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[ Events ] Consumption Wheel is literally consuming.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-29 12:26:46Show All Posts
  • Loaf On 2017-03-29 12:11:47
  • All they've done is coerce mid range spenders to go * deep for Sasuke. The spenders do not care about rewards they are literally throwing money so that the opposing players do not win the #1 prize.

    The #2 prize is literal *. I saw this coming and it's sadly hilarious now because these people are stuck in a spending competition - whoevers credit card or bank cancels their card first loses. Really sad but all Oasis seems to care about is draining bank accounts before the majority of spenders realize they are rigging things to abuse peoples loyalty.
I have explained this in my previous thread : Player Roles in F2P Games

As much as how bad image you have at Oasis now and claim the events rigged which we have no whatsoever method to proof, UNLESS Oasis admitted to that which i doubt they would thus putting the issue over the fence. People still win the wheel, and players should realize how DEEP they are willing to go since the COMPANY never FORCE you to spend.

This is the decision made by PLAYERS, be smart and play smart is all i can say.
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