consumption wheel was bugged out for 5+ hours. Since after the bug fix it worked out amazing for them, and people cant comprehend that the bug that stopped giving out coupons at 5K pot is what made the "rarity" of coupons at 100k Pot the reason its "not" a bug anymore.

People complain about alot of tedious ..really ok things. I mean Strong approach/arena/matsuri..honestly that stuff isn't even their fault. Its just how the game is. This TI/SA bug that gave "everyone" a item and this wheel "not bug" is the type of problems that are making everyone hate them.
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On 2017-03-29 06:16:34Show this Author Only
well here is my 2 cents, i think they are just riding the storm until it dies out, like they did with every complaint about every event, until we dont talk about it anymore and "all is forgotten" and then its back to buisness as usual... u c*ready see some of the mods responding to posts that has nothing to do with what happened
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On 2017-03-29 08:26:10Show this Author Only
  • iPhilosophy On 2017-03-29 04:19:26
  • The Truth sets everyone free. Stop reacting and listening to word of mouth from the everyone who is overreacting and actually think about the things said throughout the last couple of days for yourself. Being calm and thinking instead of just reacting is the best way to go sir. Ari Didn't say anything that we didn't already know from first starting the game. You guys are overreacting. Even in other version RNG is the way of the game. Goodbye Thank you for your time sir.
sorry but im going to hit that dislike *on, im not reacting, im a logical guy, all i can see is this, Oasis is in deep trouble, the stuff going on, it's not okay, do they need to address it? yes, are they? no.

They prefer to ignore what's happening, btw, your assumptions was ours aswell as you meant, but aristaeus got the proof, so there ya go.
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On 2017-03-29 08:35:52Show this Author Only
They are not talking or responding because it would not be in the best interest of their company to speak on it no matter how much they need to. If one mod says the wrong thing it can lead to a bigger fire storm.
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On 2017-03-29 09:17:40Show this Author Only
Well, Even if they are not replying, We all know the situation, but you know mods are just busy in general still.
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On 2017-03-29 11:30:06Show this Author Only
Patience is virtue
Quicky Post

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