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[ News ] Official Statement for Our Players about Recent Events


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On 2017-03-29 13:10:44Show this Author Only
  • Beji On 2017-03-29 13:04:43
  • That ain't how that works.
Then tell us how it works, im sure i support the claim of "they're waiting for this storm to calm down" but aint gonna solve what's happening, i for one support the transparency people want from Oasis, why try to hide stuff, why delete posts then go around saying "you spreading false information, you disrespecting the team and company" like they once did to me, like are you serious with that.

They can ignore all they want, shame about the game thou, but i dont have any respect for the company at all at this point, after all they done.
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On 2017-03-29 13:11:24Show this Author Only
lol you must be thinking of cryogenic sleep or something, cause a Hyperbolic time chamber should have given them 4 years already to get stuff fixed.
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On 2017-03-29 13:20:21Show this Author Only
Well after this they will be in stasis for 4 years LOL.
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On 2017-03-29 13:20:25Show this Author Only
lol they're not waiting for the storm to pass. they're just evading the issues in hopes that we forget. they've addressed none of the reasons concerning why we're mad . it's just a generic announcement really.
"guys we will bring u new content" uhhh yea no kidding captain obvious that's your job and that's the aim of any game that plans to thrive in the right direction. anyway now we know the truth that's the most important thing, you can be in denial but facts don't change.
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On 2017-03-29 13:24:59Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2017-03-29 13:10:44
  • Then tell us how it works, im sure i support the claim of "they're waiting for this storm to calm down" but aint gonna solve what's happening, i for one support the transparency people want from Oasis, why try to hide stuff, why delete posts then go around saying "you spreading false information, you disrespecting the team and company" like they once did to me, like are you serious with that.

    They can ignore all they want, shame about the game thou, but i dont have any respect for the company at all at this point, after all they done.
Yo I was talking about the * time chamber. Sheesh.
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On 2017-03-29 13:29:58Show this Author Only
  • Beji On 2017-03-29 13:24:59
  • Yo I was talking about the * time chamber. Sheesh.
oh my bad then.
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On 2017-03-29 13:42:19Show this Author Only
So, final day and surprise, S98-Sarah21 passes Baruto to get the Sasuke Sasunoo.

I'm more insulted by that then the entire coupon ordeal. Made worse that the wheel is giving correct coupon rewards again, so the reward for second place went from 18k coupons to 8k.
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On 2017-03-29 13:46:33Show this Author Only
I HOPE they are trying to make plans and working on stuff right now, but we won't know if they were truly working on what the community wants or if they are hiding. For the next couple weeks we will have to wait and see how the next couple updates are. if you want to keep these forums active with the hate for Oasis, then have at it. None of us really know whats going on right now. i never really trust people on their words alone, so even if they replied to everyone and kept saying they will get it done until they actually start doing it, then it doesn't matter.
I have never spent any money on this game($0.00), my account has never received a single ingot(meaning no donations from friends with $$ either), so i can easily leave without a loss of money. that means i don't have the $$$ investment into the game like the main people who are upset, But i do have the time put into the game still, so it would be sad to leave it if the game can't become better and continue to grow.
Last thing: i don't expect much in this next patch tomorrow(in like 26h) since if they change too much or try and add things too fast they don't have ready then there will just end up to be tons o bugs and broken things. This post was last edited by Crimson95 at 2017-3-29 13:48
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On 2017-03-29 14:19:45Show this Author Only
We suggest all players to not listen to rumors and false information on the internet.
Rules that Apply for all players:
1. Spreading false information will have a player banned (including: links in the World channel, false information about the core system of the game);

so we cant tell about the core system of the games guys.

we are impatiently waiting for oasis to reveal the core system of the game. since you obviously dont want us to spread *false* information.

im waiting for the pull rate now oasis. tell me. i dont wana get banned if i tell an incorrect rate.
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On 2017-03-29 15:23:50Show this Author Only
What they need is a minimum of monthly update schedule like any normal healthy game out there , ppl need new stuff every now and then to keep the interest and weekly events just don't cut it , and ofc address the issue of rigged events , just my opinion.
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On 2017-03-29 15:33:29Show this Author Only
  • Xianora On 2017-03-29 12:41:16
  • And they only care about P2P players, do they not know every P2P player starts off F2P? They don't just log in and instantly recharge 90k ingots when they first start the game.

    Make a F2P player happy with GOOD events, updates and stuff and he'll be more inclined to go recharge that 90k ingots because he's enjoying the game.
I was definitely planning on topping up on this game because I found it so fun. But now that all this stuff happens, they don't own up to their mistakes, and on top of that they don't care about a f2p like me? FORGET IT!
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On 2017-03-29 16:58:31Show this Author Only
rigged or not? :P
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On 2017-03-29 17:02:48Show this Author Only
  • Xianora On 2017-03-29 12:41:16
  • And they only care about P2P players, do they not know every P2P player starts off F2P? They don't just log in and instantly recharge 90k ingots when they first start the game.

    Make a F2P player happy with GOOD events, updates and stuff and he'll be more inclined to go recharge that 90k ingots because he's enjoying the game.
If you mean purposefully raising prices etc. after talking with p2w players to bleed them dry is 'caring' about them, then sure.

Honestly though stop posting crap, they don't care about p2w players, they care about their money and what underhand tactics they c*e to get it.
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On 2017-03-29 17:39:37Show this Author Only
on my group S93/ 2 players already stoped play game and some say will stop soon after last events and low updates.
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On 2017-03-29 18:38:28Show this Author Only
  • s105-Kravt On 2017-03-29 16:58:31
    rigged or not? :P
I get mostly N, so its random number (letters) giving...Shouldnt be rigged or i really dont care about this event...
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On 2017-03-29 18:46:43Show this Author Only
this event was always like that for me... i get 5 letters rly balanced and one is missing always
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On 2017-03-29 20:00:51Show this Author Only
T is the rare one of me, today (the last day) I got 3 T's, so in total I only completed 5 sets, even though I have 11-13 of every other letter.

Pointless. How are we ever suppose to go for the Ninja frags when we never even get enough for the lowest price item.
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On 2017-03-29 20:04:55Show this Author Only
This is suchs a joke Germany gets now 2 more Pains in their Shops and we still get *. Here is another video of Scion Storm thats show that Oasis don't care about us. He stopped playing on US side so he don't care if he gets banned.
This post was last edited by Blaedi at 2017-3-29 20:19 This post was last edited by Blaedi at 2017-3-29 20:19
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On 2017-03-30 01:28:31Show this Author Only
Still no response to these comments. I would really appreciate a response.
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On 2017-03-30 04:00:56Show this Author Only
ok sooo we just gonna ignore the elephant in the room and continue as if nothing ever happened... still not a single atempt of a reply from a mod/dev but they posting the new events as and even taunt us with the first page dev counting as if to show how much they care about their customers
Quicky Post

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