2017-03-28 08:04:19
OP, If you would have posted on the forum with screenshots you could have gotten a decent amount of coupons, I've heard from lots of players who have.
I'm not saying that 1500 coupons is worth the amount of ninja tools but its better than the 2 seals thing the OP was talking about. If you look at how much they sale Ninja tools for, we should have gotten more like 3k-4.5k coupons, but I'll take w/e I can get at this point.
This post was last edited by Beji at 2017-3-28 08:06
I've posted on the forums with screenshots to verify that my SA and TI never reset and haven't gotten coupons myself. So idk how many "lots of players" would imply tbh. XD
Same with some friends who posted they didn't get resets either and no coupons.
So idk when they plan to send those compensations out to me and the friends I mentioned, but...yeah. lol
2 weeks later~