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[ Other ] Why aren't the mods replying to your Threads!?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-29 04:11:13Show All Posts
  • iPhilosophy On 2017-03-28 17:21:44
  • Do you actually know what they meant by that? NO. Only they do. Your making an assumption sir. Thank you for your time
dude dont, just dont...stop slapping yourself.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-29 08:26:10Show All Posts
  • iPhilosophy On 2017-03-29 04:19:26
  • The Truth sets everyone free. Stop reacting and listening to word of mouth from the everyone who is overreacting and actually think about the things said throughout the last couple of days for yourself. Being calm and thinking instead of just reacting is the best way to go sir. Ari Didn't say anything that we didn't already know from first starting the game. You guys are overreacting. Even in other version RNG is the way of the game. Goodbye Thank you for your time sir.
sorry but im going to hit that dislike *on, im not reacting, im a logical guy, all i can see is this, Oasis is in deep trouble, the stuff going on, it's not okay, do they need to address it? yes, are they? no.

They prefer to ignore what's happening, btw, your assumptions was ours aswell as you meant, but aristaeus got the proof, so there ya go.
Quicky Post

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