2017-03-27 21:02:10
oh and just to explain what's happening to those that dont understand (dont think it's the guys here cu im pretty sure you guys know it's rigged already):
This is on purpose. The wheel was previously rigged at around 5k, so indeed 5% of that is 250 and 10% is 500. The thing is, with all this that came to public, they still decide to continue to rig it, but messed up. Now, people are less likely to land in any of the %, but when they do, they still win the same ammount of coupons that it was when it was a pool of around 5K. So as you see, they decreased the likely of players winning something, and when they win, it's still the same as when it was rigged before. The pool is almost 50k and yet people only get 250coupons for 5% and 500cps for 10%.
So... final comment
I don't think that is correct. I've been keeping an eye on the reward list for EU, not a single person has landed on 5 or 10% during the last 5 hours.