I would like to see a Server 0. a server where game liaison could actually get everything they want(all coupons, ingots and ninjas) to test and see how's events are going.
Because i have multiple issues with the current situation.
1. Game liaison and mods should not have a in game rewards. it is consider unfair that one guy in your server get x amount of coupons for "free" and you have to compete against him. it create artificial whaling and its shady. but by having a Server 0, where thoses guys could do whatever they want, they will get rewarded for the work they do while not influencing the other servers.
2. Rng should be in a gray zone, and i understand that, but by having people actually testing the rng and sharing the info, the communauty will know approx how much they need to spend to get what they want( for exemple everyone know you need 60 scrolls to get a rare).
3. people would be able to test the new events and new content in advance and see if its fun or not. while the polls might be "useful" actually testing out the events is far more interesting for a communauty.
Server 0 would be a normal server like any other ones, but it will get content and test before the others. and it would be clear and transparent that some players have all they want for free.
on a last note, mods of this forum should not be included in this witch hunt.