First off, let me state this I have no background in public relations, but regardless I do feel oasis seriously botched this whole ordeal.
Yes I know this will likely fall on deaf ears, and the damage is already done, if they came back and did this it wont stop all of the fears/anger, and in all honesty if they had done these in the first place there is no guarantee that everyone would have stayed, nor would it have stopped all of the charge backs, but meh I do feel it would have been better at placating fears than this thread.
Regardless of the fact that I do not have a background in public relations, there are a few things I would have done to save face so to speak, and try to ease people's mind(s) about this fiasco. (Not necessarily in this order, but yea doing these probably would have been far better than what you gave us.)
1. Distance myself from the person speaking to Arist about this, it was so a lack of better judgment on his part to say the things he did to Arist about the player base. (He was a game liaison after all, he had a LOT less to loose compared to the person who told the GL those things, the person who told arist could be interpreted as breaking an NDA, especially with how Arist was 'paid.') - It put one hell of a bad light on you/your 'company.' Not to mention it rightfully upset tons of people that a lot of this stuff came to light. - Yes this sadly includes terminating his position at oasis, I know it *s for him/his "family" (quotations since I don't know if he has one or not. :$) but yea he allowed a GL to put you all into one hell of a tight pickle, one that has caused a lot of discontent in your most important 'content'... YOUR players, keeping them all as happy as possible... or content should always be PRIORITY number 1! (I am not saying we should have everything handed to us on a silver platter, but yea we are very important to your 'business' if we aren't happy/content we wont be here to potentially spend on the game.
2. Make a statement distancing yourself from this mess:
"While X was a representative of ours, let us assure you it isn't what we believe as a whole, we remain devoted to bringing an enjoyable experience for all of our players, both our free players and paying player's as soon as possible." - Then you can start listing the upcoming updates, to show how you are releasing more ways for free players to obtain stuff to try to slightly keep up with the paying players.
3. Apologize and correct the obvious misunderstandings that people had with this fiasco, specifically tell us that what was stated is false, (I.E the "one a day"/raising of ninja prices etc) and if you have too ask for an update to cover your asses due to all of this becoming knowledge to the public.
4. Again reiterate how you wish to continue to bring an enjoyable experience for ALL of your players, and ask for understanding going into the future as we work out our kinks. Perhaps even thank the players for staying with you.
Though it is true you don't have to do any of this, now or then, it still would have been a better way of handling it.
I honestly do not know what will come of this, I do not know how many people have charged back/stopped charging due to this mess, but it is clear there is a significant amount of people doing both of these, no matter how wrong arist was to do this, it was even more wrong for an employee of yours to state these things to a half - ass employee who stood to loose very little, I do believe this is why quite a few games don't tend to "hire" people who play their games, less investment in the game/community, means less chance of them divulging how a company works. Though yes in the same sense that can help as they are more likely to want to help the game stay alive and active, but that isn't always the case, some will do extreme things when they feel what they are doing is right. (Like stealing a Lamborghini from an ultra rich douche bag, - granted vin #"s and all does make this problematic, but still... - to give to the poor/really needy. Stealing is still a crime, but the act following it is quite noble.) Even more wrong is the fact that you all basically just slapped your player base in the face with answers that clearly aren't even remotely satisfactory to many players, paying and free players alike. This post was last edited by got*** at 2017-3-28 15:29 This post was last edited by got*** at 2017-3-28 15:33 This post was last edited by got*** at 2017-3-29 13:26 This post was last edited by got*** at 2017-3-29 13:27