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[ News ] Official Statement for Our Players about Recent Events


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On 2017-03-30 05:48:47Show this Author Only
Doubt anything will get done, they'll just continue to pump out bad events and give updates at a *ly slow rate, people will keep spending, the event was proof of that, such a shame.

Would guess more than half the player base don't even read forums. :@
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On 2017-03-30 10:02:38Show this Author Only
OASIS, is this just a joke? I am probably the biggest spender on this game, but this did nothing to keep me here. I really enjoy the game globally, but you guys are a joke. I want to know right now if the money I've spent here was all setup. the RNG here needs to go. Give the players more power over the ninjas we obtain, even the f2p's. And no offense, but the mods and GL's can be ass's
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On 2017-03-30 10:51:28Show this Author Only
  • k0z0 On 2017-03-30 10:02:38
  • OASIS, is this just a joke? I am probably the biggest spender on this game, but this did nothing to keep me here. I really enjoy the game globally, but you guys are a joke. I want to know right now if the money I've spent here was all setup. the RNG here needs to go. Give the players more power over the ninjas we obtain, even the f2p's. And no offense, but the mods and GL's can be ass's
thats why u gotta keep urself updated with the incoming updates and spend smart because nobody in OG will tell u how to spend smart with their traps after traps. People need to start spending smart then only they will offer us better and more attractive things.
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On 2017-03-30 19:54:39Show this Author Only
yeah this is pathetic oasgames....
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On 2017-04-01 08:58:11Show this Author Only
A new thing just happened on French client and i had to share it here, so you can see you're not the only one screwed up by Oasis : French Fanart Contest

I'll sum up for those who can't read french :

-On february 1st a fanart contest has been launched. Sumission was supposed to end 31st of March (included of course).

-Around 100 fanarts have been posted and half of them were validated by Mod Skarn

-Rules of that contest were explained here and they were simple :
*EVERY participants will be granted 1250 coupons if their fanart were validated.
*Several fanarts will be selected for a vote.
*And the top 3 will have a bonus reward (different packs from GSN)

-Now... let's see what Oasis just did earlier :
*At 6pm a thread appeared about Fanart results & vote. So before the end of submission time :L
*15 Fanarts have been selected and ONLY THEM will be granted the 1250 coupons :L:L

-So they've just changed the rules of a contest they created AT THE END OF THAT CONTEST! Isn't that impressive ?

So, we had troubles few weeks ago with Oasis staff in french client and they tried to do things better since then (that's what i thought). People were a bit more trusty with the new staff and suddenly ... BOOM ! Another low kick in our nuts! So be prepared US client players, they can do things like that to you too!!

I hope this will help you keep the fight till they actually do things better!

Sincerily yours, Jormungaand - Guild Master of "Crime Sorcière" - S14

P.S. : sorry for my english :p
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On 2017-04-01 20:28:50Show this Author Only
I understand that this is a business but let's think the game in a long term.If Oasis listen to community and do more f2p event or stuff like that it will attract more player as a result increase in player base = increase profit.That way Oasis will get more benefit and the community will more willingly spend some money into the game.Isn't that good for both side? Its call 2 bird 1 stone.
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On 2017-04-03 16:29:09Show this Author Only
So when are we getting the mood scrolls in group wheel back?
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On 2017-04-03 16:32:17Show this Author Only
  • k0z0 On 2017-03-30 10:02:38
  • OASIS, is this just a joke? I am probably the biggest spender on this game, but this did nothing to keep me here. I really enjoy the game globally, but you guys are a joke. I want to know right now if the money I've spent here was all setup. the RNG here needs to go. Give the players more power over the ninjas we obtain, even the f2p's. And no offense, but the mods and GL's can be ass's
You definitely are not a whale "big spender" talking like that. And GL's have no form of power at all in the game, all they do is make reports and and get compensated for it.
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On 2017-04-03 17:06:59Show this Author Only
"Oh it's Monday and you're about to do Strong Approach? I guess we'll take away Battle Armor rebate"

Thanks, I appreciate it. This post was last edited by Immortal Utsuro at 2017-4-3 17:08
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On 2017-04-03 20:24:22Show this Author Only
When we are going to have ninja exams 140 u guys are so lazy u don t do a lot of for that game :L
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On 2017-04-03 20:44:32Show this Author Only
Sooo yea, quite a lot of time has passed since this fiasco and so far nothing has changed. And yup the Chinese way prevailed, just be patient and wait out the storm. Forums are quite dead of complaints at this moment so I suppose you can gladly say that players are HAPPY. No further statement was issued, no apologies, no changes in any way or form. This weeks events are a joke when it comes to duration, no new ninjas added to the shop, amber as a monthly sign-in. Are you really trying to finish off your own game OG? If the answer is yes than you are doing a splendid job so far.
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On 2017-04-04 03:18:46Show this Author Only
So to touch on the last reply, yes players are unhappy but my personal take on it is that we are waiting to see what will change. Konan does have an estimated release of mid April to the shop, amber is meh but hey it is an event ninja we can have so oh well. However they have been giving us information. Now that wasn't provided before this situation came about. For myself personally the large issue was server merges and I was hoping we would see that this week but we will have to wait 1 more week to see if this is actually changed. Communication is defiantly a big factor for how I perceive the game moving forward. To touch on events, some are good and some bad we need to figure where to spend and where to save; having incredible events every week just isn't something that is going to happen.
Sorry for any mistakes in wording since English isn't my native language
This post was last edited by Lenowa at 2017-4-4 03:20
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On 2017-04-04 03:50:54Show this Author Only
merge not happen for 3 weeks now, no gifts in power/lvl, this week events is joke, monthly sign hebihime * ninja, montlhy event again gakido+ningento.

look like this game joke with us and nothing improve.

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On 2017-04-04 04:34:15Show this Author Only
im giving up on this i spent ingots on that wheel they said they would give compensation to those who spent but nothing... lightning main is op , almost every1 using the same teams ...
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On 2017-04-04 04:53:37Show this Author Only
Not sure if this is in violation of anything but if it is feel free to delete this post.

I grow tired of people complaining about monthly sign in ninja. So million dollar question is why and the answer is in three parts and i am willing to listen to any logical reply that addresses all three

1. Lets start with the really obvious, it is a free ninja. By this I me*l you have to do is take 3mins tops a day for one month and you get her, simple, straightforward and no RNG

2. Not a lot of people have her, when she came she cost a lot of cupons now she is free, if you already have her its free frags for 4/5*. Would you ever use her? who knows, I personally like to fool around with different nins

3. This is probably the argument i see thrown around a lot. x version of the game has better sign in ninjas. Really? How sure are you? Have you played on x version for a long period of time? Free nins change every month, there are a limited amount of nins to give for 'free' so obviously some months would have more sought after nins than others. I will let you in on a little secret, the Chinese fb ver log in for this month is KISAME before this it was SASORI (before which it was konan i believe). They cant give GNW whatever every month and repeats would be met with equal if not more hate.

So please before you throw around complaints try to think on it a bit then let them know your thoughts, for example events now are still bad because while new/with better rewards they last a shorter amount of time making it harder to get ..... because of limit cap for f2p. Rather than events are bad. We need to give them something to go on at least
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On 2017-04-04 05:17:43Show this Author Only
  • Shadoefrost On 2017-04-04 04:53:37
  • Not sure if this is in violation of anything but if it is feel free to delete this post.

    I grow tired of people complaining about monthly sign in ninja. So million dollar question is why and the answer is in three parts and i am willing to listen to any logical reply that addresses all three

    1. Lets start with the really obvious, it is a free ninja. By this I me*l you have to do is take 3mins tops a day for one month and you get her, simple, straightforward and no RNG

    2. Not a lot of people have her, when she came she cost a lot of cupons now she is free, if you already have her its free frags for 4/5*. Would you ever use her? who knows, I personally like to fool around with different nins

    3. This is probably the argument i see thrown around a lot. x version of the game has better sign in ninjas. Really? How sure are you? Have you played on x version for a long period of time? Free nins change every month, there are a limited amount of nins to give for 'free' so obviously some months would have more sought after nins than others. I will let you in on a little secret, the Chinese fb ver log in for this month is KISAME before this it was SASORI (before which it was konan i believe). They cant give GNW whatever every month and repeats would be met with equal if not more hate.

    So please before you throw around complaints try to think on it a bit then let them know your thoughts, for example events now are still bad because while new/with better rewards they last a shorter amount of time making it harder to get ..... because of limit cap for f2p. Rather than events are bad. We need to give them something to go on at least
My complaint about her is that they are giving her away for free when they have her listed as an event only ninja in game and i spent coupons on her.

i dont want her stars i wanted her for my collection which i had her so now the 800 coupons i spent r wasted.

if they gave me frags of i ninja i would use i would be happy regardless of if i spent for that ninja or not, if they gave me frags of a ninja that i havent had an oportunity to get yet even if i wouldnt use the ninja i would be happy with that so i could collect it for free(like gnw choji, gnw shino, gnw kiba etc, i havent used any of the gnw sign in ninjas for anything so they were all nice for my collection)

these frags are worthless for me unless they have her be a sign in ninja again because this month i will only get 80/100 frags for 4* and i wont spend any coupons on her, i wouldnt have spent more on her even if she hadnt become a sign in ninja.
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On 2017-04-04 16:02:05Show this Author Only
  • Shadoefrost On 2017-04-04 04:53:37
  • Not sure if this is in violation of anything but if it is feel free to delete this post.

    I grow tired of people complaining about monthly sign in ninja. So million dollar question is why and the answer is in three parts and i am willing to listen to any logical reply that addresses all three

    1. Lets start with the really obvious, it is a free ninja. By this I me*l you have to do is take 3mins tops a day for one month and you get her, simple, straightforward and no RNG

    2. Not a lot of people have her, when she came she cost a lot of cupons now she is free, if you already have her its free frags for 4/5*. Would you ever use her? who knows, I personally like to fool around with different nins

    3. This is probably the argument i see thrown around a lot. x version of the game has better sign in ninjas. Really? How sure are you? Have you played on x version for a long period of time? Free nins change every month, there are a limited amount of nins to give for 'free' so obviously some months would have more sought after nins than others. I will let you in on a little secret, the Chinese fb ver log in for this month is KISAME before this it was SASORI (before which it was konan i believe). They cant give GNW whatever every month and repeats would be met with equal if not more hate.

    So please before you throw around complaints try to think on it a bit then let them know your thoughts, for example events now are still bad because while new/with better rewards they last a shorter amount of time making it harder to get ..... because of limit cap for f2p. Rather than events are bad. We need to give them something to go on at least
My complaint about her is that she can be used for collection purpouse only or in a troll team. She is not a viable choice and F2P players are in dire need of any useful ninjas. That's the issue I had with Jiraya and the same goes to Amber.
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On 2017-04-04 17:58:59Show this Author Only
So, I just upgraded my Group Lucky wheel from Level 9 to Lv 10, and given recent events I want to prove if OG is being fair to us players, afterall they removed mood scroll, so they must have something better to compensate us with... and look what I found..

lv9 and Lv10 Group wheel difference show below.
The only bonus I got is u get to spin 12x a day instead of 11x. Pointless without anything useful like mood scrolls!
P.S: method of collection, using two accounts, pre-upgrade screenshot with one account, and post-upgrade screenshot with another account.

This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-4-4 22:18
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On 2017-04-04 21:06:26Show this Author Only
So it's like 5 months after Kage treasure released...
People get bored...
And coincidentally no news from moderators about new treasure and when to expect that...
Maybe someone could say at least schedule date or we shouldn't bother asking at all?
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On 2017-04-04 21:22:36Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-04-04 17:58:59
  • So, I just upgraded my Group Lucky wheel from Level 9 to Lv 10, and given recent events I want to prove if OG is being fair to us players, afterall they removed mood scroll, so they must have something better to compensate us with... and look what I found..

    lv9 and Lv10 Group wheel difference show below.
    The only bonus I got is u get to spin 12x a day instead of 11x. Pointless without anything useful like mood scrolls!
    P.S: method of collection, using two accounts, pre-upgrade screenshot with one account, and post-upgrade screenshot with another account.

    This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-4-4 22:18
the mags u get on wheel change daily, its not the fault of the upgrade, the only difference between most levels, including this one, is 1 extra spin
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