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[ Events ] Is this event rigged??


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On 2017-03-27 13:07:00Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Got a question...Is this event rigged???because it totally feels like it. Also, what else is rigged??
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On 2017-03-27 13:09:07Show this Author Only
wow lol
thats some crazy bad lucky haha
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On 2017-03-27 13:16:47Show this Author Only
I should write up a new guide to help players decide if an event is rigged. Just ask yourself a few questions:

1.) Can Oasis make money off the event? if yes, then it is rigged.
2.) Does the event in question award ninjas or materials that Oasis would rather you buy with ingots? If yes, then it is rigged.

pretty short guide, wonder if I could get it linked in the Best Strategy section of the Hot Topics tab in game...
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On 2017-03-27 13:41:39Show this Author Only
Wanna trade xD? I don't think it's rigged, just RNG.
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On 2017-03-27 13:45:32Show this Author Only
I'm in the same position, tons of plates except the "R" one.
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On 2017-03-27 13:46:14Show this Author Only
Consumption wheel RIGGED. 100%
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On 2017-03-27 13:51:57Show this Author Only
Same here hahahahha
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On 2017-03-27 13:52:00Show this Author Only
why i think this event is rigged:
Well let's imagine you have a dice, and you throw it daily, you get tons of 1, 2 , 3 and 5. but you only get a few 3 and no 6 in the first day, ok, nothing wrong with that, you were unlucky, now imagine you do the same the next day and you get the same result, again, nothing wrong with that, you're just unlucky, but after 4 days of throwing the dice and getting tons of 1,2,3 and 5's and only 3-4 6's that's when you start to suspect that the dice is rigged.
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On 2017-03-27 13:52:49Show this Author Only
  • S1018 Ambition On 2017-03-27 13:51:57
  • Same here hahahahha
The "O" is also 0 LOL
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On 2017-03-27 14:13:12Show this Author Only
If this event was fair:
Given say an average 120 total plates each player gain throughout the whole event (note we are not there yet, so those numbers would have to be adjusted, the left over amount would be roughly 2/3 of those)
The average player will complete no more than 15 sets, therefore having 30 left over.
Roughly one in 8 players will complete 12 sets or less, therefore having 48 left over.
Roughly one in 125 players will complete 8 sets or less, therefore having 72 left over.
Roughly one in 5000 players will complete 4 sets or less, therefore having 96 left over.

Given that, what have been posted could very well be the result of normal and fair RNG.
Large data would need to be collected to be certain, but given that many people would probably complain if they run into the 125, given the small number of complains I see every time this event come around, I'd see it's probably not rigged against us. It could potentially be rigged FOR us, thou I have no idea how that would be.
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On 2017-03-27 14:26:39Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-03-27 14:13:12
  • If this event was fair:
    Given say an average 120 total plates each player gain throughout the whole event (note we are not there yet, so those numbers would have to be adjusted, the left over amount would be roughly 2/3 of those)
    The average player will complete no more than 15 sets, therefore having 30 left over.
    Roughly one in 8 players will complete 12 sets or less, therefore having 48 left over.
    Roughly one in 125 players will complete 8 sets or less, therefore having 72 left over.
    Roughly one in 5000 players will complete 4 sets or less, therefore having 96 left over.

    Given that, what have been posted could very well be the result of normal and fair RNG.
    Large data would need to be collected to be certain, but given that many people would probably complain if they run into the 125, given the small number of complains I see every time this event come around, I'd see it's probably not rigged against us. It could potentially be rigged FOR us, thou I have no idea how that would be.
You might be right, or people got tired of complaining because after 6 months of complaining nothing changed
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On 2017-03-27 15:31:21Show this Author Only

* "O". always missing that one.

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On 2017-03-27 15:36:07Show this Author Only
Yeh 100% rigged, I'm exactly the same, got almost 12 of each except for R which is on 0.

Done this even multiple times since my server came out like 165 days ago or so and it's the same everytime, ALWAYS 10+ of each and 0 of 1 letter, same goes for most of my group members too.

I mean they just can't do anything nice, off chance 1 of the 5+ events benefits F2P and it's rigged so you get basically nothing.
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On 2017-03-27 16:36:38Show this Author Only
Rigged as a mofo.
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On 2017-03-27 16:45:03Show this Author Only
This event was always like this, every name plate event has always done things this way, always missing one letter. This event was my first hint the events were rigged when it first came out last year, its not even subtle it caps letters so we cant get all the prizes. What this does is give you the illusion its random while in the end its already been decided the maximum points you will get at the end of the week, no matter of luck will change that amount.
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On 2017-03-27 16:46:47Show this Author Only
Every time I done this event I was short of 1 different letter and had lots of everything else so pretty sure that's how it's set up
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On 2017-03-27 17:02:15Show this Author Only
lol same with me.. i missing O's aswell haha only getting the others
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On 2017-03-27 19:55:29Show this Author Only
No no, you do have to understand how the RNG system works. RNG system is NOT like throwing a dice. it's NOT picking a random number from the pool every time. That would be a true RNG or whatever else is called.

Now I do not feel like making a whole post, because nobody will read that anywyas

But in very short version, RNG uses a seed (often server sided, but does not have to be) and adds or subtracts from that seed.

So let's assume you have scale from 0 - 300 (this is just an example, do not quote any numbers) and 6 letters so letter N is from 0 - 50, A 51-100 etc.
In this case when you pull 10 and assume your seed is 67 you will get a lot of N's, A's, R's but getting O's will be unlikely with that current seed.

Usually seeds change after some period of time, but that c*l be very different in each instance of that system, so I'll skip that part.

Of course it is possible to write the system for one letter to have a smaller pool of numbers, but that would be very visible, as the same letter would be missing for a most of the players, which is not the case.

TL: DR - RNG used in 99,95% of games and instances is very imperfect system, that punishes (or rewards) you for using it in quick succession depending on the current seed.
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On 2017-03-27 19:58:41Show this Author Only
My luck is horrible i can never get an A out of the that box
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On 2017-03-28 06:21:57Show this Author Only
nothing in this game isnt rigged. there is 0% *rng*=random number generator . the game is 100% *Rng*=Rigged number generator.

+ this has been proven long ago. you cannot create true random on computer. you can only simulate a part of randomness. then there oasis. where they dont even go as far as to try to simulate randomness. they straight out rig everthing.

side note.. dont trust any compagny that do a cash even which give discount. say 10% off. and when u go to buy it . its actualy +10% increased price. i mean if they cant even understand the difference betwen + and - it speaks of theyre caliber. (could also be on purpose to scam)
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